I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 195 Internet Chase

Orikan's counterattack had an immediate effect.

Two of the enemy's three capital ships were scrambled by the smashed waste codes, and the systems they carried began to experience various malfunctions.

The Black Mechanicus on the battleship immediately realized that this was the enemy's counterattack and tried to repair the interference.

However, compared with the oil guys, their skills are only half as good, or even worse. The hard struggle against those useless codes will probably not be over for a while.

It was now a critical period to gain fame, and these problems made the red pirates feel extremely irritated.

They eagerly opened fire to attack, using the flames of the explosion to tear the fleeing targets in front into pieces.

After trying to solve the locking problem of the turret by restarting and failing, the cultists below decided to use the most primitive method of taking a shot to try to restore the machine soul to normal.

However, the machine spirits on the Chaos side are not that friendly.

Those who tried to punch or kick the machinery were quickly swallowed up by the ship itself, eventually becoming one with the surrounding walls of flesh.

"They deserved to end up like this, what a bunch of stupid flesh-and-blood creatures."

Oerikan gloated when he saw this scene.

It was obviously just a tool that I made for my own convenience, but in the end it was backfired by the creation itself.

This couldn't help but remind him of the Necron gods, those cruel and arrogant C'tan gods - they deserved their punishment just as much as these Chaos cultists.

While they were talking and laughing, two enemy warships were successfully taken down by Ourrican, but another one was still approaching them.

And that battleship's firewall is obviously much stronger than the other two.

As he invaded, he could feel some force trying to force him out.

Of course, Ourrican could not be expelled so easily. The astrologer's consciousness kept wandering on the battleship, like a naughty child, messing with various dangerous switches on the ship, and then taking advantage of the trouble before he got involved. , ran away far away, leaving only a mess behind him.

He spent a microsecond overloading the ship's engines, then disrupted the ship's internal life-support systems and cut the power to the stasis chamber.

The force behind him could only repair the damage caused by him, adjust the engine gear to normal, reset the life support system, restore the power supply to the stasis chamber, and then continue in the online world. catch up.

"Stop this boring game, Necron, the time you are delaying is meaningless."

That consciousness was sending communication data to him from behind, just like ordinary shouting in the real universe.

"Really, I don't think it's boring, and I have to take this opportunity to practice my skills. After all, the Trazin family museum is much harder to dismantle than your toy ship."

Ourrican kept moving his hands and responded with a smile.

He had already guessed the identity of the other party. Apart from the heretical sage who had taken refuge in the Star God, there should be no other suitable candidate.

It is always easy for mortals to succumb to powerful power, and the fragments of the Star God not only possess powerful power, but the knowledge they possess is unimaginable. If they escape, they will end up like this - they It can quickly support a powerful civilization.

Once the Star God rises again one day, they will face the terrible revenge from the God of Matter.

Therefore, the Necrons will not let go of any escaping Star God fragments, and will definitely try their best to contain them.

"To be honest, I'm really surprised that you cooperated with that young man. I thought you Necrons wouldn't care about the affairs of the living."

Luo Ning didn't know about the extra bonus of the green light ring on Wei Mu, and couldn't imagine what tricks Wei Mu used to make these ribs special to his use.

"I'm also surprised that you cooperated with that group of Chaos Cultists. I remember that the C'tan had a very poor opinion of those four malicious warp entities."

On the other hand, since the information provided by Trazin was not strong enough, Ourrican could only try to identify the star god himself.

"The Red Pirate King is a pragmatic man and we share a common goal."

"This common goal refers to the destruction of one's own race and sacrificing it to the so-called gods?"

"Of course not. I can use the loot to exchange for more knowledge from the Star God, and Huron hopes that the young man will no longer be a problem for him. The relationship between the two parties is mutually beneficial and win-win, not to mention that the tyrant Badab returned it to me. There was a lot of support.”

"Trophy? That Star God desires him?"

This answer puzzled Orikan.

The ways of the Star Gods and the Chaos Gods are completely different. They will not engage in such things as divine selection.

"I can't always answer. You should also answer questions. This is only fair, isn't it?" Luo Ning stopped the topic and asked.

This is quite true.

Even as enemies, the Necrons, as an older race, should show grace.

"We saw in him the possibility of saving our race." So Orikan replied politely.

"You are a race that has been exterminated, how can you still have a chance to be saved?" Luo Ning was also full of surprise.

Most likely, these undead souls were tortured crazy by thoughts of resurrection, and Wei Mu fooled them into grabbing something as a life-saving straw.

"I am different from those lifeless compatriots. I am more inclined to look to the future. Even in my form, there is still a path for advancement."

Orican's prophecy for himself is to become pure energy, similar to a star-god-like existence.

In order to achieve this and embrace his destiny, he still has a lot of work to prepare.

"It seems there is no possibility of mediation between us." Luo Ning sighed.

This was not originally a war between them, and he thought the conflict could be avoided.

"Of course, from the moment you surrender to the Star God, the choice no longer exists." Orikan reminded.

"But aren't you undead yourself relying on the power of the Star God?"

"Because it is our property, and such a dangerous force should not be guarded by immature jailers."

The two consciousnesses were still chasing each other inside the Chaos Battleship, and Ourrican had almost touched everything about the entire battleship.

Until the astrologer's consciousness entered a certain area and was shocked by the scene inside.

That was the Tiao Gang area, which was filled with mechanical soldiers made of living metal, more than a thousand in number. The powerful weapons they carried gave people the impression that they were not inferior to the elite troops of the Necron.

The four mechanical warriors headed by them are even more ferocious and terrifying, looking full of destructive power.

Because the energy of the Star God himself has been poured into it, the power originating from the ancient stars is constantly shining in the mechanical core.

"Void Dragon!"

Ourrican immediately read out the name of the star god behind Ronin.

"Yes, Void Dragon, according to what he himself said, he has a giant fragment under the ground of Mars, and that is the headquarters of the Mechanicum."

Luo Ning said with a melancholy tone.

The empire's top officials apparently hid a lot of important things from people.

Once those terrible truths are exposed, the framework of hypocrisy will instantly fall apart.

For a scholar, nothing is more important than the pursuit of knowledge, and hypocrisy is its unacceptable opposite.

"This is not a power you can control." Orikan warned sternly.

"We'll know the answer to this question soon, won't we?" Luo Ning said with a smile.

Just as the two sides were entangled, the time was ripe for attack.

These mechanical soldiers then passed through the transmission device and disappeared into the room one by one.

The target of their gang-hopping was the Endless Redemption where Wei Mu was located.

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