I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 213 Influence

"You are a coward and you still don't admit it." Wei Mu said with a disdainful expression, "If you think about it carefully, what heinous things I have done so far have made you, the devils, feel so uncomfortable, and I even went so far as to disobey the four gods. Will my will drive me to pieces?"

"I didn't do anything." Before the demons could answer, Wei Mu continued, "I've only met you for such a short time. Even if I had the intention to harm people, what could I have done in detail? I was just casually It's just a bit of lip service - so you think things will turn out like this, what is the problem? Could it be that just because of Erebus's betrayal, it can have such a bad effect? ​​"

"Uh, this." Riot hesitated, unable to give a specific answer.

But Wei Mu knew that this guy actually knew it in his heart, but he just didn't want to admit it.

If that was the case, then he would force it to admit it bit by bit.

"If it's not convenient to talk about your own affairs, then you can always speak freely about other people's affairs." Wei Mu waved his hand, "Let's talk about the boss lady of your Khorne Demon Army, Bloody Valkia. "

"Don't talk this nonsense, mortal, we have no boss lady in the Demon Army of Khorne!" Riot immediately warned solemnly.

"There is no boss lady?" Wei Mu looked surprised, "How loud is the name Valkia [Bride of Khorne], if the Blood God doesn't approve of it, will she dare to bear this name on her head? You are close to the Blood God , why don’t you come up with the title of [Iron Buddy of Khorne] for fun?”

The majesty of the gods cannot be blasphemed.

If you can still get along with someone using the name of a god, it must be approved by the god himself.

"This, okay."

Riot had to admit that when Wei Mu mentioned the word boss's wife, the first thing that appeared in his mind was Valkiya.

"Even so, why should I kill her?" The bloodthirsty maniac suddenly looked wary, "You want to instigate me to betrayal, you want to shake my loyalty to the Blood God?"

No matter how reckless Riot is, he knows that that woman is Khorne's heartthrob and must not be touched, otherwise he will surely bear the wrath of Khorne himself.

"Then what makes you my crotch is the power given to me by the Blood God? Since you are so loyal and obedient, why don't you accept your fate?" Wei Mu asked in return.

"You only got on top of me because of an accident. My malice towards you cannot be said to be loyalty or betrayal." Riot said disdainfully, as it had never recognized Wei Mu's status at all.

"Accident? Do you think what happened to you was just an accident?" Wei Mu chuckled, and then said, "Okay, don't give me this nonsense, let me ask you, who is your Khorne Demon Army? Don’t you believe in the supremacy of force?”

"Of course, my lord is the God of War."

"Then let me ask you again, do your Khorne Demon Army follow the law of survival of the fittest?"

"Indeed, the weak should become the stepping stone for the strong."

"Then your boss lady is so bad at fighting, why is Khorne still doting on her like a treasure?" Wei Mu asked.

The Bride of Khorne, the Blood Queen, and the Valkyrie Valkia are all famous, but they can actually bully little-known people. They are defeated when they meet legends. So far, they have been beaten by people at least three times. Back then, the KDA was negative, and there was even a scene of him being beaten by soldiers in his promotional video.

However, it was such a character that Khorne liked so much, and it was said that when she fell, the blood god's roar could be heard throughout the Chaos Realm.

Khorne did not want Valkia to die and brought her back to life again and again. His excessive love for that mortal simply shocked the crowd.

"This. This is my Lord's will. As a great god, He can naturally do whatever he wants." Riot explained forcibly.

"Even if you smash your own sign?" Wei Mu asked angrily.

Riot avoided the question and refused to say anything.

"Don't you, the Demon Army of Khorne, think that this kind of excessive pampering can bring trouble to the imperial court? Do you want me to give you a few examples, such as Daji's death in Shang, Xi Shi's marsh Wu, and Feng Huo playing with the princes?" Wei Mu tried to say.

"I have said before, my Lord is a god, don't use the superficial perspective you treat a mortal leader to measure matters related to Him." The bloodthirsty maniac continued to insist.

"Yes, the endurance of a god is beyond what ordinary people can imagine, but it is not infinite after all, right? Is there a possibility that if Khorne, as a god, accidentally plays a landslide, the violent consequences will be Is it equally unimaginable? And even if the situation does not completely collapse, the aftermath will be enough to cause trouble to all living beings like you and me?" Wei Mu continued to ask.

"There are no signs of that kind of thing happening. You are just alarmist. Don't try to deceive me with such sweet talk!" But Riot refused to accept it.

Even if he was cursed, the devil would not admit the evil god's mistakes, and it was like he had "the king and father in the world" engraved into his bones.

And Wei Mu didn't have the magical power like Tzeentch to forcibly reverse the big demon's cognition, so he could only guide it bit by bit.

"Am I being alarmist, or have the signs already appeared, but you turned a blind eye?" Wei Mu asked, "Anyway, Nurgle suffered a big loss because of Mortarion's tricks, and the Plague God's beloved garden was burned down. , I believe that the Great Unclean One will definitely agree with my point of view, it just depends on when your Khorne family collapses because of the Demon Prince."

Leprosy really agrees with Wei Mu’s statement.

It hates Mortarion and blames him for bringing great disaster to the garden because of his disobedience, but the loving father values ​​the former mortal leader very much, which makes them at a loss as to what to do.

"That was a tragic defeat caused by their stupidity and disobedience to orders. We, the Demon Army of Khorne, will never do this." Riot continued.

In response to the bloodthirsty demon's answer, Wei Mu just smiled and continued: "As we all know, the subspace and the real universe are interconnected. Although you demons think that you are superior in front of mortals, the laws of nature never allow anyone to be superior to the other. "Such subjective statements as electromagnetic force is higher than gravity and so on - they are just part of the rules of the universe."

"So when the power of Chaos corrupts the creation of reality in large quantities, the subspace will also be affected by it in turn. Khorne's favor for Valkia and Nurgle's indulgence of Mortarion are just some of them. One of the manifestations is that there are many other Chaos Warriors and Demon Princes, and they will inevitably inject human attributes into the subspace and your four demonic armies."

"To put it bluntly, you will be affected by us - doesn't what happened to you today make you feel this firsthand?"

Of course the demons feel it.

Whether it was Erebas or Weimu, these two mortals relied on the gods' love for them and taught them an unforgettable lesson.

"So you have been going around and talking all this time, and you just want me to kill all the humans who have taken refuge in the subspace, those Chaos Warriors and the Demon Princes, so that you can cut off the negative influence of you humans on the subspace? Is this what you mean? Bravery?" Riot chuckled and said, "Don't you think your trick is a bit too stupid and simple, mortal?"

"Then do you know that among all kinds of schemes, conspiracy is the most difficult to crack? Because it follows the rules and is in line with your interests, and it leaves you with no choice?"

Wei Mu asked rhetorically.

"Do you know the book "Skarbrand's Rebellion"? I am the author of that book."

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