I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 219 Chaos Rebels

With the blessing of the power of the emperor's pen, Wei Mu's "Essay against Thieves" was recognized by the Supreme Heaven.

It slowly broke away from Wei Mu's hands, rising unstoppably, and finally ascended into the subspace, turning into golden energy and merging with the sea of ​​souls.

Since the palm prints of the four great demons were deeply carved in them, they have since escaped from the control of the four gods and become free bodies without oppression.

And this will be the case for all demons who join their great cause and join the Chaos Rebellion in the future.

A brand new force has entered the galaxy, and no one can predict the earth-shaking changes it will bring.

This exaggerated scene directly stunned all the onlookers present.

All the officers and soldiers of the empire widened their eyes with disbelief written on their faces.

They even felt that they were exposed to too much chaotic energy, and their normal senses were deceived.

"Master Jiedushi, was he this outrageous before?"

The worldview of the old mantis Neotra has been completely subverted, and everything happening in front of him is so unreal.

"That's right." The pied clown Sarkozy smiled and nodded, "otherwise, how could my lord and your lord think so highly of him?"

The great enemy of Chaos has a new enemy, and there is no better news than this.

The Harlequin Troupe's hard work was all worth it, and the Eldar had a little more breathing space.

On the other side, Trazin's cursing voice came from the undead communication channel.

"Why don't you stop a little, Ourrican, do you know how much loss this is to the preservation of history? Something as important as "The Message to the Thieves" should be well preserved, you, the killer of history, culture The destroyer!"

A scene that could change the future direction of the galaxy happened right in front of them, but the Endless One had no chance to even touch that precious cultural relic.

"Don't be stupid, Trazin, that thing has to be raised to the highest heaven before it can be used, otherwise it will be worthless, and after all, the object itself is used, and only the things that are not used will be left. "Commemorative meaning", your collecting habit has reached the point where you are putting the cart before the horse." Orikan scolded him in turn.

"You are not qualified to preach to me about collecting. Don't forget, you have broken a lot of things in my museum before." Trazin said not to be outdone.

"Oh, really?" Ourrican said with a smile, "Not to mention that we have already settled the matter through a lawsuit. Since I have a copy of "The Thief's Message" in my hand, are you sure you still want to use this? What kind of attitude do you have when talking to me?"

"What, you have a copy in your hand!" Trazin's voice suddenly doubled in volume, "What kind of copy is it?"

"When Wei Mu was writing the original, I put a layer of carbon paper underneath." As he said that, Ourrican raised the thing towards the Endless, "So do you want it?"

The thing in the astrologer's hand made Trazin's eyes widen, because to a certain extent, it was also an original.

"No, why are you interested in this kind of thing?"

"It's not because a certain guy's attitude towards me is too presumptuous." Ourrican snorted coldly, "If someone can be obedient, maybe I will give it to him with mercy. After all, only good children can Qualifying for a reward, don’t you think, Trazin?”


Trazin was very angry after being teased.

However, for the sake of precious cultural relics, he could only restrain his temper and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Look, I have been busy working on this matter and invested so much. Even if I have no credit, I still have hard work, right? What if I don't even have this?" If you can't satisfy even a small hobby, then you partners are really extremely evil-hearted."

"Okay, don't show off your merits here. The benefits will be yours after the work is completed." Ourrican said, "As for now, you still have one last task left."

"What mission?" Trazin asked doubtfully, "Isn't everything already done? What else can be done?"

"Help this group of demons pass the first and most difficult level - don't let them be destroyed as soon as they start." Orikan replied.

As for the Chaos Rebels, since they have already planned to rebel, it is wrong and they are on the side of Qing Jun, so they have to do the whole thing.

The first to be dealt with is our beloved Mr. Erebus, Lord of Heretics, Hand of Fate, and Head Chaplain of the Word Bearers.

He is the source of humanity's pollution of the warp, and is also the representative of the Chaos Space Marines in this incident. He is being held high and tied up at the moment.

It was a perfect thing to use him as a sacrifice before setting off for the expedition.

"no no!"

Erebus kept making whining sounds and roaring at the top of his lungs.

Boundless fear filled his eyes, like a fart about to fall into the pot.

How could he lose to this young boy in front of him? How could everything be like this?

He should complete this matter beautifully, bring the empire to its knees, successfully prove himself again, and gain great favor from the four gods.

It was obvious that victory was so close to him, and that honor was easily within reach.

Wei Mu meant to kill this guy directly, but the demons had other ideas on how to deal with Erebas.

Their methods of tormenting people are unique.

The bloodthirsty demon violently used sharp knife skills to peel off his entire skin. The leprosy of the Great Unclean One provided strong vitality, preventing him from dying in the process. Make it into a perfect piece of cloth, and finally cast a spell by the All-Changing Demon Lord, the Spirit Master, to imbue him with powerful power.

With the concerted efforts of the four gods and great demons, Erebus, who led mankind to rebel against the subspace, was finally made into a flag and became a symbol of the righteousness of the demons.

Such an ironic ending is just right for him.

The flag was held by the rioting lieutenant, a divine vampire, and in the center was the twisted face of Erebus, still screaming silently.

Now that they have a flag they can carry, they have to do something that shows their reputation.

While the attention of the Supreme Being is still focused here, this great publicity opportunity cannot be missed.

At Wei Mu's signal, the vampires pushed over a demon engine.

The source of the goods is naturally from the Red Pirates.

Contained within the engine was a poor warp creature, which was bound and imprisoned by the Red Corsair Warlock, and eventually crafted into this war machine.

This situation is quite common among Chaos Space Marines.

Demons are the embodiment of intense emotions, and they are eager to cause trouble. However, as weapons, demons not only lose their freedom, but also suffer extreme pain. They are in a sealed state most of the time, and can only carry out limited activities during brief combat moments. .

Most demons made into engines are driven to madness, and this one is no exception.

It was imprisoned in that damn thing, and the days of despair seemed so long that there was no end in sight.

In front of all the inanimate beings in the Supreme Heaven, Riot split open the demon engine with an axe. Since the demon inside merged with the engine, he could not escape the fate of being exiled.

However, this ending was a relief for the demon, who had a happy smile on his face when he dissipated.

I believe that in a few hundred years, it will be a weird little devil again. I hope that it will be able to do evil happily and not have to face such despair again.

"This is direct evidence of the evil deeds committed by those who confuse humans against subspace creatures. There are millions of victims like this among them!"

The rioters raised their battle axes and pointed at the new Badab ahead.

The foundry of the Red Pirates is still running rapidly at this moment, and countless subspace creatures are screaming there.

"Free them!"

The bloodthirsty demon roared angrily.

The demon army under his command responded happily, with high fighting spirit.

They rode on the subspace air currents set off by the big demons and rushed towards the surface of the planet with murderous intent.

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