I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 203 Authorization

"How dare you, a mere mortal, betray us as bargaining chips?" the bloodthirsty demon roared loudly at Erebas.

Its monstrous rage seemed to have condensed into a substantial flame, and steaming heat continued to gush out from the demon's seven orifices.

If Erebus really succeeded in this matter, how would he explain it to his subordinates, if nothing else?

Do you want to tell them that you have worked so hard for so long, but in the end not only did you not get anything, but a mortal boss appeared above your head out of thin air, and the biggest beneficiary of this operation is also a mortal, and all the fame and fortune are gone. Should he take it all by himself?

I wonder which demon general in the world can say such a thing to his subordinates?

So it certainly won't let it happen.

"That's right. We are the servants of the gods, not yours. You have no right to deal with us!" The Great Unclean One also protested, his fat body squirming due to excessive excitement.

The other demons began to make noises, criticizing Erebus' behavior. The noises continued one after another, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

This is exactly what Wei Mu hopes to see.

"It is true that the agreement with the gods cannot be broken, but you can't do it in vain. My dear Mr. Erebas, if you can't control the situation, how can we conduct a transaction?" Wei Mu was standing aside. He waved his hands and said helplessly, "How about you discuss it internally first, and then we can talk about the rest of the matter after we come to a unified conclusion?"

However, if we really want to come up with a plan that satisfies all parties, it will probably take forever.

Erebus realized that Wei Mu most likely wanted to use this move to delay time, such as using himself to give the empire a chance of victory, but he would not let him get his wish.

"So this is your final plan, to use their dissatisfaction against me?" Hand of Destiny asked calmly.

"Look at what you said. It's like I'm the kind of person who has a hundred tricks. I didn't make any excessive demands. You are using unauthorized chips for transactions. This is obviously Unreasonable." Wei Mu reminded.

"Of course I have obtained the authorization." Erebus said, "I acted on behalf of the dark gods and reached this agreement with you. The contract between you and Chaos has been deeply written into the Supreme Sky. , this is ironclad proof!”

"Although the truth is like this, don't just talk without practicing. Don't you have to implement the agreement after signing it? Now they are not willing to follow me, and naturally I can't join Chaos unless you make my future subordinates kneel down. Kowtow to me three times and it will be considered as a witness that the agreement has come into effect." Wei Mu suggested.

It is a routine way for subordinates to kneel down and worship the boss to confirm authority. Wei Mu's request is reasonable and reasonable. As for how to achieve it, it all depends on Erebus's operation.

The chief priest must find a way to hand over the authority of the demon army to the Wei Mu.

"In that case." Erebus suddenly smiled, "Then I will do as you wish."

He turned his attention to the surrounding gods and demons, who were furious because of this.

"How dare you do this, humble mortal!" The Keeper realized that the situation was not good, and quickly threatened in a sharp and shrill voice, "Retract that decision immediately, or I will let you taste the real pain. "

"My dear Inanimate One, haven't you figured out one thing yet?" Erebus shook his head and let out a long sigh, "I am the Hand of Destiny, the apostle of the dark gods, my Everything I do is driven by them, and I represent their will. If it were not the case, they would not be able to let me handle it all with my own hands. And now, I hope you can make a small effort to become This young man's subordinates can achieve their wishes."

"It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk. You are not the one who made the effort, and there are obviously many other ways. Why do you choose to sacrifice us to achieve your goal?" The Great Unclean One shook his huge belly and said protested loudly.

"That's because the gods don't like to spend their minds on such trivial matters, so I make decisions for them." Erebus explained.

"Is it because the gods don't like it, or because you don't care? You are just a toy of the gods. You have never gained their true favor, so don't use chicken feathers as arrows here, let alone think that we will obey !" The All-Changing Demon Lord pointed the long staff at the chief priest, intending to cast a binding spell on him.

Although the toys of the four gods cannot be dismantled casually, they can be controlled first and thrown aside. As for the life and death of Wei Mu, it is better for the big demons to solve it themselves.

"Of course you will obey, because this is what the Chaos Gods want, and you are just fragments of their power and cannot disobey this decision." Erebus remained calm and unhurried.

"Don't give me credit for your nonsense. I've been putting up with you for a long time. Just watch your move, you bastard!"

The furious bloodthirsty demon directly raised the battle ax and struck Erebas with a heavy blow.

The powerful force seemed to cut through time and space, and the scorching flames burned blazingly on the sharp blade.

"And now, in the name of the Dark Gods, I say, kneel!"

The chief pastor softly spoke the words in his mouth.

That voice was full of powerful magic, causing the demons present to feel an overwhelming pressure.

They were all forcibly suppressed by that force, and their knees were forced to kneel heavily on the ground. No one could disobey.

Because that is the authority granted by their masters, the Dark Gods themselves, only to achieve the common purpose of Chaos.

Erebus possesses it, albeit temporarily, but he can literally command these demons to do anything.

In fact, Erebus usually doesn't need this restraint, because the actions of the Hand of Fate are always consistent with the goals of the four gods, and the demons tend to cooperate very well.

It's just that this time, for some unknown reason, the demons were particularly rebellious towards his little request, and even went so far as to attack him for it.

But the attitude of the demons is not important, as long as they can obey the orders and help him achieve the purpose of the dark gods, this is enough.

As soon as the group of demons kowtowed, the surging energy immediately descended from the highest sky and rushed straight towards Wei Mu.

A large amount of spiritual energy was forcibly poured into his body in an attempt to reconstruct it, but he did not feel any change in himself.

Of course, there are changes.

Wei Mu opened his clothes and found that half of the Imperial double-headed eagle tattoo on his chest had disappeared. It was obviously the power contained in it that prevented Chaos from invading him.

"Damn priest, I want to kill you, I must kill you!"

The gods and demons lay on the ground and roared crazily.

Such unforgettable humiliation almost drives them crazy.

But it's useless, Erebus holds their authority, and they have no power to violate it, so the ritual will continue.

Immediately afterwards, the demons kowtowed.

The other half of the tattoos on Wei Mu's body also disappeared under the erosion of the power of subspace.

Now, because of the existence of the agreement, his body and soul are almost exposed in front of the four gods, and there is no longer any protection.

"Come on, keep going. What other cards are there in your hand that you can use them all? How will you understand that all this is in vain?"

Erebus smiled, a smug expression on his face.

He felt that Wei Mu must not have thought that he could forcibly command the devil.

The little Jiedushi provoked a relationship between him and the devil, imagining that they would kill each other, and then he could find an opportunity to make an ultimate comeback and lead the empire to turn defeat into victory.

Such a beautiful wish, but unfortunately it will not actually happen.

Despite some insignificant twists and turns, the hand of fate is still the winner with the last laugh.

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