I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 209 Nightmare

Leper held the poor Nurgling in his hands, his heart filled with deep sorrow.

It can feel that the countless lives that were originally active in the other party's body have disappeared. Those billions of bacteria and viruses are a great gift from a loving father and a key component of the cycle of life and death, like a rigorous grid. , a sophisticated system, a basic rule written at the bottom of everything.

But now, this supposedly perfect thing has been destroyed by Nurgling, becomes incomplete, and no longer works.

This situation often means destruction.

The Great Unclean One tried to save it, but the damn detergent still lingered on every inch of the Nurgling's skin, refusing to be re-infused with filthy life.

"From now on, our dormitory hygiene will be based on this standard."

Wei Mu took out various regulations written in advance, which had detailed instructions on how to regulate the demon dormitory.

"No, you can't do that, my loving father will be unhappy." Leprosy argued.

If you want it to live such a clean life, you might as well just let it die.

"Then you have to see if the other three companies agree." Wei Mu waved his hand helplessly.

The filthiness of Nurgle demons is something they can only bear, but it is still extremely disgusting to other demons.

If this does not change, the other three will not hesitate to join forces and fight against them.

As a dictator, controlling subordinates through differentiation is an essential operation, and classic techniques are often the most effective.

The Great Unclean One is like a doormat, squatting there and daring to be angry but afraid to speak out.

After dealing with the demon army of Nurgle, Wei Mu then turned his attention to the secret keeper of the Slaanesh family.

Haunted Soul realized that it was the next target.

It is bound to happen that a new official will take the lead in taking office. After all, leaders need to establish their prestige among a new group.

But it has already been mentally prepared.

Isn't it just a mortal? What's the big deal? It is a servant of the Lord of Joy. It knows the limits of sensual pleasure. With its countless service skills, it can definitely make this mortal feel happy and make him bow down willingly. Under its pomegranate skirt, he eventually became a puppet seeking pleasure.

The gentle town is the Tomb of Heroes.

Destruction does not necessarily require violence. Those intoxicating and beautiful things can sometimes have the same effect, and may even be more terrifying.

So when Wei Mu patted the giant panda pattern on the secret keeper's buttocks, the latter immediately let out a crisp gasp.

The overly enchanting voice made Wei Mu's body get goosebumps.

"The dark gods rarely value a mortal so much. Your wit and talent are unprecedented, so I am willing to submit to you. My subordinates and I will serve you loyally and do our best to meet all your needs. "

The Keeper of Secrets praised Wei Mu very much, but his attitude was a little too submissive.

A charming body fragrance emanated from the demon's body, and the hormones and magic contained in it confused Wei Mu's mind.

It is a caress that comes from the depths of the soul.

It felt as if I had not slept for three whole days and was in desperate need of a good night's sleep.

It will tell you that if you continue to persist, there will only be more pain and no end in sight, but as long as you give up, you will be immediately relieved and immersed in comfort and beauty.

"So you Slaanesh demons are good at doing this kind of thing, right? Making people feel good or something like that."

Wei Mu did not indulge in it, but suddenly asked.

"Of course, service is a required course for every follower of the Prince of Darkness."

The Keeper was very surprised that Wei Mu could be completely immune to its charm, but the expression on its face remained calm.

"In this case, it's just right. The future image work of our team will be left to you." Wei Mu said enthusiastically.

"Image work?" The secret keeper looked surprised, "What is that?"

I'm talking about romance with you, but you actually talk about career with me.

But let’s talk about career, let’s talk about career. Who said this young man is the boss?

"You see, if an organization wants to grow, it must attract others to join. If it wants to attract others, it must let everyone see the benefits of joining you." Wei Mu slowly explained, "Those religious organizations started in the very beginning. At that time, they always used good deeds to win over people's hearts, such as giving porridge to charity, helping people in need, etc. The most typical one is Zhang Jiao of the Yellow Turban Army. After gaining influence, he started [Cangtian is dead, Huang Tiandang is standing] to overthrow other people’s old Liu family’s stall.”

"Of course I know this. If you give those stupid mortals a little sweetness, they will willingly sacrifice their lives, just like the bait hanging on the fishhook." Soul Soul nodded.

They demons are simply not too familiar with this kind of thing.

"So your Slaanesh family's future job is to give those mortals a taste of the sweetness, so as to build the reputation of our sect."

"Then what?"

"Then when those mortals see that our sect is so good, they will rush to join, and our influence will gradually increase. And by the time we can fully control everything, those stupid mortals will not be manipulated by us at will." Wei Mu replied with a smile, as if he had become the tyrant with hundreds of millions of lives in his hands.

"No, I'm asking about our other work, the part after tricking them in." Soul Eclipse reminded.

"Then let the bird-headed men of Tzeentch's family trick them into working for the cause of Chaos, let the dead fat men of Nurgle's family squeeze out every bit of their value, and finally let the kobolds of Khorne's family knock them out. , dedicate a large amount of souls to the Chaos Gods." Wei Mu explained.

"That's it, gone?"

"It's gone. Everyone has clicked. What else do you want?"

"So the future job of our Slaanesh Demon Army is to make those mortals happy and happy?"

"Yes, that's how everyone starts. Otherwise, how to attract others? You can't let the other three companies do this, right? Do you think they can do this job?"

"But what about wailing and torture? How can we take pleasure from these mortals?" Soul Eclipse suddenly said excitedly.

"Perhaps you can get happiness and satisfaction from helping others?" Wei Mu tried to ask.

"By watching them benefit from our labor? No kidding, we need something more exciting and passionate, not such boring things!"

Boredom is the greatest torture for a Slaanesh demon.

If they do not receive severe stimulation for a long time, they will become languid, like a fish that has lost water.

"I'm going to criticize you, Keeper of Secrets. Do you know how fierce the competition we face is? If we don't find a way to make some tricks, we will be eliminated by the torrent of the times without everyone noticing. Don't you guys His lifelong pursuit is just to torture a few mortals to death, instead of wanting to stand on the cusp of the storm and achieve a greater cause?"

Wei Mu began to draw cakes for each other.

"We really don't care about this." Yahun rejected the pie on the spot.

Be as cool as you want, this is the way of Slaanesh.

But this is not allowed by capitalists.

The vast majority of employees just want to do their job well and then use their wages and vacations to reward themselves.

Capitalists hope that employees will care about their work as if it is their own family business and do their best, even though employees have no inheritance rights to the company.

Wei Mu obviously has the ability to be a qualified capitalist.

"No, this is closely related to each of you. Let me tell you, I am adopting an assembly-line cult expansion strategy that gathers the power of the four gods. It can bring out each of your characteristics to the fullest. Compared with Abaddon's black I don’t know how much more efficient the expedition will be. When the business becomes bigger and stronger, we will be the most handsome boys in the subspace. With legendary resumes at our side, we can be the boss wherever we go. Even if we want to have a party, we have to have one. A great party is the most enjoyable thing, isn’t it?”


"As for the few difficulties encountered, please try your best to overcome them."

The majestic demons of Slaanesh were actually reduced to a group of volunteers, and this boss also told them everything so clearly that they couldn't refuse - could this be some kind of nightmare?

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