I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 189 Black-hearted Huron

Chapter 189 Black Heart Huron

Finally, the huge imperial fleet broke into the deepest part of the maelstrom.

Few people can see such a scene, a ferocious and twisted planet wrapped in filthy energy.

The traitors who surrendered to Chaos used forbidden technology and evil magic to transform it, turning it into an evil castle standing above Hell.

Even the most horrific scenes they'd encountered in their nightmares were completely incomparable.

Resentment and pain were incredibly condensed into substance there, and then quickly dissipated. This strange scene impacted the fragile visual nerves of mortals.

The ghostly crying lingers in the ears, intermittent, indistinct, unable to find its source, nor its destination, which only makes people feel chills down their spines.

And suspended above that planet was an unprecedentedly large Chaos Fleet.

They were well-equipped and well-ordered.

The muzzles of the countless black holes contained unimaginable destruction. It was unknown how many worlds had been burned by this force before, and the most appalling tragedies could happen openly in reality, again and again.

The Blackstone Fortress is like an indestructible fortress, standing at the forefront of the front line. Such an ancient and huge military facility is enough to cause huge psychological pressure on the empire.

The majestic military appearance of the Red Corsairs is comparable to the reappearance of the legions during the Great Crusade.

It is completely different from the previous war gangs who only knew how to take advantage of the empire's weak defenses and flee immediately after a wave of burning, killing, looting and torture.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, have you seen the evil in front of you? It's very scary, right? If you think so, it means your mind is not too crazy, because normal people will not think that it is good. thing."

Wei Mu opened the imperial side's communication channel and transmitted his voice to the ears of every soldier.

"But you are lucky that the Emperor has given us the opportunity to destroy such evil things with our own hands."

"After today, the hands of the Red Pirates will no longer be stained with the blood of more innocent people, and no one will see this terrible scene again. The unspeakable fear will be erased, and in the name of human virtue and glory, Turned into ashes under the light.

"So let the traitors die. Turning into cosmic dust together with those twisted creations is the destination they deserve."

Wei Mu spoke in a very relaxed tone, as if defeating the Red Pirates was as simple as eating and drinking.

Tactical contempt like this is simply commonplace for the imperial soldiers. After all, the various monsters and monsters they encounter in their combat career are more and more outrageous. If you want to face those enemies head-on without falling into madness, you really need a big nerve.

However, they who have been on the battlefield for a long time already know the fate that lies ahead. This battle will inevitably involve many sacrifices.

Excellent people are forced to bury their bones in a foreign land, and brothers and sisters are unfortunately separated forever.

It is another glorious but sad day. Mortals bear it silently, just to protect the grand ideal that belongs to all mankind and the small wishes in their hearts.

Brave and without hesitation, this is the best they can do.

"Stupid false emperor's lackey!"

Shortly after Wei Mu issued a pre-war declaration, a low and terrifying voice came from the public channel.

If nothing else, the person who spoke must be the Badab tyrant Blackheart Huron.

"You traveled a long way to get here, hoping that you would have a chance to kill us."

The Red Pirate King continued to speak, his tone full of evil and darkness.

"However, your power is so weak, just like the hypocritical empire itself, which is strong on the outside and weak on the inside, and will be exposed with just a slight move."

"You will fail the living corpse that sits on the golden throne."

"What you can expect here is nothing but destruction."

That terrible sound spread like a curse in the hearts of the imperial soldiers.

They could not imagine what kind of evildoer could lead so many Space Marines to rebel after the Horus Heresy and provoke a violent internal fight like the Badab War?

What kind of tyrant is it that can build such a strong family fortune in just a hundred years when he and his army have suffered heavy losses?

Soldiers are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of failure.

Tyrant Badab is like the super villain in the story, exuding terrifying coercion.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the empire's communication channel.

"Let me deal with him."

Fulgrim stayed with the Lamenter, now fully equipped and ready for battle.

For the Imperial soldiers, the presence of the Primarch was more inspiring than Wei Mu's speech.

Although Wei Mu only claimed to the people below that Fulgrim was a fragment of the power of a certain primarch.

The mortal soldiers did not understand the inside story, but they actually saw the reappearance of the myth in front of them.

Walking side by side with such a great being, they even felt that there was no war in the world that they could not win.

Fulgrim provided morale at the right time, so that Wei Mu could concentrate on dealing damage to the black-hearted Huron.

"Oh, dear Red Pirate King, so is this what you pursue after betraying the empire? Become a pirate leader, lead a group of minions to rob houses, and then return to your secret lair to bury the treasure. In the end, are you? Do you want to get a treasure map, divide it into multiple pieces and put them in a drift bottle, waiting for someone who is destined to decipher it?"

He adopted the most unethical way to start - to directly laugh at the opponent's name.

"In front of my powerful military, your glib words are meaningless." Huron responded coldly.

"Of course I know that we can't just rely on words to fight a war, but aren't I curious? I heard that you have been talking about how ambitious you are and how hypocritical and pedantic the empire is. So how do you think about giving your organization such a When you choose a pirate name, it seems like the people who join you are rushing to become thieves. Can you tell me a little bit about your mental journey when you came up with the name?"

Wei Mu did not intend to let go of this topic and continued to ask.

"Or is it because you read too many stories about pirates when you were a child, and you longed for the unruly freedom. Now that you have rebelled against the empire, you finally have the opportunity to realize your childhood dream?" Wei Mu suddenly realized, "I can't see that you actually He is also a very emotional person, and he explains what it means for a man to remain a boy until he dies, which is quite admirable."

"Shut up, kid, I'll pluck out your tongue!" Huron said viciously with veins popping out on his forehead.

"What's wrong, don't you like me talking about the name of your organization? Is it a very shameful thing to talk about it? No, you guys choose the name so casually? Is there really no connotation in it?" Wei Mu pretended to be surprised. road.

After a set of words, the red pirates around him were immediately stunned.

In fact, choosing a name is really casual.

The Claws of the Starry Sky had just rebelled from the empire at that time, and their power was not outstanding in the Maelstrom. They changed their all-red paint scheme. All the forces in the Maelstrom just knew that there was a group of red guys robbing houses everywhere, so they just took it easy. Call it the Red Pirate.

They didn't pay much attention to this matter before. Now that their family has become a big business, the name Red Pirate is indeed a bit low-key and not worthy of their current status. It's time to change it. After all, the end of the underworld is to wash oneself out. Bai, we can't continue to be a pirate forever.

Huron took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions: "In that case, I will use your destruction to commemorate the birth of the new king of the Maelstrom."

Changing your name is a troublesome thing.

After all, although the name belongs to oneself, it is used to address others. People are already used to calling them names, so it is really difficult to change them.

If there is an opportunity, it would indeed be better to change the name.

In the end, Wei Mu curled his lips and said, "If you say that, then I won't fight, and I will turn around and run away with you. Will your plan to change your name have to be shelved?"

"You" No matter how good Huron is at disguising, the expression on his face can't help but twitch at this moment.

What kind of brain circuit does this kid have? He doesn't play according to the routine at all.

"Of course, I just said it casually. We have already advanced this far. This battle must be fought. Don't worry." Wei Mu comforted him with a smile, "So the traitors of the Red Pirates, for you, Our organization will be able to change its name to a noble one in the future, so you must work hard later!"

The other red pirates stared blankly at this.

Isn't it to defeat the false emperor? Isn't it to fight against the invasion?

Aren't you avenging your dead brothers and defending their honor?

How come within a short period of time, this war was directly characterized as a war under a name change?

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