I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 211 Standing out

Chaos may easily corrupt capitalists, but the way capital itself works is absolutely contrary to the extreme emotions they symbolize.

It's efficient, it's cold, like a never-ending machine, constantly finding ways to devour more benefits to satisfy its bottomless appetite.

The demons never want to live that kind of life, but they have to recognize the potential of capital.

A way of working that is built on their hard work can indeed make organizations grow faster.

So now there are only two roads before them.

Or become a ruthless subspace dialer, suffering from work all the time, placing their only hope on the pie painted by Wei Mu for them.

Of course they know that even if they work until their souls are gone, they will not become as powerful as Wei Mu said, but there will always be a few survivors, and maybe it will be their turn. ?

Okay, this sounds like you are lying to yourself, but this life is at least better than the other option - either being resold to the Red Pirates, and then being made into a miserable demon engine under the operation of the Chaos Sorcerer and Dimension Craftsman .

The Tzeentch demons fell into silence one after another, and the previous wave of resistance had completely disappeared.

The appearance of this scene let Wei Mu know that they had been successfully manipulated and he had doubts about himself.

In the end, only the Khorne family, the most difficult to deal with, was left.

So Wei Mu left the Tzeentch demonic army behind and slowly walked to the front of the bloodthirsty demon.

"You, mortal, don't think you can handle me like you handle them. I am a servant of the Blood God. I advocate bravery. Unless you show strong fighting power, I will never recognize you, let alone surrender to you. I The same goes for the legion under his command!”

Luan sharpened the battle ax in his hand and looked directly at Wei Mu with ferocious eyes, as if Wei Mu would chop it to death immediately if Wei Mu dared to put the panda's head on its body.

"So you're going to be a thorn in the side?"

Wei Mu carefully looked at the terrifying creature in front of him.

It has scarlet skin, a huge body, a pair of bat-like wings on its back, and a pair of beast-like hooves under its feet. Its face is as ferocious as a vicious dog, and its whole body is full of bloodthirsty and violent power.

"So what?" Riot chuckled.

The bloodthirsty demon is the personal envoy of the Blood God and the embodiment of violence.

They are the most perfect fighting machines in the world, and they are also the most dangerous and uncontrollable existences.

"If you do this, it will be very difficult for me. How can I lead the team in the future?"

Wei Mu waved his hand upon seeing this. After all, he couldn't catch this guy and beat him up, and that was the correct way to deal with the Khorne demon.

"Is it difficult to do it?" Riot grinned, "Then don't do it!"

The bloodthirsty demon puts force first and doesn't care about the rest.

The reason why he didn't kill Wei Mu directly before was because he didn't want to cause trouble. But now the other party wants to ride on its head without knowing it. That must be an impossible thing.

"Are you really sure you want to be the one who stands out?"

Wei Mu issued a third warning.

"Stop talking nonsense, either do it directly or stop beeping. I know you kid can scheme, but even if I am forced to death, I will not succumb to your power. Even if I sue my lord, I will still do it. That's the truth." Riot said disdainfully.

As the saying goes, "Civility is not first, military is not second." The standard for judging violence is the most direct, without any twists and turns.

If you can beat me, I will be convinced, otherwise there will be no discussion.

In the eyes of the bloodthirsty maniac, Wei Mu has reached the point where he is at the end of his game. If there is any way to deal with it, it should have been taken out long ago. There is no need to hide it like this.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that besides Skarbrand, there would be such a tough demon in your house." Wei Mu said in surprise.

"You kid, just say what you want and fart when you want. Don't let this weird thing happen!" Riot shouted sternly.

It could hear that the other party seemed to be praising it, but was actually mocking the entire Khorne Demon Army.

This kid must be holding something bad in his stomach.

But the riots are not afraid, and their Khorne demons can always use the most direct method to destroy all conspiracies.

"You want to be the best, right? You won't change your ambition even after your death, right? Don't give in later, otherwise I will be disappointed."

As he said that, Wei Mu began to rummage around, as if he wanted to take out something to clean up the riot.

"Nonsense, if you have the ability, you can kill labor and management. Labor and management never know how to write coward."

Riot said confidently.

No matter how powerful this mortal is, what can he do to deal with the bloodthirsty demon of the mighty god?

The other demons around were also very curious.

Soon Wei Mu found the thing and handed it to Riot.

It looked like a page of paper with something drawn on it.

"You kid, what kind of conspiracy are you doing here?"

Riot looked at the mortal in front of him who was no higher than his knees, his eyes full of vigilance.

"This is just my plan for your future. I drew it for your reference. Remember to make the life support system more delicate." Wei Mu reminded.

"Life support system?"

Riot took the paper doubtfully and read the contents carefully.

Then it was stunned by the content inside.

The bloodthirsty demon's expression was dull and his eyes were dull, as if he had lost the ability to think due to too strong a mental shock, like a robot that was suddenly cut off from the power supply while it was in operation.

what's the situation?

This inexplicable scene made the other demons extremely confused. They all approached cautiously, wanting to see what kind of shocking content could transform the arrogant bloodthirsty demon into this appearance. .

As a result, they discovered that what the rioters were holding was a drawing, which seemed to depict some kind of equipment, some kind of... armor?

It looks pretty normal anyway, I don’t understand why the riot turned out like this.

"I" At this moment, Riot, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, his voice was unusually low, "The noble bloodthirsty madman under the command of Khorne, the first person to be promoted to the second level, the commander of the Crimson Legion, and the leader of billions of living beings. Slaughterer—and you gave me such a thing?"

"Yes." Wei Mu nodded seriously, "After all, when your career becomes bigger and stronger, it will definitely offend other people's interests, and as the leader of the team, I am very likely to be criticized by other people for this. targeted, so I personally need strong combat power to ensure safety, but I’m really not good at fighting, so I can only use this method to make up for my shortcomings.”

As he spoke, he turned his attention to the other three great demons: "Now that we've discussed this topic, it's a good time for you to choose the remaining positions."

"Choose a position?" The three demons suddenly asked, "Which position should I choose?"

It's related to the battle. Could it be an issue with the deployment of the security team?

"Can't you big demons be turned into equipment? For example, I know that the magic sword in Abadon's hand was turned into a demon." Wei Mu explained, "If any blind enemy wants to If you harm me, the four of you will turn into equipment and support me. We will work together to beat each other to death, and I can also take the opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of being unparalleled in the crowd."

If the strength is not enough, scraping together equipment may sound a bit unethical, but it is an effective solution.

At this point, the big demons suddenly realized.

This guy's combat prowess is so low, he actually expects to rely on our blessing to defeat others, and even uses other people's unparalleled skills. It's simply outrageous.

No wonder the bloodthirsty maniac is stimulated.

A situation like this, where you don't work hard and rely entirely on the strength of others to show off your power and kill indiscriminately, will definitely make the demons of the Khorne family explode.


The big demons seemed to have realized something again.

Keywords such as transformation equipment, pictures, and life support systems flashed through their minds.

At this moment, they finally realized why Wei Mu was toying with Riot, because he chose a very embarrassing part for the Riot Transformation equipment.

"You kid, how dare you let labor become your crotch!"

The bloodthirsty demon's voice was like a thunderclap, filled with unimaginable rage.

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