I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 182 No choice

Corrado mocked Moore's victory wantonly, mocking his stupidity and ignorance. His malicious voice was hysterical and kept echoing in the command post.

Everyone in the room looked at him silently, seeming to be deeply shocked by the terrible facts he presented, and for a moment they forgot how to speak.

After a long time, until Corrado's activities exceeded the limits of his physical ability and he became out of breath, he gradually settled down.

After intense emotional catharsis, people will always feel a little lost in their hearts.

Then, he found that everything around him was eerily silent.

Greenskins aside, those stupid beasts can't understand anything too complex.

They just looked at the Word Bearers' performance art in confusion, wondering if this bad can was like their neurotic boy, who was in a state of mental madness for more than ten days every month.

The Dark Angel in front of him was also calm and composed, saying nothing, and did not show the nervousness, anxiety, or anger that he imagined.

A bad feeling gradually came to Corrado's mind, and a terrible suspicion became clearer in his mind.

"No more?" Moore tried to ask.

The two words uttered made Corrado's heart sink.

His mind, which was overwhelmed by anger, suddenly calmed down again as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it.

"You...you are trying to trick me!"

The senior priest who finally reacted opened his eyes wide, and his distorted face was filled with an incredible look.

"Nonsense, if it weren't for this, do you think I would have been talking nonsense to you for so long?"

Moore waved his hand and replied calmly.

"When the Maelstrom is already in turmoil, you Word Bearers make no noise at all. This is obviously unreasonable. Originally, we never knew what you guys were doing. It was secretly done for a long time. of these things.”

Fortunately, he inspired it, otherwise it would have been a bit dangerous.

"You... so what if you know, your failure is already doomed!" the senior priest yelled.

"Isn't your ritual not completed yet? We can destroy it directly." Moore reminded.

"But we are fully prepared, and you have no chance of winning." Corrado pretended to be calm.

"Did we really have no chance, or did your impulsiveness give us a chance?" Moore stared at the Word Bearer in front of him, and said with a half-smile, "In order to show off his quick words, he put his own strategy aside. Tell all your intentions, and the dark gods you worship will definitely praise this move."

"you you……"

Corrado, who realized that he had caused a big disaster, was immediately furious and a mouthful of old blood spurted out. The double blow to his body and mind made him almost faint.

Seeing that he could no longer extract any more information, Maul no longer showed mercy to the Word Bearers priest.

He first simply read out the various crimes of the person in front of him, like a trial.

Although Corrado was emotionally intense and refused to plead guilty, there was no way to resist.

Then he swung his sword and cut off the opponent's head.

"Did you hear that, Jackal? They are holding a ceremony inside the temple."

After dealing with the senior priest, Moore continued to speak into the communicator.

"I heard you, Lion. A lot of the Temple of the Word Bearers has been conquered. We already have the ability to attack the core."

Lucas's voice came over.

"Assemble elite troops quickly. We must capture it as soon as possible. Even if we cannot interrupt the ceremony, as long as we can drag the guy named Erebus here, this war will be our victory."

After all the explosives were planted, Maul led the remaining greenskin troops towards the command room. In five minutes, this low-Earth orbit defense platform would become a pile of garbage in space.

"I'm working on it, Lion, don't be in a hurry," Lucas responded.

Despite the success of the operation, Moore still felt uneasy.

Just because of the guy named Erebus mentioned by the Word Bearer Priest just now.

That guy Wei Mu once introduced him to Moore, and he was a very dangerous character.

His danger lies not in strength or intelligence, or any other outstanding gifts, but in his extremely bad character.

In order to achieve their goals, such scum will do anything without hesitation.

And when his own interests are at risk, he can decisively drop everything and run away.

If Erebas is just an ordinary scumbag, that would be fine, but he is a scumbag belonging to the Four Gods, a convenient tool of the Chaos Party.

Moore would never let such a guy get close to Wei Mu, so he would do everything he could in the next battle.

On the other side, O'Sullivan, the Dark Apostle, was sitting in the command room of the First Temple, also troubled by the battle situation in front of him.

A simple greenskin offensive is not too difficult. After all, the Word Bearers have spent a long time as Chaos Space Marines and have fought thousands of battles with the greenskins. They have already become accustomed to their routines.

But they couldn't stand the fact that there were people who knew the military and taught the greenskins how to fight, and the greenskins were willing to obey those people's instructions, which made them very uncomfortable.

A reckless man with brains is quite scary, because brute force will be used in the right place.

Temples of the Word Bearers were falling, weakening the psychic matrix on Garmek.

Not to mention the extremely mocking video, which caught the Word Bearers off guard and demoralized them.

In order to stop those savage green-skinned aliens, O'Sullivan has used all the combat power in his hands, including the madmen locked deep in the arsenal, the demon engines and hell beasts that will kill even his own people once they are running.

Those twisted monsters fought fiercely and were powerful, and they indeed caused a lot of damage to the green-skinned troops.

But the battle took place in the hometown of the Word Bearers, and those madmen never distinguished any targets.

In previous battles, when Chaos went to fight others, throwing these lunatics onto the enemy's territory would cause them to become a huge headache for the enemy.

Now, even if the greenskin troops in a certain area are successfully repelled, the demon engines and hell beasts who have lost their targets will start to beat the surrounding teammates crazily and demolish their own Word Bearers' buildings.

To regain control would require a large number of high-level priests.

The Word Bearers' combat prowess is near the bottom among the Space Marines, but their knowledge of demonology is second to none.

Summoning their most important allies, the demon army, also requires the help of high-level priests and a large number of souls as sacrifices.

However, a large number of high-level priests and soul sacrifices were used in carrying out dark rituals because they were recruited by Erebas, leaving very few available resources for O'Sullivan.

If you don’t have many cards in hand, you have to make a choice.

As the veteran figure of the Word Bearers, Erebus's orders cannot be disobeyed.

So O'Sullivan actually has no choice.

The Dark Apostle looked at the sand table in front of him, finally sighed and ordered to the surrounding subordinates.

"Let the elite troops everywhere withdraw. We will defend the First Temple."

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