I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 202 Let’s discuss it

Demon world, Galmyk.

The Golden Beard Pirates, led by the two Dark Green Angels, won the war against the Word Bearers, and another cancer that plagued the galaxy was about to be eradicated.

However, even such achievements cannot dilute the shame and despair that Erebus brought to Maul.

"Wei Mu is in danger. The Word Bearer is looking for him. There are so many demons and such strong malice. We have to save him quickly. We..."

The Dark Angels have completely lost their control, and even their speech has become incoherent, just because they happened to let go of the most dangerous thing.

"Calm down, Lion, the situation may not be as bad as you think!" Lucas's voice came from the communicator.

"That bastard just disappeared in front of me, and I could only watch helplessly. How can you tell me to calm down like this!"

A major failure committed by him could cause huge losses to the entire empire.

When he thought of this, Moll felt restless all over, and the deep feeling of powerlessness made him almost suffocated.

"Because I don't think that guy named Erebus will be Lord Jiedushi's opponent." Lucas replied.

Just by looking at the chief priest through the video transmitted below, Jackal could sense the exaggeration and arrogance of that person.

It was hard for him to imagine what great things such a person could accomplish.

"That's right, I think that bald can can't defeat the smart boy. He is just a coward." Golden Beard followed.

The green-skinned warlord was very dissatisfied with Erebus's running away midway.

"But he has to face not only the Word Bearers, but also the Four Gods of Chaos. How can a mortal bear that kind of terror?" Moore said worriedly.

Let alone Erebus, as long as there are four gods behind him, even a pig can overturn a planet.

"The Four Gods do have unimaginable and shocking power, but they also have fatal flaws - they are the embodiment of extreme emotions and are always keen to solve problems in the most direct way, so they will never teach themselves Believers are humble and steady. If we have caused any serious damage to Erebas, it is that we have activated his arrogance and arrogance."

It is not easy for Lucas to play with people like this, so he believes that Wei Mu can deal with them.


It is really difficult for Moore to accept this explanation of his failure as adding a layer of conceited debuff to the enemy.

"Now that we have chosen to start this battle of the maelstrom, it is destined to happen that our general will face the power of the Four Gods. This situation may be the best result we can create." Lucas comforted.

Erebus has gone to the center of the war through dark rituals. This is an unchangeable fact.

Even if they rushed to support, they were too late to save the situation.

At this point, they can only do their best to do the task at hand - to completely destroy Galmyk.

The greenskins were still in high spirits and began to wreak havoc all over the planet.

Temples dedicated to the dark gods were torn down and replaced with totems symbolizing Brother Gomao.

The cultists were all strangled, the forges and smelters were reduced to rubble, and the Word Bearers were doomed.

"Have I passed the test?"

The Dark Angel silently watched everything that happened before him, and asked the little man in the robe with some uncertainty.

I don't know if it was out of comfort, but Jawa gave Moore a thumbs up.

On the other side, aboard the Endless Redemption.

After receiving the answer, Erebus did not put down the ceremonial dagger, but instead brought the dangerous blade a little closer to Wei Mu's neck.

"I noticed your wording, young man. You said "can" join us, not "willing". The meaning of the two is very different. I hope to get a positive answer, don't try to use such cheap tricks. Come and deceive me." Erebus warned solemnly.

Using vague and unclear language to mislead the target is what demons are best at.

The Word Bearers are experts at dealing with demons.

So when Wei Mu played this game in front of the chief pastor, he was simply trying to trick his class.

Having once again defeated the target's trick, Erebus's face was filled with evil pleasure.

Nothing can escape his control, despite the foolish wishes of his enemies.

Erebus has always believed that the four gods valued his intelligence and infinite piety and gave him the honor of achieving such great deeds.

"You actually discovered all this, you really know everything."

I thought that as long as I didn't stick to my words, I would have a lot of room for maneuver. Wei Mu smiled awkwardly when his thoughts were exposed.

"Don't let me be so careless, young man, although I am indeed very good." Erebus showed a cruel expression and said in a low voice, "This is your last chance, don't even think about challenging me. Be patient. If you still can't give a definite answer before I count down five seconds, I will slit your throat with this dagger."

"I think we can discuss it slowly. You can't rush into changing jobs." Wei Mu tried to say.

But Erebus ignored him and started the countdown as usual.


"Everything has to go through a process, and I still have to go through handover procedures and so on."


"You can't force me like this, I'm valuable in the eyes of the Four Gods."


"you you."

Erebas fully enjoyed Wei Mu's struggle, watching him constantly come up with various self-rescue moves in an attempt to seize the last hope.

However, in fact, the hinge hanging on Wei Mu's neck has been locked long ago. That hope has never existed from the beginning. Any self-rescue is in vain. His meaningless behavior is like a clown, and he can only give Erebus adds to the fun.


The chief priest continued to spit out the countdown numbers, as if death was slowly advancing.

This feeling of controlling other people's destiny was simply intoxicating to him.

"I compromised." Finally, Wei Mu, who couldn't stand it anymore, let out a long sigh, "Give me the command of these four demon legions, and I will surrender to Chaos."


Erebus said the last number.

"Don't put it aside. I'm not a nobody. The Four Gods value what I have, so I have the capital to negotiate this condition. Besides, I gave up so many things in the empire to join you. You are not allowed to give me a novice gift package. You can't let me develop from scratch, right?" Wei Mu insisted.

If he remained loyal to the Emperor and chose to fight to the death, Erebus could of course destroy him directly.

But if the negotiation was clearly conditional, and Erebas just wanted to save his own convenience and cut off Wei Mu without any reason, the four gods would definitely be unhappy about it.

Of course Erebus didn't care about Wei Mu's life, but he couldn't ignore the comments of the four gods.

And more importantly, the conditions proposed by Wei Mu are not excessive. To the dark gods, a mere legion is not even a small piece of dandruff, and the blessings they bestow on many traitors are far greater. Better than this.

After a brief thought, Erebus nodded: "In that case, on behalf of the dark gods, I agree to your condition."

"Wait a minute, your promise is too hasty, isn't it? You don't even have to cut the price or anything, let's discuss it first?"

Seeing Erebus being so straightforward, Wei Mu put on a posture of "If I had known this, I would have offered eight legions" and said quickly.

"It's too late, young man, you offered an increase, and I accepted it. The promises made to the gods cannot be broken. You have already set foot on the path of destiny." Erebus explained with a smile. .

This kid is so stubborn that he is still playing tricks even now.

But now that an agreement has been reached, Wei Mu's fall to Chaos has become a certainty, and no accident can stop it.

Erebus once again completed the mission entrusted to him by the dark gods, and both the process and the result were impeccable.

He is the hand of fate, how could something go wrong in the things he handles?

"No, I think we still need to discuss it!"

However, before Wei Mu had time to say anything, the Wan Chang Demon Lord on the side took the lead and couldn't help shouting loudly.

Not only the Great Demon of Tzeentch, but the entire Chaos Army exploded because of Erebus's decision, and his heart suddenly felt like ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past.

Good guy, we all came here together to make great achievements, and things have already progressed to the time of picking the fruits of victory. How come, with just a few inexplicable words, these demons were sold as bargaining chips?


Who does he think he is?

In order to comply with the will of the Four Gods, they would humbly cooperate with his instructions and act, and they were definitely not in a position to be dominated by him.

Not only does this human being have no clue, he used to call them here and there, just like handling cattle and horses, but now he is pushing his nose and face, not letting them get any benefits, and using them as a stepping stone to achieve his own achievements.

How can they endure this?

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