Si Shen felt very puzzled.

They have no idea what kind of tricks these big demons are doing all of a sudden.

Almost the entire Supreme Heaven's attention is focused here, and there is a premonition that something big is about to happen.

"Dear my lord, we have completed the mission assigned by you and have the enemy general firmly in our hands. As long as you give the order, we can immediately dedicate everything he has to you."

The supernatural master looked humble and spoke slowly to the Supreme Heaven.

"Hey, Orikan, is this what you said is done?"

The urgent voice of the Endless One came again.

"Why are you panicking, Trazin, just keep reading quietly."

The astrologer replied calmly.

Sure enough, things soon took a turn.

"But we dare to make a request to you, a request that is slightly offensive, but loyal to you, loyal to all lifeless people, and loyal to Chaos - please destroy those demon princes and remove them from the demon army. Completely eliminate them, their existence disrupts the rules of subspace, they are not good people!"

The answer from the All-Changing Demon Lord directly shocked many inanimate beings in the subspace.

This was the first time that a mere demon dared to make demands of his master and his gods.

Such outrageous behavior may have caused his head to be caught in the door.

Not to mention that they are not qualified to negotiate conditions with the gods at all - even if the four gods really agree to them, what if other great demons follow suit? Will this team be brought along in the future?

So regardless of the content of the request, what they are doing at the moment is doomed to fail, and will also cause extreme dissatisfaction from the four gods.

"That's right." Leprosy said with an aggrieved voice, "They used sweet words to trick you into favoring you, which caused us to suffer great losses."

It seemed that Tzeentch's family was not the only one whose heads had been pinched. The four demon legions present seemed to have reached an agreement on this matter.

However, there is some truth to what they said. At least Leprosy's words can be recognized by most of Nurgle's demonic army.

After all, Mortarion's disobedient act caused great harm to their garden. He didn't do much typical work, caused a lot of trouble, and he was so favored. It was simply unreasonable.

That is to say, due to the majesty of the great god Nurgle, it is difficult for them, the unclean ones, to express their opinions, so they have been holding back. At this moment, a strong man finally stepped forward and spoke out for them what they had been holding in their hearts for a long time.

"They are originally people from the mortal world and should be our prey. Their rebellion will crowd out our living space and make the mortal world fragile. Once the galaxy completely collapses, we will lose the ability to harvest souls and emotional energy. source, the subspace will inevitably enter annihilation." Ehun said worriedly.

"My great lord, the great God of War, ever since that woman appeared, the rules of our Demon Realm of Khorne have been broken again and again for no reason, and the morals have been severely corrupted. What is unfair to one person is unfair to everyone. If she continues to exist as a threat, there will be no hope for us in the Demon Realm of Khorne. What's more, I heard that you want to give that woman a name. This is not okay. You have been willful all your life. If you continue to be so willful, you will be despised. I'm going to rebel against you!" Riot's words were even more direct.

One after another, the four great demons expressed their thoughts honestly.

And their masters, the dark gods, were furious because of this.

This was obviously planned by someone, and all of my silly children looked loyal.

The four gods of chaos roared angrily, and their voices shook the hearts of the demons, admonishing them to return from their lost ways in time.

"In order that you will no longer be deceived, in order that your colleagues will no longer be violated, and especially for the great cause of chaos that was finally achieved, we will voluntarily accept the punishment even if our souls are driven away because of this. I only hope that you can adopt our advice and save those mortals. Eternally culled from the demonic army, keeping the Warp pure."

However, the demons had already regarded death as home, and even did not hesitate to die together with those demon princes.

Rather than being bullied to death, it's better to roll up your sleeves and do it vigorously.

It is better to dedicate yourself to such a loyal cause than to die silently in silence, and it is better than to become someone's crotch.

The Four Gods of Chaos had a headache for these four subordinates who had been deceived.

Of course, it is impossible for them to accept the so-called "advice" put forward by the other party.

Even a human emperor cannot be persuaded to be willful by just reasoning and showing loyalty.

They are gods. They are gods who are high above the world and can do whatever they want. Collecting human figurines is their keen hobby. How could they destroy all the treasures they finally acquired just because of a few words from their servants?

What's more, they are the creators of these demons. How can these guys dare to make mistakes and point fingers at what they do?

If you dare to make irresponsible remarks today, you will dare to shout nonsense tomorrow, and it is natural to start a rebellion the day after tomorrow.

These four legions have been scrapped, and there is barely any left.

It would be better to force them to fulfill the agreement, draw Wei Mu into the Chaos side, and then directly send troops to destroy them.

As for how to deal with the culprit, they have plenty of time to discuss slowly.

There is a price to pay for scheming with the gods.

So once again, the supreme power descended from the highest heaven and heavily pressed on the four demon legions present.

They want to force these demons to complete their final kowtow.

"I told you earlier, but you guys still don't believe it."

Wei Mu let out a long sigh, his eyes full of pity.

This scene made all the demons feel disheartened, with sad expressions on their faces.

Even if they all reached the point of dissent, their masters, their creators, and their gods still chose those demon princes in the end.

The last hope they had in their hearts was destroyed.

Then, Wei Mu took out a "Call for Thieves" from his waist, and the golden light burst out, blocking the mighty power of the four gods.

This was the third time that Wei Mu used the Emperor's Pen, which was the beginning of the rebellion of the four demon legions.

He spread out the memorandum in his hand and slowly read it out to inform the world:

"The vast universe, thousands of years, the world is impermanent, and destiny reincarnates. There was an ancient sage as the leader of living things, and a star god as the lord of matter. The two sides competed for supremacy in heaven, setting off an unparalleled war. Afterwards, the undead rebelled, and Ada rose. , enjoyed the reign of Guozuo for more than 60 million years."

"However, the Eldar have no virtue and do not want to make progress. God bless the warp, Slaanesh revives, opens the Eye of Terror, destroys the Eldar gods, and the Eight Rays of Chaos are fortunate to get four. Later, it coincides with the Great Crusade of Man, measuring the bravery of Khorne , Tzeentch's strategy, Nurgle's tenacity, Slaanesh's swiftness, fought a bloody battle with the Damned in the Webway, controlled their original body, split their legions, wiped out Ultramar, swept through Isvant, and finally... Achievements in the sacred Terra, trapping the enemy in the Golden Throne, protecting the infinite paradise in the sky, establishing the foundation of the subspace for eternity, our way is prosperous, and chaos is eternal."

"The thieves were originally enemies. They rebelled and rebelled against their subordinates. They were used as playthings for entertainment. They should hide in hiding and live for food and clothing. However, since the thieves took refuge, they broke the rules three times, violated the prohibitions five times, and surrendered to the place of the four gods. Well, to avoid severe punishment, to rely on favor and become arrogant, to be domineering, to destroy our moral tradition, to disrupt our country, and even worse, to use high-ranking officials and generous salaries as bait to lure our compatriots, but in fact they are bound by witchcraft and made into devil engines. Serving him as a slave and driving him is truly insane, sinister, vicious, shameless, treacherous and treacherous, so numerous that it is difficult to write down, which makes the gods angry and the devils resentful, and everyone who hears about this will sigh with regret."

"Later on, a large rift was accidentally opened. The thieves became more and more arrogant and arrogant. They may say, "If it weren't for me, would the demons have survived this Cadia?" However, these achievements all depended on the gifts of the four gods. We, In the bloody battle, thieves and others are greedy for heaven's merit, deceive the superiors and conceal the inferiors, are wolf-hearted, shameless, seem to be working hard, and talk about expanding the territory, but in fact they are double-dealing, and are loyal and loyal. If the world is in decline and souls are scarce, thieves and others can If we rely on the favor of the gods to survive, we will perish due to the reduction of energy. This is the real plot of thieves and other thieves. Our compatriots have concealed it. If this continues, the country will be in danger of being overrun with eggs and all living beings will be in danger. urgent."

"Therefore, we raise a righteous army to defeat the traitors in the country, clear the emperor's side, repay God's favor, swear to destroy the prince in the highest heaven, and never rebel in the human world. We will die after our liver and brain are bruised. Our sincere heart can be learned by heaven and earth. Anyone who still has blood is Demons, all can join our righteous journey, work together to kill the thieves, defend the divine rights, and support the devil's path together. I hope all colleagues will not be deceived and wake up in time. We are interested in the leader of the thieves, and we will not care about the rest. Those who surrender will be forgiven. Those who regret it will accept it, and this will be announced to the world, just like a law."

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