I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 216 The desperate red pirate

While Wei Mu was busy fooling the four great demons, people outside were not idle either.

In the final analysis, the Black Stone Obelisk is just a piece of equipment, not some conceptual level artifact.

Since it is equipment, there may be problems with its operation, it may be overloaded, or it may be directly destroyed.

The Dark Gods will definitely not allow the Empire to run wild on their territory with a magic-forbidden field, especially when they are cut off from the signal from the front at the critical moment when they are about to witness their victory.

"Are you sure you want to make the range of the forbidden magic field so small?" In the Necron's unique communication channel, Trazin, who led the Mechanicus to come for support, asked the astrologer, "We can control the situation. Just crush those guys.”

The combat power of Mechanical Ark is quite powerful, and it is fully capable of directly sweeping this endgame battlefield.

From Trazin's point of view, his appearance was to seal the victory.

But Ourrican asked him to be careful and restrain his hands.

"The Red Pirates are indeed no match for us, but the Original Destroyers standing behind them are not that easy to deal with. Now is the most critical moment. We must ensure that there will be no errors during the operation of the Forbidden Demon Field." Located on the Endless Redemption Orikan replied.

Confronting the Chaos Gods head-on will inevitably lead to their failure. The Maelstrom will fall as the astrologers predicted, so they must modify some of the details.

If the Forbidden Demon Field is opened too wide and is penetrated by the power of subspace, all their previous plans will be in vain.

"That plan of yours is so dangerous that it sounds like walking on a tightrope at high altitude." The Endless One reminded.

He felt that astrologers were fascinated by their own predictions, which was why they performed so many invalid operations.

"Don't question me, Trazin, there is no problem with this plan. The enemy's reaction is the best proof." Ourrican replied confidently.

At this moment, in the New Badab battlefield, the ships that had been overloaded due to the subspace storm began to gradually resume operation.

The storm brought by the Word Bearers caused heavy damage to the fleets of both the Empire and the Red Pirates, and the losses even exceeded the battle itself. However, the Red Pirates fighting at home were obviously in a better situation, and they still had the ability to organize a counterattack.

And their counterattack was very decisive, just like breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat, they rushed straight towards the Mechanical Ark.

As a follower of Chaos, the Red Pirate is naturally disgusted with the Forbidden Demon Field, which can make the surging sea of ​​souls as calm as a stagnant pool. In serious cases, it can even directly extinguish the souls of living things.

The dark gods spurred them to destroy those black stone obelisks, making them believe that that goal was the key to determining the outcome of the entire war.

So the Red Pirates drove most of the remaining ships into the Forbidden Demon Field, heading straight towards the Explorer King as its carrier. They withstood the fierce firepower of the Mechanical Ark and participated in the Chaos Space Marines' gang-hopping raid. There are thousands of them.

The defense force, composed of Primaris Space Marine recruits, Mechanicus Skitarii, Knight Houses, and Castellan mechs, struggled to fight against these crazy invaders, and fierce battles began throughout the Mechanic Ark.

"It can be seen that you have made them anxious."

This brutal scene even reminded Trazin of a certain unpleasant memory.

When he was in Cadia last time, he also planned to be the savior of mankind - helping the empire activate the black stone obelisk array on Cadia, and also invested a lot of collections in order to stop Warmaster A Patton's Thirteenth Black Crusade.

Helplessly, the great plunderer did not respect martial ethics and directly smashed a black stone fortress into Cadia. All his efforts were turned into cosmic dust.

At this moment, while also helping the empire to obtain black stones to deal with Chaos, a similar guy came up and was killing everyone in the Mechanical Ark.

"How about it? Can you withstand it?" Ourrican asked.

"Of course, you don't want to see who I am." Trazin said with a smile.

The Endless One will not fall twice in the same place, and this time he found a suitable opponent for the enemy general.

The guy who turned Mechanical Ark upside down was none other than Blackheart Huron, the King of the Red Pirates.

The Destroyers realized that something was wrong and that Erebus might have screwed up.

The Cursed One and Brother Gaomao rarely project power in the Supreme Heaven, causing great interference to their actions.

Therefore, they could only choose Black Heart Huron at the scene of the war as a remedy to help the Chaos side get rid of the current predicament.

Although by nature Huron was not willing to do this for them.

He has always maintained the attitude of using the power of chaos to serve himself.

If the return of the action is too low and the risk is too high, he will naturally refuse rationally.

However, this is the sad part of the matter. The Hurons consider themselves users of Chaos. In fact, from the moment they accepted this gift, they have become puppets in the hands of the dark gods.

The reason why the thoughts and space for resistance can be retained is just that the gods hope so and think that this can make things more interesting.

But when they started to get serious, Huron could only obey.

The back-up man who was arranged beside Huron in advance, who was part of the contract between Badab Tyrant and the Dark Gods, and the subspace creature who accompanied him as a pet, Hamadria, poured all the power he had into the Black Heart. ·Huron's body.

It was a destructive power that even the Forbidden Demon Field could not suppress. The Primaris recruits blocking him were no match for the Badab Tyrant.

He crushed them, the battle ax in his hand was like harvesting wheat in the field, and everywhere he touched there was only blood and corpses on the ground.

The feeling of completely embracing chaos is so wonderful, and the physical aging caused by time is instantly swept away.

At this time, Huron even felt that he could compete for the position of war commander.

The prudence, reason, and discipline that he valued before had long been abandoned by him in a daze.

"Let me face that guy!"

On the bridge of the Seeker King, a Space Marine petitioned the Archmagos to fight the Badab Tyrant, trying to stop it from continuing to wreak havoc.

It was a powerful and worthy enemy, and now was his chance to serve the Empire.

"No, that enemy is too dangerous. I can't take the risk of losing you." Belisarius Caul immediately rejected the opponent with a decisive tone, "Let Trazin deal with him."

It sounded like some kind of protection, but there was a look of resentment on the warrior's face.

He didn't want to be treated like this, he wanted to do something real with this damn body instead of just being a mascot.

But he also knew that he couldn't resist.

"It was indeed the right choice to let you go, Great Sage, you can really create some interesting works of art."

Trazin looked at the warrior in front of him with a smile, wishing he could stuff such a treasure into his home museum right now.

"Don't try to trick him, Trazin, otherwise I will stop you even if I try my best." Kaul warned solemnly.

He knows very well the character of the Endless One who wants to put good things in his pocket when he sees them.

The Great Sage was not a pedantic person, on the contrary, he actually violated many taboos in private.

But even for him, some things can be negotiated and some things can never be regressed.

"Don't be nervous, Great Sage. I'm a decent person and I won't do such unsightly things." Trazin smiled, "But if this child wants to find a guardian for himself, I won't do it either. That's unacceptable, don't you think so, Prime Primaris?"

The warrior before him was Caul's supreme genetic engineering masterpiece, the first Primaris Space Marine.

"I am the Emperor's Angel and I will never betray you."

Regarding Trazin's invitation, Zhushou just replied coldly.

"That's really a pity. I've obviously already thought of a welcome gift for you." Trazin waved her hand pretending to be regretful, "But one thing Caul said is right. Black-Hearted Huron does not belong to Your enemy, the Warmaster's backup opponent, should be the clone primarch."

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