I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 188 New Badab Strategy

At this moment, Wei Mu didn't know how terrifying the darkness was silently attacking him.

He is leading the Imperial forces to advance deep into the Maelstrom against the surging waves of subspace.

Under normal circumstances, such behavior is a very dangerous thing.

Even giant battleships that are tens of kilometers long will still be swept away by the terrifying subspace turbulence. That majestic force of nature is far beyond the ability of current human technology to conquer.

Ships that unfortunately face such a situation will often be lost in the subspace for centuries, until they reappear as a space junk full of evil parasites.

To be lost in the warp is to die, this is the basic consensus of all interstellar travelers, and few can be the exception.

But if you can hire the First Astrologer of the Necron as your navigator, that's a completely different story.

His powerful future vision ability allows him to accurately grasp the timing of taking the helm.

Under the guidance of Orican, the imperial army braved the wind and waves in the subspace tide and advanced angrily. The whole process seemed to be thrilling, but there was no actual crisis.

Obviously, this alien with ribs taught everyone in the empire a good lesson, and the captains all said that they had never sailed such an exciting ship.

But people were still more frightened, fearing that he would make a mistake and bring the entire fleet into the ditch.

"Do we really need to be in such a hurry?"

The think tank chief of the Mantis Warriors always felt that they were betting on the fate of the entire army. Such an approach was too radical, and there was clearly a more secure method in front of them.

"I've said it before, the timing of the attack is very important and I don't want to do it a third time."

Ourrican is very confident in his skills. In his opinion, the subspace fluctuations happening in front of him are nothing more than insignificant winds and waves.

Think tank chief Redes didn't know what the Necron astrologer had discussed with his Jiedushi during the previous period of retracement. This feeling of being kept in the dark was very uncomfortable.

But now that things have developed to this point, they can only bite the bullet and force it.

During the time on the road, the astrologers and psykers had been observing the movements of the warp, while others gathered around the conference table to discuss an attack plan against New Badab.

Thanks to the intelligence provided by the pied clowns, they had a general understanding of the defense deployment of the enemy's lair.

Thousands of ships of various sizes will be the main trouble they will face. Although those warships infused with the power of Chaos lack optimal maintenance, their performance is not much better than that of the Empire.

If Blackheart Huron really had that idea, he could use this power to penetrate any star area near the Maelstrom.

However, the imperial navy brought out by Wei Mu was even larger.

This is also the reason why the Red Pirates clearly could, but didn't actually implement it - it's not that they don't have that ambition, but that they can defeat it, but they can't hold it. Rather than wasting their strength in vain, it's better to just grab a wave and run away.

"In terms of space warfare, our fleet is at an advantage. We should try our best to attack the enemy through air combat, but we must pay attention to defending against the enemy's gang-hopping operations. Currently, our number of space warriors is not as good as that of the Red Pirates."

As the original clone, Fulgrim is naturally the commander of this war.

Just like the pursuit of perfection, he can always make the most of the limited cards in his hand.

If he can win this decisive battle beautifully and completely eliminate the threat of the Maelstrom for the empire, then he will become more confident when he meets Guilliman later.

"The war on Cologne has ended, and our backup troops are on their way. In addition, I have also sent messages to those war groups that have had combat operations in the Maelstrom before. I don't know if they will respond."

What Wei Mu was thinking was that this was a rare opportunity, and he called everyone together to take revenge and complain. For example, the White Scars, Flame Angels and other battle groups had been miserably punished by the red pirates before. After receiving the news, they Most likely they will follow.

Of course, it is also possible that these chapters are facing other threats in the galaxy and cannot get away for a while.

Wei Mu could only say that it was a real pity for them not to be able to witness such a great achievement.

Then there is the famous Black Stone Fortress, where the Red Pirates have placed several large legions of cultists and countless powerful artillery.

Although the Red Pirates cannot exert the true power of this ancient creation, just using the remaining facilities, coupled with the super defense of the fortress itself, is enough for them to build it into a fortress even in the entire galaxy. It is a military fortress that is also among the most dense.

"I will personally lead the team to conquer this goal." Fulgan stared at the fortress model projected on the conference table, "I need the Weeper Chapter to join me."

The original clone naturally chose this most difficult bone to crack.

Although others were dissatisfied with Fulgan's identity, they had to admit his strength. Led by him, he could minimize the loss of the attack.

As for why we chose the Weeper, it was mainly because Fulgrim made his debut on the Crimson Star by fighting alongside them, helping them withstand Chaos Lord Chuck's crazy breakout. Even Chapter Leader Forros still owed Fulgrim One life, so when he summons these space warriors later, the resistance should not be too great.

In addition, another reason is that Fulgen listened to Wei Mu's evaluation of the weepers. If the worst things always happen to the weepers, then there is a high probability that they can be together with them. to the enemy general.

The remaining targets that need to be conquered are the defense platforms in the orbit of the planet, which number more than a dozen.

Fulgrim assigned those targets to various Space Marine companies.

Everyone was well aware of the importance of this battle and expressed that they would rather die than win. Their fighting will was extremely high.

and New Badab itself, the lair of the Red Pirates.

Wei Mu did not intend to engage in a tense ground battle with the Red Pirates.

Because even if that planet is conquered, it will have no meaning to the empire.

What it requires is total destruction.

So when setting off, Wei Mu specially prepared three dozen cyclone torpedoes for it, without any hint of laughter.

As long as the defensive blockade in space can be broken through and the cyclone torpedo can be successfully released, the Empire can easily destroy the Red Pirates' home.

Even if this group of Chaos traitors has some evil magic to protect the entire planet, such a high-intensity bombing can overload their sorcery.

This is in line with the old saying, all fear comes from insufficient firepower.

What's more, the Red Pirates always appear to be very restrained in their requests for the power of Chaos, and now that the war is imminent, even if they want to completely sell themselves to Chaos, it is too late.

The existence of the cloned original body gave the empire a huge support, so that they did not even need to wait for reinforcements to arrive, and they also had the strength to fight the enemy in a decisive battle.

The entire combat plan is clear and perfect. As long as every link is implemented in place, the Red Pirate will die.

"The most critical point is your personal safety, Lord Jiedushi." Old Mantis Neotra reminded, "There is no doubt that the enemy will arrange some special treatment for you."

"As long as I keep a company of Mantis Warriors by my side, not to mention the protection of these pied clowns, the safety problem should not be big. Compared with this, defeating the enemy quickly is the greatest guarantee for my safety."

Wei Mu smiled and signaled the Space Marines to focus on their tasks and not be distracted by other things.

He had already foreseen the difficulties and obstacles ahead, and he felt that he had the ability to defeat the opponent.

Or to put it another way, in order for this galaxy not to continue to be rotten, he must defeat the other party.

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