I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 204 Timing and Screening

The Chaos army suddenly arrived with the subspace storm and swept across the area with unrivaled absolute power.

The war situation has been taken over by them, and terrible things are happening.

Such a development made it impossible for the Chapter Master of the Mantis Warriors to remain calm.

No matter what, Neotra must find the Vymru and wrest it from the clutches of Chaos.

So Old Mantis gathered all the remaining imperial troops on the ship and planned to lead them in a desperate charge against the enemy.

"This is the darkest and most difficult moment, brothers, but it still cannot swallow up the glory of mankind. Don't be afraid of those evil spirits, for the sake of the emperor, for salvation, and for the mantis warriors!"

Neotra inspired the remnant army, his tone full of high morale.

The soldiers responded with fervent war cries, and they were ready to make a heroic sacrifice.

"No, you can't do this." The Necron astrologer on the side stood up and stopped him, "Now is the most critical period, and your hasty intervention will only disrupt his plan."

"Are you talking about a plan?" Neotra asked, "Look around you, Astrologer, the darkness of chaos is devouring everything. Is this also part of the so-called plan?"

"Yes, it is indeed." Ourrican nodded, "I have told you in advance that the power of Chaos will be unprecedentedly high, and you must be patient at this time."

"But we launched this war to win." Neotra said, "We cannot let those traitors and demons succeed. Sitting and waiting for death will only make the situation worse and worse."

"Don't worry, Mantis Warrior, the enemy will not succeed, he is dealing with them."

"He's being taken away from them."

"That didn't happen."

"Do we have to wait until it really happens before we can take action?" Neotra asked, "Or is your plan actually to win this war at the expense of him?"

"Of course not, Mantis Warrior, the reason it didn't happen is because I won't let it happen. I have arranged everything." Ourrican was full of confidence in this. "As for the outcome of this war, you will soon You can see it.”

However, Orikan's explanation could not convince many imperial soldiers.

Because at this moment, the demons had already kowtowed to Wei Mu.

Massive amounts of psychic energy were channeled from the highest heaven to the battleship, making the erosion of the warp even more severe.

"Get out of the way, Necron, don't get in our way."

Neotra became anxious when he saw this, he could feel that things were becoming irreversible.

"Your commander has repeatedly emphasized that at least until the end of this war, you must maintain your trust in me."

Orikan insisted on blocking the way in front of everyone and refused to give way.

"And I now suspect that you have betrayed that trust."

Old Mantis stared at the Necron in front of him, and the scene suddenly became tense.

"Who do you think I am, a human?" Faced with the pressure from Neoterra, Ourrican scolded in a stern voice without fear, "I am the first astrologer of the Necron, the chief under the command of King Silence. The time warlock, the brilliant great seer, the only Necrontyr who saw through the Deceiver's plot."

"As early as 60 million years ago, I successfully predicted the fall of the Eldar, the rise of humanity, the occurrence of the Horus Heresy, the invasion of the Tyranids, and the arrival of the Great Rift."

Ourrican raised the staff in his hand high, his momentum like a rainbow.

"I will not make mistakes, because everything is in my calculations. Whether it is [screening] or [timing], it is just right. The development trajectory of this war has been written on the gaseous planet, so don't use you Use superficial knowledge to evaluate what I do, human being!”

The pieces of the puzzle for victory have been put together, and Ourrican is confident that there is no reason why he cannot win.

"I need to explain, astrologer, what is [screening] and what is [timing]?" Neotra asked seriously.

He had heard Orican say these words before, but he never understood their meaning.

"In order for the plan to be implemented smoothly, the big demon who confronts Wei Mu must be specific. I successfully screened it out by observing many timelines and guiding the future."

"What is a specific great demon?"

"Those who have watched the apocryphal "Skarbrand Rebellion", the Harlequin Troupe has made a list for this." Orican explained, "The four-headed god who came with the Word Bearer this time Demons, riots, psychics, soul-eating and leprosy are just on the list."

The demons kowtowed to Wei Mu again, and the supreme heaven rejoiced for the upcoming victory.

Neotra's face looked uncertain.

The alien with ribs in front of him seemed to be still obeying Wei Mu's will and planning something big.

"And the so-called [timing], according to my precise calculations, should be now."

As he spoke, Ourrican cast his eyes towards the outer space.

There is nothing there at the moment.

Under the forced order of Erebus, the demons on the Endless Redemption are about to complete their third bow to Wei Mu.

After their heads hit the ground, according to the agreement reached, they will become the dependents of Wei Mu from now on.

And Wei Mu will also accept the power of the Four Gods and completely fall to the side of Chaos.

The Empire will suffer heavy losses as a result, and the Warp will be the big winner in the end.

As the promoter of the event, Erebus will enjoy endless favor and glory from the subspace.

His glorious deeds will be known to everyone who embarks on the road to promotion, and will become a sacred model that will be passed down forever.

What a wonderful future, everything seems so close.

A cheerful smile appeared on Hand of Destiny's face.

But at this moment, there was a fluctuation in the universe.

A huge warship suddenly descended around New Badab, its size covering the sky and the sun, like a whole suspended continent.

That was the Imperial reinforcements from Cologne, the "King of Explorers" belonging to the Great Sage Belisarius Caul.

"Dear comrades from the Empire, your savior has arrived!"

As soon as he appeared, Trazin announced his arrival to everyone in the star area through the public channel.

The Endless One stood on the bow of the ship, as if riding the wind and waves.

"You are not the savior of the empire, the Messiah of Ohm is!"

Kaur on the side quickly corrected him.

"Your emperor hasn't gotten up yet, so it doesn't matter if I make a little cameo."

Trazin said with a smile.

"Of course it does matter. Faith is not something that can just make a cameo!"

Kaur's attitude was serious and his tone was firm.

If this scene were to be used by any interested person to make a fuss, the great sage would be unable to bear the consequences.

"Obviously he is just a young man over 10,000 years old, but he acts so rigidly, alas!"

Trazin let out a long sigh, quite disappointed with Call's lack of sense of humor.

"That disgusting egomaniac!"

This was one of the few times when Orikan felt at ease hearing Trazin's voice.

Although he would never admit it.

Mechanical Ark is a powerful ship, carrying several elite troops and enough Primaris Space Marine recruits to create five full battle groups. The huge force can completely reverse the defeat of a large war.

In addition, and more importantly, Mechanical Ark also carries a complete array of black stone obelisks.

This is exactly the trump card they specially prepared.

The activated black stone creation exuded a faint green light, and the effect displayed was nothing short of miraculous. The originally surging subspace energy around it was greatly suppressed in an instant, and became as calm as an ancient well.

The most direct consequence of this is that the four gods temporarily lost contact with the area, as if they were covered with a black film, unable to observe or interfere.

Without the support of the gods behind him, Erebus could no longer control this army of chaos.

He is only the spokesperson of the Four Gods, using their authority to issue orders, rather than the actual owner of the army.

So the pressure he put on the demons suddenly subsided.

They got up from the ground one after another.

They feel very unhappy.

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