I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 196 Mechanical Invasion

Under the command of Luo Ning, the Red Pirates relied on manual overload to force the Chaos battleship and the Endless Redemption to stick together.

At such a close distance, even if the imperial warship raises its void shield, they can complete gang-hopping operations.

Although the paralyzed Chaos warship will most likely be torn into pieces by the Empire's artillery, it doesn't matter. They have other ships that can respond afterwards. For now, they only need to complete the set goals.

The sudden intrusion of these enemies caught the Imperial officers and soldiers aboard the Endless Redemption somewhat off guard.

They originally thought that the main force of the enemy's gang would be renegade space warriors or subspace demons, but they did not expect that they would turn out to be a group of mechanical soldiers similar to those who hate intelligence. The chaos cultists who broke in became secondary accessories.

However, the enemy is the enemy. Their behavior and purpose of blasting the opponent's body with bolters and chain swords have not changed. Fierce battles soon broke out in various narrow passages of the Endless Redemption.

The one hundred mantis warriors left behind to guard the flagship are all "devout mantises", the ones with permanent bullet time enabled.

Extremely fast neural reactions allow them to move much faster than their fellow Space Marines, although the price paid for this is that their consciousness can only live in a slow world forever.

Under the leadership of Chapter Master Neotra, the devout mantises launched an evenly matched bloody fight with the invading steel creations and chaos traitors. Guns and shouts continued to be heard from all over the battleship, and flames and The explosion swept across the otherwise clean and tidy deck.

"How's it going, Orikan?"

Wei Mu asked the astrologer who was in a fugue state beside him.

The Necrons are the successors of Star God technology, so they should be very familiar with these metal gadgets.

"I am leveraging the control of the enemy's mechanical forces."

Ourrican has informed everyone around him of what he has discovered. He is a little confused at this moment, and the confrontation in the data field seems to be extremely fierce.

"Can it still be like this? Didn't the Void Dragon give them a safety lock or something like that?"

Wei Mu was a little surprised by this.

Logically speaking, since the Star Gods were in such a miserable state due to the Necrons' backstabs, they should be on guard against them no matter what.

"The Star Gods will also learn from failures. Young people, after being beaten to pieces by us, they will not allow their dependents to have the opportunity to become a unified whole. It is wise to loosen the control agreement." Ourrican took the time to explain.

Regarding the Necron rebellion, the biggest mistake the C'tan made was nothing else but giving the Silent King a master control agreement that could command all Necron.

It is precisely because of the existence of this agreement that the Necrons can unite and sacrifice for any goal.

Otherwise, let alone overthrowing the Star God, within the Necrons, on the issue of "whether to oppose the Star God", they would have to fight to the death first.

After all, internal fighting is their specialty, and there are definitely many undead dynasties who fear and obey the Star God.

If the Silent King rebels without a master control agreement, I believe many Necrons will sacrifice his head to please the Star God.

"I see." Wei Mu showed an expression of sudden realization, and then asked, "Does that mean you have a chance to control this invading mechanical army?"

"It's not that easy to deal with. The Void Dragon taught the renegade sage a lot of things." Orikan replied, "But I can still cause them a lot of trouble."

The astrologer can spend some time hacking into the control system of a certain mechanical soldier and order him to attack his surrounding companions. If he is lucky, he can sneak attack three to four enemies, and then the controlled soldier will be attacked by the enemy who responded. Destroy it.

Such behavior can have a very serious impact on the enemy's offensive.

Several times when the mechanical soldiers were attacking the imperial stronghold, they were suddenly backstabbed by their companions, resulting in the entire attack team being wiped out.

"But I can't invade those four big guys. They are extremely special structures. The cores are directly injected with Star God energy. They are very dangerous and can only be forcibly erased by physical means." Ourrican then reminded.

That is the most dangerous enemy that the soldiers on the Endless Redemption will face.

The heretic sage Luo Ning led the four mechanical warriors slowly towards the bridge, with great momentum along the way.

The Gauss weapon carried on it is deadly and dangerous, and can easily tear through any defense of the Empire. The powerful mechanical body is not only difficult to destroy, but can also use brute force in close combat to shock Space Marines until they bleed from the inside.

The soldiers shouted the name of the Emperor and tried hard to fight against him with various standard weapons produced by the Forge World. They paid a high price in blood and death, but they could only slow down the enemy's progress.

This scene made Wei Mu feel a little uncomfortable.

It was obviously an enemy they could not defeat.

If they can be placed in other positions, they can still live well and continue to serve the empire.

"How about," Wei Mu asked tentatively, "let's go and test it out?"

Instead of waiting for the enemy to rush over, it is better to take the initiative to fight, which can also reduce the casualties of the troops.

Wei Mu felt that he still had some strength left.

"The string of fate has been struck, young man, you just have to do what you want to do." Ourrican replied.

All the preparation work has been completed, and whether things will succeed or not will all depend on how hard they can work.

"Very good." Wei Mu nodded, and then said to the person next to him, "Chief Think Tank, I will first transfer the command of the temporary troops to you."

He couldn't just throw the entire army aside just to confront Luo Ning, although he didn't interfere in strategic matters.

If any major changes occur during this period, someone who can make decisions will still need to take his place.

Every Space Marine is an expert in combat. After all, they were created for this job. Although the level may vary, not everyone can receive an "excellent" or "perfect" rating. , but there is definitely nothing wrong with getting a "pass".

What's more, the talent of a person who can be the chief think tank of a battle group is undoubtedly much higher than the average level.

"I will certainly live up to your trust, my lord, and may the Emperor bless you with success."

Redes, the chief thinker of the Mantis Warriors, took over the command and began to look after the entire Imperial army.

"And we will ensure that when you face the traitorous sage, no other enemies will interfere with you."

The clowns in colorful clothes also stood up and decided to go to the battlefield with Wei Mu.

Helping him is the order of the Laughing God and a key link between the Eldar and humans, and they must spare no effort to do so.

"Then let's go and see what the Star God Void Dragon has prepared for us."

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