I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 201 Facing the hand of fate

The mechanical weapons of the Star God and the great demon of the Chaos Gods, the two extraordinary forces collided fiercely, and the powerful power that exploded shook the entire battleship.

The battle between them was so violent that Wei Mu even worried that the ship would collapse because it could not bear it.

But looking at this posture, it is obvious that the strength of the God Lord and the Great Demon is more powerful.

After all, the Four Gods of Chaos are at their peak, and this is their home in subspace, while the Star Gods are just dismembered fragments, and the power they bestow upon their followers is far from enough to compete with the hand of fate they have chosen. .

"As I said, the Chaos Gods are the real gods, not the planetary vampires you worship that you can mess around with."

It didn't take long for the battle to be decided.

The four mechanical divine weapons were torn apart by the God Lord and the Great Demon, and were eventually reduced to a pile of scrap iron.

Ronin himself was knocked to the ground by Erebus, with damage all over his body.

"No, the winner of this war will never be you!"

With that said, Luo Ning controlled those mechanical weapons to self-destruct.

The traitorous sage who refused to admit defeat hoped to use this method to cause heavy damage to the enemy in front of him.

"Don't try to pull any tricks under my nose, mortal!"

However, this behavior was prevented by the strange witchcraft of the All-Changing Demon Lord, and Luo Ning lost his last resistance.

"What a pity. If you had a soul, I could still use a secret method to extract it and let you accompany me to witness this great victory that belongs to me." Erebus, who had won the victory, said with a smile, "So you Do you still insist on your theory of balance, little sage?"

"You will fail." Luo Ning still insisted.

He would rather Huron or even Wei Mu win the final victory in the war than this despicable person become the winner.

"Hey, you are so stubborn." Erebus let out a long sigh, "Maybe after I finish dealing with things here, I will take the time to visit the real you. At that time, we can have a good chat. Let’s talk about this.”

After saying that, the hand of fate crushed Luo Ning's head.

With Ronin's fall, the Star God forces were completely driven out of the war.

They have invested a lot, but have not received any benefits. Their premature participation in the intergalactic disputes has exposed them to the vision of all forces in advance. Next, they will face the targets of many coveted people.

After eliminating the troublesome troublemakers, Erebus could finally concentrate on picking the fruits of victory that belonged to him.

"Come out, little Jiedushi, I know you are around. If you can take the initiative to show up, I can suspend the attack of the Chaos army on you." After finishing off the competitors in front of him, Erebus rushed towards The surrounding darkness shouted, "Or I can kill all the life in this area first, which will only cost me a little more time."

However, no one around responded to him.

"Everywhere in the Supreme Heaven is singing about your talent. They say you are gifted. If you really deserve those praises, then seize the opportunity to turn the tide and act quickly, otherwise it will be too late." Ari Bass spoke again.

There was still only silence nearby.

So Erebus lost his patience and ordered the big demons beside him: "Dismember this battleship and see how he can continue to hide."

The gods and demons immediately understood and began to execute it on the spot.

Bloodthirsty demons hack at the walls, and the Great Unclean One corrodes the decks.

The Ever-changing Demon Lord chanted a destructive spell, and explosions continued in the cabin. The Keeper used sound waves to trigger resonance in the mechanical structure, and the parts at each connection gradually separated and fell off.

If they continue to toss at this rate, the Endless Redemption will be split into two before long, and everyone in it will be dead.

The imperial reinforcements from Cologne have not yet arrived on the battlefield, leaving others on the ship to face this group of monsters in vain.

"Wait a minute!" Then Wei Mu finally couldn't help but jumped out, "It's not good to fight and kill like this. If there is anything, we can talk about it slowly."

As a result, as soon as he showed up, he was instantly attacked by the leader from Erebus.

The entity constructed of spiritual energy collapsed to the ground helplessly, and its body turned into dots of light and quickly dissipated in the air. The whole process was not sloppy at all.

"You actually fooled me with this fake thing that doesn't even have a soul. Are you looking down on me too much?"

Erebus said with a smile.

Easily defeating the opponent's plan made the hand of fate feel good.

He felt that Wei Mu was like a turtle in an urn, just waiting to be captured by him, and his desperate resistance was so feeble.

Of course, Wei Mu planned to let the clone go out and test the waters, just like when he dealt with Luo Ning before. However, unlike the Star God, Chaos was extremely sensitive to soul matters and could immediately tell the difference between reality and fiction.

"Well, you saw through it, Hand of Fate, you really spared no effort for me, and actually started such a big battle."

At his wits' end, the viper was forced to leave his hiding place and confront the Word Bearers' chief priest.

After formally meeting Erebas, Wei Mu finally understood what it meant to be born from the heart.

This guy has a very vulgar but very conceited ugly face, and he almost has the words "villain succeeds" on his forehead.

"That's because the Chaos Gods consider you worthy, young man."

After confirming that the target was him, Erebas showed an even stronger smile. Now, nothing could stop his success.

There is no doubt that the target will resist, but he will easily crush that hope.

However, what surprised Erebas was that Wei Mu did not talk about war, victory or defeat, empire, chaos, etc., but tried to ask: "I heard that you have specially prepared a battle for me. Orientation party, can you give us a little introduction?”

Then he set his sights on the Great Unclean One of Nurgle's family, blinking his big eyes, trying to get the answer to his question from there.

"Oh, we have prepared a lot of Nurgle soup, which is brewed by my brothers. It tastes extremely delicious. I believe you will like it." The uncle was a little embarrassed because Wei Mu kept staring at him. So he explained, "In addition, you can also visit our garden. It is a very beautiful and harmonious place. Well, not long ago, there was a little damage to the garden. You should also know about this. It’s all that man’s work.”

Anyway, this mortal will soon become a part of Chaos, and it wouldn't be a bad thing to have a casual chat with him.

"I see, that's really a pity."

Wei Mu nodded, and then turned his attention to the secret keeper.

Now that the Nurgle family has spoken, the demon of Slaanesh, as a party expert, must have a few words to say.

"We have prepared a grand banquet that will last for six days and six nights. You will experience what real happiness is." The secret keeper licked his lips with his tongue like a letter, "As for you and Fogg Don’t worry about the little feud between Rim, we have a unique way of dealing with disputes, it’s just a question of whether you fall in love with him or he falls in love with you.”

It looked up and down at the mortal in front of it, its charming eyes seeming to be thinking about how to "enjoy" him in the future.

"There is absolutely no point in such things as indulgence. Don't lead people to bad things, you skinny guys. Only a grand war is the way to welcome the strong!" Seeing the enthusiasm of the secret keeper, the bloodthirsty maniac immediately became angry. He said, "The Blood God needs you to awaken those green skins and fill the entire galaxy with killing. Only by eliminating the weak can those mortal creatures become stronger. The pursuit of infinite power is the essence of all things."

"Nonsense, obviously pleasure is the meaning of life. Even when you kobolds gain victory and honor, pleasure is the biggest prize." The secret keeper retorted.

"Fart, only strength is the greatest prize. The strength cultivated by fighting will never betray you!" The bloodthirsty maniac yelled tit for tat.

The two demons immediately started arguing, their faces turned red and their saliva flew everywhere.

"And us, we Tzeentch demons have also specially prepared for this."

Seeing that all three families had finished speaking, the remaining Demon Lord couldn't wait any longer.

The master of their family valued Wei Mu very much.

However, just as it was about to say something, Erebus's scolding came from the side.

"Enough, now is not the time to talk about this!"

The Hand of Destiny had realized that Wei Mu was playing tricks and quickly stopped the situation from developing further.

This move greatly disappointed the All-Changing Demon King, and was obviously very unfair to him.

But it cannot refuse the instructions of the hand of fate. It has to listen to Erebus until the end of this incident.

"Of course, if you want to keep a little surprise for me, that's okay."

Wei Mu wanted to continue talking.

"Be quiet young man, maybe you still don't understand the current situation, and you are still dreaming about using your eloquence to change your destiny." Erebus forcibly interrupted his speech, and then took out a bottle from his waist. He picked up the dagger and introduced it, "This is a ritual dagger. The destructive power filled in it is enough to kill those who will not die, such as the Eternal One. This means that I can make your soul fly away at any time, and nothing can save you." .”

"Uh, are you sure you don't want me to speak?" Wei Mu said in surprise.

Why are these guys like this now, not even letting him speak?

"Of course I'm sure, little Jiedushi, there are only two roads before you, either join us or go to pieces. This is a simple question that can be answered with yes or no. There is no need to mix in those weird words. .”

Erebus was smiling.

"And I can tell you clearly that the last person to enjoy this treatment was called Erda. She was an immortal second only to the Emperor, and she was the mother of twenty-one Primarchs. She was able to defeat The four gods and great demons, but even such dazzling existences were eventually destroyed in my hands."

"I am Erebus, the king of heretics in your eyes, the hand of destiny of the dark gods. In front of me, you can think of all kinds of tricks, but you will sadly find that they cannot stop me. Facts brought to you.”

"So make a choice, young man, whether to accept this fate or embrace absolute destruction. My personal suggestion is that you choose the former. After all, life is meaningful. If it is destroyed, there will be nothing. Is it true? Isn’t it?”

Erebus put the terrifying dagger against Wei Mu's throat, a bone-chilling chill continued to spread from the blade, and the rich darkness was enough to make one feel suffocated.

He was not going to give Wei Mu any chance, he would kill all hope.

Goosebumps broke out all over Wei Mu's body.

This is an irresistible physiological reaction.

His blood pressure was soaring, his heartbeat was accelerating, and his clothes were soaked with sweat. Every cell in his body was desperately warning of danger.

As Erebus said, if he still wants everything to continue, he cannot choose destruction.

"In that case, fine, I can join you." Forced to have no choice, Wei Mu could only reply.

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