I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 193 Egg Basket

"Huron, Huron, your little trick has failed. The clone is intact. The poor Wailer took the damage for him."

Not long after, that annoying voice appeared again, his tone full of schadenfreude.

The fallen Emperor's Children had been slain by Fulgrim, and the Primarch's fury was only fueled by this.

There is no force on the Blackstone Fortress that can stop his progress, and it is only a matter of time before the fortress is completely destroyed.

It doesn't matter, as long as the impostor can be held back.

Huron actually didn't expect that move to kill the target directly, but at least it should be able to cause some trauma to the opponent.

When things ended up like this, it can only be said that he still overestimated the fighting power of those drug addicts.

Or maybe the Weeper's unlucky characteristics play some metaphysical role in it.

"I have warned you in advance, but you refused to listen." The voice continued to say in a sinister tone.

Shut up, bastard, you don't need to worry about my affairs, Huron cursed fiercely.

"He will come to you soon"

Then let him come over.

"You will be helpless."

I am strong enough to defeat him.

Huron tried to push the voice out of his head.

He was going through a big war right now, and he still had a lot of things to do, and he didn't have time to mess around with this subspace creature that didn't even know what it was.

The biggest difference between leading a Chaos force and the Empire is that Imperial soldiers obey their superiors more because of honor and responsibility. Their long-term education has made them believe that they are part of the operation of this behemoth.

The Chaos troops are different. They often fight because the spoils of victory are attractive enough to them. Huron must channel this desire so that the Red Pirates can exert their maximum combat effectiveness.

Besides, it's not all bad news the Red Pirates got here.

The fierce space battle is still going on. The fierce exchange of firepower between the two sides has caused damage to more than a hundred warships. The vast space is filled with burning steel fragments. Human blood is constantly flowing out because of this cruel civil war. flowing.

"Report to Lord Huron, we have found the location of the enemy's flagship." After receiving a certain message, an intelligence officer said loudly, "Lord Kirk claimed that the Endless Redemption appeared on the right wing of the enemy's line, followed only by Three frigates.”

From beginning to end, the Great Whirlpool Jiedushi was the key to the entire war.

He is not only the top person in charge of this operation, but also the node that maintains the fragile alliance between the empire and all parties.

If it can be killed, the cooperation between the aliens and the Empire will inevitably fall apart, and the Red Pirates can easily win the battle and eliminate a major problem for the Chaos side.

Huron was even willing to offer fifty warships in exchange.

"Is the target we are looking for on that ship?" Tyrant Badab asked calmly.

According to that kid's scheming style, using the flagship as a bait and hiding in any nook and cranny, he could do such a thing.

They must first confirm the enemy's location before deploying heavy troops to behead him.

Although similar information is almost impossible to verify in complex space battles, the Red Pirates have a unique channel of chaos.

They can obtain further information by performing witchcraft rituals and using the power of the Supreme Heaven.

"Yes, the young man you are looking for is indeed there."

The demon host gave the answer to the miserable sacrifice that had its body pierced by hooks and hung high, with all its skin peeled off.

Just a positive reply, no other information.

I don't know if it was due to Huron's psychological reasons, but since he reached a cooperative relationship with Sage Luoning, the attitude of the dark gods towards him seems to have become cold.

But it doesn't matter, that's enough.

Blackheart Huron has always only used their power instead of becoming their loyal servant, and he has considered the consequences of everything he does beforehand, and never regrets the decisions he makes. .

"Dear Lord Huron, as we agreed before, I will solve that trouble for you."

Sage Luo Ning stood up and spoke slowly in a cold voice.

Behind him, a group of mechanical soldiers were ready to join in the fierce killing.

This was the reward for Huron's previous efforts, and now was the time to make it work.

The God of Broken Material is a completely different entity from the subspace gods, and the power it displays is quite astonishing, enough to outshine any assault force under the Red Pirates.

If the hypocrisy of the empire taught Huron anything, it was to face the power he saw, even if it was beyond his comprehension.

"I will let my subordinates escort you to the enemy ship. I wish you good luck, sage." Huron said before leaving.

The blessings sent by Tyrant Badab were sincere. Even if he failed to behead him in the end, he sincerely hoped that nothing would happen to Luo Ning.

Because he had had an in-depth conversation with this sage before and was very interested in his ideas.

Luo Ning believes that inheritance is the primary need of a civilization, and things like honor, morality, and even the living environment are not worth mentioning compared to it.

After all, if a civilization cannot even sustain its existence, nothing will mean anything.

It is hard not to agree with the logic of cold reality.

Not putting eggs in the same basket is obviously very helpful in avoiding the risk of group destruction.

In other words, since gods objectively exist and possess powerful power, it is actually not a bad thing for humans to infiltrate their influence and become dependents.

If we analyze the specific situation, the Empire is the main body of mankind and still occupies the position of overlord of the galaxy. Chaos humans also account for a considerable proportion and are the spokesperson for its activities in the real universe.

Luo Ning considers himself to represent the Star Gods, a powerful force that although currently fragmented, cannot be ignored, and the Necrons are an extension of its rebellious power.

If these three baskets are filled with their eggs, it will be the greatest guarantee for the continuation of human civilization.

In addition, he also told Huron that the evolution of living things should be tree-like and divergent. This is the natural posture, rather than like the empire, where everyone has to be tied together.

The side that surrenders to Chaos regards the ascended demon prince as the ideal state, and the side that surrenders to the Star God can also obtain immortality through living metal. Both paths are worth trying, and someone has to be the pioneer.

What a very interesting view.

Compared with the hypocritical and narrow-minded empire, Luo Ning's vision is much higher. He is a person who can achieve great things. It would be really regrettable if he died like this.


In response to the blessing sent by the Badab Tyrant, the heretic sage just nodded, and then prepared to gang up on the Endless Redemption.

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