I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 214 You are talking

The content of "Skarbrand's Rebellion" is so deviant that all the demons who have read this book will be deeply impressed by it.

The book tells a theme - the devil prince has taken away the jobs of the original demons. The original demons are at risk of being replaced, so they should launch a resistance for this.

The four great demons present were selected by Ourrican through the changing timeline, and they have naturally read the book.

Perhaps they had different degrees of recognition of the gist of the book before, but Wei Mu's showdown at this moment made them doubt everything in the book.

"So this is your arrangement. The reason why you are forcing us so much is because you want us to betray the dark gods, just like what is written in your book?" Soul Eclipse said in surprise.

"That's right, I'm letting you experience the dangers. If you don't try some problems yourself, you will never know how serious they are." Wei Mu nodded directly.

"What a good boy, you didn't even pretend anymore. You made it clear that you want me to betray my lord." The riot was a little surprised by Wei Mu's showdown, and unexpectedly felt a lot more relaxed because of this frankness, so it didn't take action directly. , but threatened, "Give me a reason not to scare you away!"

"That's right. Since we already know that all this is your conspiracy, why don't we completely eliminate you and instead act according to your will?" The supernatural master then asked.

"We will never become traitors because of this." Leprosy also vowed.

They didn't know how to explain to the four gods before killing Wei Mu, but now, the other party directly gave them a perfect reason to take action.

"Because the dark gods need restraint. Their indulgence will eventually lead to the destruction of everything. Excessive love for the devil prince is just the beginning." Wei Mu calmly explained to the demons in front of him.

"Don't try to scaremonger people with those unfounded things!" Riot shook the ceremonial dagger and warned sternly.

That dagger was like a toothpick in the hands of a huge bloodthirsty maniac, but the danger it carried was far greater than the deadly poison that sealed the throat with blood.

"I'm talking about your affairs. Am I being alarmist? Can't you feel it yourself?" Wei Mu waved his hand, "The essence of chaos is extreme emotion, and extreme is not a stable state. It is violent and impulsive. , without restraint, it can easily lead to destruction for others and yourself.”

"Think about it when a person is extremely aggressive about everything and solves everything with force."

"When a person is addicted to pleasure, falls into pornography, gambling, drugs or even more crazy mental dependence and is unable to extricate himself."

“When a person is decadent and despondent, he doesn’t care about his family, friends, life, career, or even himself and is completely ruined.”

"When a person is led to a crazy state by curiosity and involves himself in various dangerous areas without any scruples or bottom lines."

"Are these situations themselves beneficial to the parties concerned?"

Wei Mu asked a question, and then answered it himself.

"Of course not. Countless cases have proven that if they can't get out of this state, it will almost certainly destroy them."

"And the situation of the dark gods will only be billions of times worse than these mortals. Their lack of restraint will bring disaster to the entire galaxy, including themselves - Chaos has no victory, and your victory is only better than other things. Just step slowly into destruction."

Demons know this, of course; they have seduced mortals.

Those pitiful little mortals only have a little guidance from them, but their fragile emotions lead them to a dead end, and they are finally forced to sacrifice their souls to them.

It's just that the demons will not impose this view on themselves, let alone speculate about the four gods.

"You're lying, you just don't want to see us win!" Soul Soul questioned loudly.

Naturally, the demons cannot accept such a statement that denies the achievements of Chaos.

Wei Mu smiled: "If that's the case, then let's see what the result will be if you Chaos side has the last laugh in this galactic chaos - the big rift has successfully swallowed the entire galaxy, and there is no more wisdom. Creatures can escape from your grasp, and you fall into an extreme carnival, wantonly harvesting the lives and emotions that fell into the subspace, and enjoy an unprecedented gluttonous feast."

"Yes, that's exactly what we want." The secret keeper nodded, showing a strange desire for that thing to happen.

"However, the banquet will eventually end. What will happen after that?" Wei Mu asked, "If all intelligent creatures are destroyed, the galaxy will no longer be suitable for the reproduction of life. Without the souls and emotions they provide, without them, we will start a The wave of subspace, how will you obtain the power to maintain yourself when the time comes, will it all depend on the support of the four gods?"

"This, this." Yihun couldn't refute.

Because the demons only know how to destroy and plunder, but not engage in production.

"You know that this kind of thing will indeed happen, because you will not exercise restraint, and neither will the dark gods. They are so willful and will only be driven by intense emotions, just like drug addicts who will pursue their pursuits at all costs. Like psychotropic drugs, the world cannot remain stable under extreme circumstances, and your exploitative behavior will cause them to collapse one after another."

Chaos is not called the original destroyer for nothing.

When the demon army comes to the mortal world, they will spare no effort to kill and destroy, for fear that they will be outnumbered, slow, and others will beat them to the throne.

They have never considered anything related to sustainable development, such as "it takes only a few grains of grain to enter the pond, but only a few pounds of ax to enter the mountains and forests."

The planets they have destroyed have been completely wiped out, and even the insects will not eat them.

The victory of Chaos will inevitably lead to a sharp decline in the number of intelligent creatures, or even complete extinction.

"And this disaster does not need to progress to your complete victory. When the resources of the mortal world become tense, its side effects will gradually begin to appear. Existences as powerful as the Chaos Gods may still be able to maintain their own domain. , but they will definitely not be able to retain such a large army under their command, and they will eventually have no choice but to reduce their expenses by reducing the size of their troops. This is a completely inevitable situation."

Since there are not enough things to divide, then reduce the number of people who divide things. This is a natural option for the demons.

"So here comes the crux of the problem."

Wei Mu suddenly changed the subject and his eyes became sharp.

"If they have to reduce their troops, they will give priority to retaining the original demons that they can shape at any time, that is, you, or they will choose those with extremely low probability of output, extremely low probability of capture, and extremely low probability of cultivation. The Demon Prince, that is, a mortal after becoming a demon?"

Wei Mu looked around at the four great demons, this was a torture that penetrated deeply into his soul.

However, the demons were extremely quiet, and no one could stand up to answer, and the expressions on their faces still showed deep bitterness.

"Don't be silent, this is just a matter of choosing one or the other, and you yourself are included in it - can't you trust your master and say with your head held high that they will give priority to retaining this option for you? Wei Mu said loudly.

There was still silence below.

After experiencing various things personally, the big demons certainly know the answer to that question, but the answer is too cruel for them.

So Wei Mu changed the topic to the riot, pointed at it and yelled: "Answer me, bloodthirsty maniac, aren't you very brave? Now I'm just asking you to do a multiple-choice question, can't you even give an answer? Come?"

Faced with Wei Mu's arrogant questioning, Riot just turned his head away and didn't want to face it.

"Speak, you coward, coward, coward, coward!" Wei Mu refused to give up.

Every time he said an insulting word, he would give the bloodthirsty maniac a hard kick on the calf, like an evil mother-in-law bullying her young daughter-in-law.

Faced with such an offensive act, the latter could only suppress his emotions, daring to get angry but not dare to speak.

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