I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 207 Adding fuel to the fire

"Actually, you can't blame Erebus entirely for this matter. The agent plan used by the Dark Gods can indeed move the Chaos army in one place. For the development of the entire Chaos, it is absolutely crucial. The merits outweigh the faults." When Wei Mu saw this, he immediately transformed into a reasonable guest, and persuaded him angrily, "As for the [flexibility] of this power, just let him take a few bites to enrich his own pockets, it's nothing. It’s a big deal, and you don’t need to get angry about it.”

If the fire is not in place, it needs to be arched again. After all, Wei Mu's target is not just the chief priest.

"You fart!" Riot said angrily with a rough voice, "If he is good enough to hit, the labor and management can pay him in person. But if you want to exploit the labor and management by this method, why? Let him eat two bites. Forget it, an entire army of labor and management has been betrayed by him, and it’s not your flesh that’s been lost emotionally.”

For the bloodthirsty maniac who believes in the supremacy of force, such a development is absolutely unacceptable.

"That's right, we are the heroes of this incident. This guy is just a guide at best. Now not only have we not been able to receive the reward, we have also sold ourselves out. What kind of joke is this!" Soul Eating Twisting He moved his waist and said angrily.

If it is controlled by others, how can the Keeper have fun in the future, not to mention the bad impact it will have on its reputation.

The demons gnashed their teeth, eager to eat Erebus alive.

But their anger is directed in the wrong direction, at least for Wei Mu.

"What should we do? Can you still expect Chaos to produce a few upright and honest people?" Wei Mu waved his hand, "As long as Chaos wants to unite, there will inevitably be this kind of wandering among the four forces. From then on, The price difference caused by the speculators inside will naturally have to be paid for by you devils."

Weimu had to make them realize that this was not just a mistake made by one person, nor was it something that they felt was unlucky, but that something was wrong with the entire chaotic operating system.

However, this group of demons obviously still needs further enlightenment. At present, they just want to vent their anger on Erebus.

Facing the anger of the demons that was about to condense into substance, Erebus finally began to panic.

Although Wei Mu's words seemed to be speaking for him, in fact, this attempt to legitimize the treachery made the demons even more dissatisfied.

"Can't you see that this is all that kid's conspiracy? He must have used some unknown means to temporarily interrupt our contact with the Four Gods, and then took the opportunity to drive a wedge between us." He hurriedly explained.

However, the demons did not stop moving, and the encirclement network formed became closer and closer.

"You have made a mistake again, Mr. Erebas. I am obviously your prisoner and I was forced to sign the agreement. Moreover, I have kindly reminded you before that this matter needs to be discussed carefully. As a result, You rejected it on the spot, but now you sound like I am in control of the situation. Are you looking down on the Chaos army that captured me? You must be reasonable in your words." Wei Mu put on a face. Innocent expression.

This wasn't a spank, it was a slap in the face of the demons.

Feeling that they had been insulted again and again, the demons pounced on him.

Although Erebus struggled desperately and used his own force to fight back many of them, he was still outnumbered. In the end, he was stripped of his clothes and tied up with chains with thorns.

The chief priest was raised high, as if he were a sinner being judged by a group of demons.

"Don't think of us as fools, pastor, hurry up and find a way to terminate that agreement, otherwise you will die badly!" The All-Changing Demon Lord pointed his staff at Erebas and threatened loudly.

They still imagine that everything can be redeemed.

Maybe the gods gave this guy the power to adapt to circumstances, but he felt that he had already cooked the rice and his mouth was full of oil, so he was unwilling to use that limited power.

Since Erebus is not willing, then they will help him do it.

"I have explained it many times, demon. I am speaking for the dark gods. That agreement has been recognized by them. It is written in the Supreme Heaven and cannot be changed. Implementing it is what you should do." Ai Rebas still said, "And you can't do this to me, because I am the favorite of the four gods and their beloved apostle. If anything happens to me, they will definitely give you the most terrible punishment!"

Seeing that the situation was completely out of control, the chief priest sounded crazy and scolded the demons in front of him.

"He is right about this. After all, he is just a mediator at best. The agreement that has been reached needs the consent of the four gods before it can be changed. The new plan must satisfy them all. The difficulty is You can think about how big it is." Wei Mu reminded the demons.

They all know that if the four gods can reach an agreement on such matters as price bargaining, they will probably have to fight for the heat death of the universe to get the result.

Compared with this, they demons only need to kowtow to Wei Mu to solve the problem, and the gods will most likely choose the latter.

"And another point, you really can't hurt him," Wei Mu then said, "just like you can't hurt other mortals who are valued by the four gods."

This is what makes the demons feel most disgusted.

The Four Gods of Chaos thought Erebas was convenient to use, so they would keep him. This meant that no matter how crazy he tried to die, the demons could not really harm him until the Four Gods abandoned him.

The dark gods are moody, and the demons dare not try to disobey their will, let alone challenge their authority.

They grabbed Erebus and put on this exaggerated posture. At most, they could only scare him and let him taste the pain of his flesh and blood. In the end, they still had to ensure his health and integrity.

"No, everything can't be like this. There must be some other way!" The Great Unclean Leper's face was full of frustration, and his voice was full of tears, "My Lord and loving father, can you Hear me, this shouldn’t be our destiny, right?”

But the highest heaven did not respond to it, and there was darkness, like deathly silence.

Or perhaps, something important actually happened there, but they were just at a too low level to perceive the situation there.

"Is there really no way to change everything?" the spiritual master said dejectedly.

As a servant of the Lord of All Changes, he was plotted against by mere mortals, and he still couldn't figure out a way to solve it. It seemed as if all the variables had been terminated. This cruel scene almost suffocated him.

The hearts of other demons are also full of bitterness. They are not used to this feeling of being forced to separate from their gods.

It was such a critical moment, but I couldn't get guidance from the existence I believed in.

The blow caused by this was so heavy.

After the demons calmed down, the scene became silent.

It was deathly silence, and the expressions on the faces of the gods and demons were painful and distorted.

As the commanders of the troops, they will bear the primary responsibility for this, and they have no way to give an explanation to their subordinates. They have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

"Actually, to be honest, it's good to join the gang." At this moment, Wei Mu suddenly spoke again.

The pyre was already burning, and he had to add more fire to it.

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