I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 215 After the End

Under Wei Mu's repeated verbal attacks, the demons were speechless.

Of course, their nature is best understood by themselves.

If they were allowed to completely control the situation in the future, they would never take good care of this galaxy.

Therefore, the picture painted by Wei Mu, in which Chaos suddenly dies after falling into an unprecedented feast, seems to them to be close at hand.

Only Erebus, who was in a bound state, kept making sounds, desperately warning the demons not to be fooled.

He watched helplessly as the demons fell into Wei Mu's trap step by step. The current situation was very dangerous for the Chaos side.

However, due to the previous removal of his jaw, Erebus was unable to pronounce accurate syllables, and his whining sounds made people feel disgusted.

"Shut up to labor and management!"

Riot was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he picked up the whip and whipped Erebas hard.

Poor Erebas had several ribs broken instantly, and he screamed in pain because of the extreme pain all over his body.

At this point, no demon cares what the hand of fate thinks.

If it hadn't been for him messing around, how could there have been all these bad things that followed?

And what he did just proved the correctness of Wei Mu's view. The dark gods' excessive favor for mortals will gradually become a threat to the original demons, and it is an abnormal phenomenon that urgently needs to be suppressed.

"So what exactly is your purpose, mortal!"

After thinking for a long time, the supernatural master finally asked loudly.

"The development of the next thing does not depend on me, but on you. Don't forget that the ritual dagger in your hands can make me fly away at any time." Wei Mu reminded.

Despite this, the faces of the big demons were still gloomy. They did not feel like they were in control of the situation at all, but more like they were being led around.

"You can choose to fulfill the agreement and act as if nothing has happened - after completing the last kowtow, I will officially surrender to Chaos and become your boss."

"After this, as mentioned before, I will work hard to lead you to make your career bigger and stronger, and strive to accumulate more soul and emotional energy before the [End Time] arrives."

"The collapse of the material universe is definitely quite tragic, just like a thunderstorm in a bank. No one will try to help stabilize it. Instead, everyone will take their money out of it as soon as possible to ensure their own safety as much as possible. The benefits are equivalent to everyone stepping in, and the situation will only get worse and worse, and the process will be extremely fast."

"So when the material universe is too weak to support the huge subspace group, you and your compatriots will not let it recuperate. Instead, driven by a sense of urgency, you will crazily gain more souls for yourself, and try your best to first As long as the food goes into your own stomach, no one on the planets with life will be spared."

"Unless there is an oversized boss who intervenes, such as the government providing a sum of money to help banks stabilize the situation, the wayward four gods will definitely not help stabilize the situation in the material universe, otherwise they are called chaos gods."

"Not to mention that there are a lot of people in our empire who have taken the initiative to join Chaos. They choose to join if they can't defeat it. With such a way out, the best among them are more favored than your original demons. It would be strange if the material universe does not collapse. "

"So this is our first ending. We have saved a lot of resources in advance to cope with the increasingly barren subspace environment of emotional energy. We will last as long as possible until the subspace becomes unstable due to the large number of intelligent creatures dying out. No matter how ups and downs we continue, we will eventually become waves in the sea of ​​souls.”

When Wei Mu spoke, it sounded like natural life aging and dying.

When a person lives to the end of his life, he is really just waiting for death to find him step by step.

This feeling makes the demons who are inanimate beings very uncomfortable.

They should be immortal and never have to worry about it.

However, heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs. Destiny itself will not favor any existence.

Neither the Old Ones nor the C'tan nor the Necrontyr, nor the Humans nor the Eldar nor the Tau can become the eternal overlords of the galaxy.

Chaos is naturally the same.

"Or, before that day comes, we have accumulated enough capital, so that I can take the opportunity to become a subspace sub-god or something to avoid this ending of annihilation and successfully persist until the galaxy restarts countless years later. ——Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?" Wei Mu then added.

The secondary god of chaos is much worse than the main god.

They failed to reach the level of concepts. They only mastered a certain characteristic and were unable to exert a fundamental influence on all living things.

But the lesser gods are much more capable than the great demons and have a better chance of surviving after the end.

"As for you, you have done your best to help me ascend to the gods. If you can, you can protect me. If you really can't protect me, then I can't do anything."

Having said this, Wei Mu waved his hand regretfully.

When the wave of chaos swept over the world, this was the only way he could think of to break the situation.

The big demons are not very interested in Wei Mu's ambition to become a god. This idea is completely normal for Chaos Fang.

But this is not a proper solution after all. There is a high probability that they will not be able to survive the dead years after the end.

"The other thing is that you refused to implement the agreement, just used that dagger to eliminate me, and continued to maintain the status quo, as if nothing had happened. In fact, I can understand your doing this. After all, it is better to do less than to do more. It is shameful to escape. It’s useful. If you have wine now, you will get drunk now. It doesn’t matter if you are timid.”

Speaking of this, Wei Mu's face was full of relief.

"What's more, compared to those who unfortunately died tragically and had to work overtime after death, complete death is not an unacceptable thing."

In other places, the death of the soul may be very exaggerated, but in the Warhammer universe, such an ending is really good.

However, every word he said was like hitting the demons' hearts with a hammer.

Especially Riot, who is a bloodthirsty demon. He had clearly said that he didn't know what cowardice was before, but now he felt so powerless in front of the devil's extreme nature.

After experiencing so much, how could they pretend that nothing had happened.

Riot really misses the old days. There were no boss ladies with bad rules or demon princes trying to steal jobs, let alone those insignificant mortals. They were all prey waiting to be slaughtered.

In the past, they only had to work hard to behead them, without so many twists and turns.

Rather than like now, they have to act as a sparring partner and stepping stone for any mortal with potential that Khorne likes.

"No!" Riot said loudly, "Everything shouldn't be like this. It's all due to the group of mortals who joined us when they couldn't beat us. It was their betrayal that led to the risk of collapse of the real universe, and they also took away our merits. !”

The bloodthirsty demon expressed the sentiments of the demons present. Those mortals should not be qualified to associate with them.

"So what are you going to do?" Wei Mu asked with a sideways face, "You will tell the four gods with loyalty to the emperor, and you will comfort your colleagues by getting rid of the traitors? Then you will raise the banner, clear the emperor's side, kill the traitors of the country, serve the heaven and calm the troubles, and enter King Jingqin?"

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