I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 212 You are a coward

Forced to be the crotch of some weakling mortal, not only cannot taste the blood of the enemy, but is also specially instructed to be equipped with a suitable life support system to help deal with those disgusting excrements.

Perhaps only the unclean ones with dirty nature would like this kind of treatment.

For the bloodthirsty maniac who is supreme in force and arrogant, this is simply a great shame and humiliation.

"Didn't you just say that you would never give in even if you were shattered to pieces? Why are you so excited now?" Wei Mu asked deliberately.

"That doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to me, mortal." Riot shouted loudly, "Take back your decision and regret it. I will only give you one chance."

What it wants to see is Wei Mu retreat.

With such a tiny existence standing in front of the bloodthirsty demon, Riot felt that he could easily crush him to death with just a little stomp of his feet.

"Have you not figured it out yet? You are the one being dominated, and I am your future boss." Wei Mu reminded.

But instead of being afraid of this ant-like mortal, he relied on the favor of the four gods to fight it to the end, treating the dignity of the bloodthirsty demon as nothing.

"You're looking for death, right? That's good!"

Riot was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

If this matter really becomes a reality, it will become an eternal laughing stock in the mouths of all demons, and will no longer have a place in the demon army of Khorne.

That would be an ending even more shameful than turning into a Chaos Egg, and the riot had no possibility of acceptance.

The Daemons of Khorne differ from other factions in that they are generally pragmatic.

Even other demons are forced to tremble in front of this damn mortal and live in an ignoble existence due to their lustful power, but they will not. They are the last dignity of the subspace.

The angry riot raised their battle axes and chopped them down with thunderous force.

It doesn't want to see this annoying mortal again. Only when it's crushed into meat is the destination it deserves.

Upon seeing this, the other three great demons rushed forward one after another to stop the bloodthirsty demon's reckless move.

"Even if you kill him directly, it won't work. In the end, the dark gods will still have to settle the accounts. Life and death are not worth mentioning to them." The Ten Thousand Transformations Demon Lord hurriedly explained, " As long as they give their approval, they can resurrect this kid at any time and transfer the command. In this way, not only will it not be able to change our fate of being a servant under him, but it will also anger him, and we will not have a good life in the future."

If everything could be solved simply by relying on force, there wouldn't be so many unsolved problems in the world.

"So what? If anything happens, I will be responsible for it alone. Get out of the way and let me chop up this bastard!"

The rioters refused to give up and were determined to kill Wei Mu.

A soldier cannot be killed but cannot be humiliated. Even if it dies, it must die on the way to charge.

You want one person to do things and others to take responsibility, but others may not think so when it comes to revenge, and the three demons still stand in front of it.

Faced with the concerted efforts of the three great demons, even if the bloodthirsty demons ran rampant, it would be difficult to break through their obstacles for a while, so the scene became a bit stiff.

As for the three big demons, they don't know why Wei Mu made the situation like this. If it's just to establish prestige, there are obviously many other better ways to choose.

"I can kill him with my ceremonial dagger, a weapon that can knock the wind out of him."

At this moment, Erebus, whose body was hung by chains on the wall, suddenly shouted.

Ever since the connection with the Four Gods was severed, he had always had a bad feeling. The agreement reached with Wei Mu might have been a huge mistake, and everything that happened before him was actually a conspiracy.

He must do his best to prevent the situation from continuing to develop.

However, because of his previous actions of benefiting himself at the expense of others, the demons already regarded him as their enemy. Not only were they unwilling to listen to any of his words, they also tied him up tightly.

Erebus couldn't move and could only watch everything happen.

Now the angry bloodthirsty maniac is his last chance.

Even if he would lose the achievements he was about to obtain, he would use the help of rioters to get rid of this hidden danger for the Four Gods.

After Erebus reminded him, Riot finally remembered that there was such a thing.

As long as Wei Mu can be completely disappeared, even the gods cannot be resurrected, and the problems caused by him will naturally cease to exist.

As for the instructions from the four gods, if you want to kill or cut it into riots, you have to accept its fate. It is better to accept the punishment of the gods than to become the crotch of this kid.

It immediately took out the ritual dagger from Erebus's body, and the expression on its face immediately became ferocious.

When the other demons saw this scene, they stopped trying to stop the riot.

They are obviously unwilling to accept the tyranny of Wei Mu.

If everything could end here and they wouldn't have to take responsibility, that would be the best thing.

In their eyes, the riot at this time is like a brave man, launching a desperate challenge to the unfair fate for the benefit of everyone.

"You brought this on yourself, mortal. Don't think that just because the Four Gods are interested in you, you can show off your power everywhere."

Having decided to embark on the road of destruction, Riot just wanted to taste the despair radiating from Wei Mu.

Wei Mu should feel despair.

After all, Erebus had used this thing to make him shudder, and finally forced him to sign the surrender agreement.

"I thought you were so brave, but you're still a coward after doing this for a long time."

When Wei Mu saw this, he just let out a long sigh, as if he was quite disappointed with the performance of the riot.

"So these were your last words?"

Riot thought Wei Mu was bluffing.

The bloodthirsty demon stared at the mortal in front of him with his terrifying scarlet eyes, hoping to see cowardice in him.

"I said you are a coward. Do you know, coward?" Wei Mu emphasized again, "I thought that your Khorne Demon Army was bearing the humiliation and bearing the burden, but in fact you are just bullying the weak and afraid of the strong."

However, in the face of certain death, Wei Mu showed amazing courage, which was enough to surprise even the bloodthirsty demon.

That is true courage, a decisive blow for victory, and the Daemons of Khorne are very sensitive to this.

Riot was very confused as to why he could see such a thing in Wei Mu. It was clear that the other party was just seeking death by spouting wild words.

"Don't listen to him, kill him quickly!"

The bloodthirsty maniac's moment of confusion made Erebas very anxious.

When Wei Mu faced the same situation, his attitude was completely different, which further proved the disturbing suspicion in his heart - this kid had been pretending before.

The chief priest only hoped that the rioters could kill him immediately and not give him any chance to make excuses.

But such warnings are very harsh in the eyes of the rioters.

"Shut up, Pastor, you are not a good person. A despicable villain who betrayed us actually has the nerve to point fingers at labor and management?" the bloodthirsty maniac yelled.

"No, these are actually his plots. He is playing with you. You must not fall into the trap." Erebas persuaded him earnestly.

"Labour can drive him to pieces at any time now, but you say he is playing tricks on Labour? Do you really think that Labour has a problem with his IQ, and you plan to sell Labour again?" Riot looked at the chief pastor, his eyes full of anger, "Come on Man, take off his jaw!”

Anyway, he has already planned to take action against the mortals beloved by the Four Gods, and it is no different from this one.

After receiving the order, several vampires rushed forward and directly smashed the priest's mandible. The latter's mouth was full of blood due to the heavy injuries, and he could only moan and groan, unable to utter any words.

As for Wei Mu, Riot really wanted to find out where this kid got the courage to speak out.

"Why am I a coward?" The bloodthirsty maniac pointed at Erebus who was in miserable condition, and threatened sternly, "If you don't give a satisfactory explanation, you will become like this soon!"

It has lived a violent life and believed in the way of Khorne. It has never been afraid of challenges. It was at the forefront of the Webway War and fought with the Golden Legion. It can be said that it is brave and invincible. It is just unlucky that it failed to encounter the big golden beast. It's just a guy, otherwise Gao Luo will give the other side two big axes.

It doesn't know what cowardice is at all.

And the kid in front of him, who might become its future boss, was a weakling in combat, how could he dare to call it a coward?

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