I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 192 The Emperor’s Son

"Is it you, father? You are back, back to us, you."

The Chaos Space Marine couldn't help but stretched out his hand, trying to touch Fulgrim in front of him.

To them, the sudden appearance of the Primarch was like a miracle falling from the sky.

However, when the Emperor's Son saw the appearance of his arm, he suddenly realized the terrible fact that had happened to him.

His movements were forced to freeze in mid-air, as panicked as a child who made a mistake and was discovered by his father.

It was an extremely deformed arm, with pale skin and broken armor forever integrated into one, tortured into a human shape by years of corruption and filth.

The abnormality in his arms was just a reflection of his true form, reminding him of what a pathetic monster he had become.

But the Primarch before him still shone gloriously, as gorgeously as the most perfect person in the galaxy.

In such a strong contrast, a strong sense of shame suddenly surged into my heart.

"No, that's not it, Father, I."

The Space Marine quickly retracted his outstretched arm and used it to helplessly cover his mutated face.

This scene almost broke Fulgrim's heart.

Sad emotions stirred in his heart like a whirlpool, and the overflowing bitterness was so heavy that it was almost suffocating.

He knew that it was not their fault and they should not bear the blame.

It was all because of the corruption of the demon primarch that these originally excellent warriors turned into the ugly appearance they have now.

It was he who led them down a crooked path.

"Yes, I'm back, Canelo, McGuire, Engel, Pierce"

Fulgrim searched his memory carefully and read out the names of everyone in front of him one by one, even though their appearance was completely different now.

He smiled hard, trying to spread warmth on the hearts of his children and smooth away the hideous wounds.

However, the more this happened, the more the Emperor's Children felt ashamed.

"Forgive us, father, do not abandon us again, we can do anything for you, we swear allegiance to you."

The Chaos Space Marines knelt down in front of Fulgrim one after another. They were sobbing bitterly, and big tears could not stop flowing from the corners of their eyes.

When the mental intoxication caused by drugs and subspace energy is dispelled, the true emotions exposed underneath are so delicate and fragile.

A true father will pay any price to rescue a lost child from the abyss of damnation.

The purpose of cloning Fulgrim was to achieve this project, so it was created by Bayer.

"What should we do, leader?"

Seeing the scene of a loving father and a filial son, the mourners who arrived later were a little at a loss.

They couldn't accept these monsters, either physically or psychologically.

"keep alert."

Foros reminded.

It is impossible for those who fall into Chaos to be redeemed. This has been proven countless times.

A very bad premonition arose in the Chapter Leader's heart.

The Red Pirates must be engaging in some conspiracy, such as using Fulgrim's love for his offspring to lead him into corruption.

However, the efficiency of such corruption is too slow, and I am afraid that there may not be any gains from fighting the entire war.

Such behavior is not in line with Blackheart Huron's behavior. Tyrant Badab is not a person who serves the four gods wholeheartedly.

The enemy's conspiracy must be swift and violent, and can immediately eliminate the clone master, which is a very difficult threat to the Red Pirates.

And they have to try to protect him.

It's not just that Foros owes him a life, but also because Fulgrim may become the second hope of the Human Empire like Guilliman.

The development of things was exactly as Fulos expected.

A sudden burst of gunfire broke up the tender meeting between Fulgrim and the Emperor's Children.

It was a sniper assassination, and the target was none other than the clone Primarch himself.

Taking advantage of his emotional vulnerability, the red pirate quietly showed his fangs.

The fatal bullet ejected from the barrel of the gun and struck Fulgrim's chest.

Foros, who had always been vigilant, knocked the original body away in time and successfully prevented Fulgrim from being injured. At the cost, his entire right shoulder was exploded with a bloody flower.

"How could you do this, Pierce!"

The Emperor's Children were surprised by their companion's extreme offense to the Primarch. They rushed forward and held down the Space Marine who suddenly launched the attack.

"He is not our father, he is just an impostor who wants to kill us!"

Pierce roared loudly while struggling.

"No way, he won't, he."

Everyone wanted to retort, but suddenly realized that they were on the opposite side of the gene father.

As the Chapter Master was knocked down and counterattacks from the Lamenters ensued, the two sides quickly engaged in battle, and the false harmony was suddenly torn to pieces.

Fulgrim looked at the Chapter Leader lying in a pool of blood, his expression full of sadness.

He originally planned to let these repentant heirs die with more dignity and meaning, but he didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

Fortunately, Foros's life was not in danger, Fulgrim carefully handed it over to the Weeper, and then he faced his heir again, holding the bright power sword in his hand.

"You wouldn't do that, would you?"

McGuire, realizing that the situation was not good, asked, his tone full of pleading.

As a result, his head separated from his body in the next moment.

"terribly sorry."

Fulgrim replied heartbrokenly.

The original body's voice and face were full of sadness, but his movements never stopped, and he quickly locked onto the next target.

"No, no, father, please."

Enge retreated and cried helplessly. His originally ferocious face now looked pitiful.

Fulgan still remembers what this big boy looked like back then. His smile was as vibrant as the sun.

The sharp blade in his hand slashed through the air, and Engel's head rolled to the ground.

Subsequently, one genetic heir was killed one after another, and the passage was filled with sounds of crying and wailing.

Pierce was full of hatred and loudly denounced the hypocrisy of the original clone. The situation was exactly the same as what Huron described to him.

His body expanded extremely under the infusion of subspace energy, and eventually turned into a twisted and crazy chaos egg.

This is the unfortunate end of the fallen.

Even if Fulgrim is willing to accept them, they are willing to change their ways, but the power of Chaos within them will never let them go.

They may be transformed into this kind of thing by the evil god at any time, and suddenly attack others around them.

So death is the only way to free these fallen Emperor's sons.

Clarks must have had this same mood when dealing with his mutant descendants. Fulgrim thought that the pressure on the loyal Primarch was so heavy.

Today, Fulgrim is a brutal executioner, a brutal murderer.

He killed all these twisted offspring, having heard enough of their suffering.

This cruel fact almost overwhelmed him.

However, Fulgen could not fall at this time, and countless blood debts still needed to be repaid.

He will be filled with vengeful fury until all the perpetrators of these tragedies are punished as they deserve.

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