The beheading attack launched by the Red Pirates was very rapid.

They organized a total of thirty main battleships and hundreds of frigates, specifically used to launch raids on the empire's right-wing front.

Such a powerful army is enough to sweep through an entire star region and plunge hundreds of worlds into a sea of ​​fire. It is a force that cannot be ignored no matter where it is placed.

What's more, this time they were carrying out a desperate charge regardless of losses.

The Badab tyrant has a rational mind and clear thinking. He knows what is untouchable and when to move decisively.

If he wanted to successfully capture Wei Mu, now was the time for him to make up his mind.

The warband that is the first to break through the enemy's lines will be rewarded with 800 gene seeds, plus an equal number of finely crafted power armor, just like the first to reach the city in ancient siege warfare.

As long as mankind still has urgent needs for material things, the law "a brave man must be brave under a heavy reward" will still apply.

Such a high reward is enough for the recipient to make achievements and dominate the country.

The morale of the red pirates was greatly boosted, and they were all as high-spirited as if they had been given a shot of blood.

Blackheart Huron's radical strategy caused a sudden increase in pressure on the right wing of the empire.

The two huge fleets collided fiercely, biting like mad dogs, and the constant release of artillery fire filled the space with various high-energy flames.

Even without statistics on casualties, people can intuitively feel the brutality of this confrontation.

The Imperial Navy used all its strength to attack the invading enemy, intending to block its offensive and defeat its troops.

However, after a battle, three main battleships still managed to break through their line and attack the flagship of the Endless Redemption in the rear.

The naval general responsible for maintaining the front line was so anxious that he apologized over the communication channel, saying that his command was incompetent and that he failed to live up to the expectations of the God-Emperor, making it seem as if everyone on the flagship was already a corpse.

Wei Mu was even a little worried that the guy would commit suicide on the spot due to guilt.

"I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious first. The flood is coming fiercely. It doesn't really matter if the dam releases a little water. What's more, the enemy has spent such a high price to achieve this. If they can't achieve anything, they should be anxious. right."

Looking at the three approaching red dots on the auspicious device, Wei Mu, who was sitting on the bridge, seemed calm and composed.

There are not many enemies that have been released. If they just fight and retreat, I can keep them alive forever.

"But my lord, your safety is a concern." The naval admiral still had concerns about this.

The rhetoric given by Wei Mu was all based on "he will not be killed by the enemy."

For the soldiers who are fighting bloody battles at the front, the thought of their headquarters being chased and hacked by the enemy will definitely put a heavy psychological burden on them.

"Don't worry, we are not brittle glass that will break at the touch of a touch. Everything is according to plan. You just need to focus on commanding the frontline troops, understand?" Wei Mu tried his best to calm the emotions of the soldiers at the front.

"As you command, my lord." The admiral could only reply.

At this point, they can only improve the current situation by killing more enemies.

After comforting the soldiers in front, Wei Mu took a deep breath.

The enemy will definitely find him, this is completely foreseeable.

That's why Wei Mu deliberately sells a flaw to lure the other party into taking the bait, at least in this way he can gain some initiative.

The battle that follows will be crucial, and everyone on the Endless Redemption knows this.

They were already in their respective positions, ready to sacrifice themselves for the cause of fighting Chaos at any time. The atmosphere on the entire battleship was quite solemn.

"There was something unclean on the ship."

Before the enemy warship even approached, Ourrican on the side had already noticed an unusual aura.

The technology of the Necrons is still much higher than that of the Empire.

Because it was not until a few seconds later that the mechanical priest on the ship reported: "Your Majesty, our ship system is undergoing an unknown attack."

Some data were jumping abnormally, some pictures were intermittent, and some ship-borne weapons were forced offline. The Endless Redemption seemed to be experiencing something bad.

The engine guys who are specifically responsible for this aspect operate the system firewall, perform anti-virus maintenance on the entire battleship, and chant binary hymns in an attempt to appease the restless machine soul.

"Is it Chaos Corruption?" Wei Mu immediately stood up from his seat and said loudly, "Everyone is on alert, let us destroy those subspace things."

Warp energy can cause any number of strange things, and attacking ship systems is not unusual.

The most likely killer move on the Red Pirate's side is to summon a terrifying demon army.

Otherwise, relying on their own strength, it would be a bit unrealistic to behead Wei Mu.

Unlike Abaddon, Huron had a bunch of legendary lords at his disposal. Just to deal with the Eldar One Horn, Huron probably had to do it himself to have a chance, not to mention that Wei Mu also had a Necron Astrologer beside him.

"No, it has nothing to do with subspace. It's a pure data attack. It's really surprising that these guys called the Red Pirates can master such technology." Ourrican waved his hand and said with a smile, "But The technique is still a bit too young, just leave this kind of thing to me."

The astrologer then connected to the system of the Endless Redemption, and the machine soul of the latter naturally accepted him.

His consciousness flowed through the lines below the deck, swimming in the ocean of data. Time was calculated in microseconds, and he quickly found out the specific situation of the entire battleship like anti-virus software.

He discovered that some rioting data codes were causing chaos in the originally orderly binary arrangement. This was the root cause of the system failure of the Endless Redemption. If it was not stopped, the riot would inevitably expand further, just like a gradual The spreading fire will eventually paralyze the entire battleship.

The mechanical priests are working hard to operate the system firewall, trying to clean up the riot codes thrown by these enemies, but the efficiency is quite worrying.

"It's just like a fight between children." Orikan said with a smile.

The astrologer just waved his hand slightly, and the chaos of data in front of him immediately stopped.

The biased code immediately returned to its original queue position like a well-trained army, and the data packet that caused the riot was also pulled out of the system and completely eliminated.

However, the enemy's information attack continued, and soon another batch of dangerous data packets were thrown over, like cannonballs fired one after another.

The oil guy's firewall is quite limited in its effectiveness in resisting such attacks.

"There's really nothing I can do against you."

Ourrican could only clear the dangerous data packets again and conduct a round of reinforcements on the Endless Redemption's firewall to ensure that the Mechanicus Priests could defend the rear.

Then it's time to fight back. It's not Oerikan's style not to fight back when beaten.

The astrologer used more violent data attacks to hit the three incoming enemy warships.

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