I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 206 In the Name of the Gods

"Shut up, young man, just stay still!"

Erebus rushed up and threatened Wei Mu sternly.

Since surrendering to Chaos, he has never been so far away from the dark gods.

The interruption of contact filled Erebus with uneasiness.

He realized that he had to control Wei Mu who was trying to cause trouble in time, otherwise the situation was likely to go violent.

But the demons wouldn't let him.

"Let him speak, priest!" The All-Changing Demon Lord used a magic barrier between them to prevent Erebas from approaching Wei Mu. "I think the decree given by the gods to you does not include prohibiting him from speaking. Tiao, so why are you afraid of him talking?"

Of course they knew they were being cheated.

From making great achievements to being sold out for no apparent reason, anyone with a right mind would know there is something wrong.

But they can't find what the problem is.

Or to be more precise, they couldn't understand why things had come to this point as a matter of course, and they didn't even have a chance to resist.

Perhaps Wei Mu, as a bystander, can find the answer for them.

"You guys"

Erebus really had no right to stop Wei Mu from speaking. In addition, this area was now disconnected from the dark gods, so he couldn't find any reason to use it.

He could only silently look at the young man on the other side of the barrier, who had a relaxed smile on his face.

That was the expression Erebus often showed before, as if he had everything under control.

Something bad was going on, and a strong sense of crisis emerged from the heart of the chief pastor.

"Since what you are talking about here is the will of the dark gods, then take the matter of negotiating with me as an example. Which god specifically gave this will?" Wei Mu first asked the other party.

The authorization of the Dark Gods is the source of the legitimacy of all Erebas' actions, so the first thing Wei Mu has to do is to separate what Erebus does from the Dark Gods.

"That's right. The Blood God would never engage in such fancy operations. This is definitely not His idea!" Riot immediately shouted loudly, just like waking up someone from a dream.

"Our loving father will only punish those children who are disobedient. He will not betray them casually, let alone those who have merit. This must not be His intention." Leprosy followed.

"The Prince of Darkness is also not a businessman. This sounds more like Tzeentch's specialty." Soul Eclipse pointed the finger at the All-Changing Demon Lord beside him.

"What are you looking at me for?" The foreign spiritual master immediately retorted anxiously upon seeing this, "You can question the character of the Lord of Changes, but you cannot question his conspiracy. My Lord seems to be the kind of person who will do anything when the other party mentions conditions. A God who promises everything?"

Although at this time, due to unknown reasons, they severed the connection with the dark gods, they were able to make corresponding judgments based on their understanding of their masters.

Since they all believe that their respective gods would not do such a thing, this agreement is obviously not what the dark gods meant.

The demons cast their malicious eyes on Erebus, wanting to see how he would explain this.

"Stupid!" Erebus yelled at them loudly, "They have given me authority, and what I do is their will, otherwise they would not let it happen at all, isn't it? "

Then the originally menacing demons suddenly turned into deflated balloons one by one.

Wei Mu discovered that as long as these demons encountered something related to the four gods, they would lose the ability to think, and then they would be at the mercy of Erebas.

Or, in fact, the key to the problem lies with the four gods. However, the suppression of the origin prevents them from having such treacherous thoughts, so they can only ignore the root of the problem. The resulting logical confusion makes them seem Silly.

"Look at you, you are telling lies with your eyes open." Wei Mu waved his hand, as if to avenge the demons, "What is the relationship between the people in their family? Don't they themselves know better than you? ? Everyone wishes that the other gods would be unlucky, and it is even more common to attack each other with knives and make them stumble. It is not like brothers and sisters. You said that you represent the common will of the four gods. Isn't this a joke? "

"Your rebuttal is ridiculous! They have not always been hostile. They have also cooperated on many occasions, such as jointly blessing Horus and Abaddon. The authority I have received is also proof of this!" Erebus Loudly.

"Yes, the four gods can indeed reach an agreement on some big issues, such as destroying the empire." Wei Mu nodded first, and then asked, "But what about the specific details? Which god is responsible for which Part of the affairs? What should I do if something goes wrong in the affairs I am responsible for? Or if a decision made by a certain god is not in line with the wishes of other gods, how should I deal with it at this time? "

"This, this." Erebas faltered, "How can we, the mortals, understand what the gods mean? We are just here to serve them."

"Of course you can't tell me the specific situation, because they won't care about such things at all." Wei Mu waved his hand and explained, "They can barely tolerate each other on big things, but if they can't tolerate small things, Let the four gods make a decision together, such as occupying a city, Khorne wants to push directly, Tzeentch wants to use magic, Slaanesh wants to induce high-level rebellion, and Nurgle wants to release germs. Tell me, this situation should What to do? They will even fight over it themselves - that’s why the gods choose you dark apostles as their spokesmen.”

"They agreed to only give a general direction that is in line with the interests of all Chaos, invest an equivalent amount of power in it, and then leave the rest to you chosen people to make decisions, so that even if you do Because it is not in line with the wishes of some of the gods, but because it is something that has been agreed upon, they can only turn a blind eye and approve the results. It is in this way that Chaos can Avoid internal friction at critical moments and accomplish those great undertakings with a unified attitude."

"So to sum up, except that the final goal [leading me to Chaos] is the common intention of the dark gods, the specific operations in the middle are actually all your own ideas, Erebus. As long as you give As long as the solution is too outrageous, they will accept it by default."

After saying these words, the group of demons suddenly became enlightened as if the clouds were clearing and the sun appeared.

It turns out that all of this is caused by Erebus in the name of the dark gods.

"Don't listen to his sophistry. I have dedicated my body and mind to the dark gods. I am their apostle and the agent of their will." Erebus tried to clarify, trying to connect himself with the four gods again. Bind firmly.

But Wei Mu would not give him this opportunity: "Classic fanatic thinking, all the good things I encounter are given by God, all the suffering I encounter come from God's tempering, and everything I do is based on God. Anyway, I don’t bear any responsibility - so do you agree with his statement?"

Wei Mu scanned the demons in front of him.

"Approval?" The bloodthirsty god's violent voice was low, and his eyes were fierce, "It's nothing to acknowledge, this guy must pay the price for it!"

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