I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 223 Not Chaos Enough

Everything in the world, no matter what it is, cannot escape the three phases of creation, maintenance and destruction.

People cannot find the true Creator of all things, and they cannot decide for themselves whether to come to this world.

Therefore, compared to creation, maintenance and destruction are matters worthy of more concern.

Order is the basis for maintenance. As long as everything is in order, the entire system can continue for a long time.

Chaos is the root of destruction. When the balance of something is broken beyond repair, collapse will follow.

Just like the loss of life, either new cells cannot fill the vacancies of aging, or the immune system cannot resist the invasion of pathogens, starvation and suffocation caused by the inability to replenish enough energy, and serious injuries and death caused by external damage.

Either way, the chaos faced is too great and the existing system cannot continue to be maintained.

There is no doubt that chaos is a powerful force.

And extreme emotions are the biggest factor for intelligent creatures to actively create chaos.

That's why demons are inseparable from the power of chaos.

They are the original destroyers, and they will bring about the collapse of all systems.

But now, Wei Mu actually said that the lifestyle of their chaotic demons is based on order.

Such a description is no different from digging their roots directly, and there was a sudden sigh in the subspace.

The demons all stared wide-eyed, deeply shocked by such violent remarks.

"No, you're talking nonsense!" the All-Changing Demon Lord retorted loudly, how could it possibly admit, "We are just following our Lord's preferences. Can't the dark gods have their own preferences?"

"It doesn't matter even if this hobby is full of order elements?" Wei Mu immediately asked, "Look carefully at the depths of the subspace, demons, look at the four largest areas, how colorful and colorful they are. They are clearly distinct, don't you think this is a manifestation of order? Real chaos shouldn't be when they are mixed with each other and entangled with each other?"

"Of course that doesn't count. The four gods are constantly fighting against each other, and huge chaos has arisen from this. You are just trying to find faults in the eggs!" the voice of the All-Changing Demon Lord was very firm.

"However, this is exactly the crux of the problem." Wei Mu said, "Order is responsible for maintaining, and Chaos is responsible for destroying. When the former managers of subspace, the Eldar Gods, still exist, the Dark Gods can naturally act as Chaos at will - —They are the source of chaos, and everything they do promotes the collapse of the existing order."

"Later, the birth of Slaanesh directly took away the Eldar Gods. The original order was shattered to pieces, and the power of Chaos reached its peak. The Dark Gods were successfully promoted to talkers in the subspace, and even the real universe was The scar of the Eye of Terror was torn open.”

"It's just that under such circumstances, the dark gods cannot continue to perform their functions of destruction. Without great order, there will naturally be no grand chaos. They are destined to fall into silence."

"So in order to ensure their own interests, the dark gods had to take over part of the authority that originally belonged to the order. The four gods created a new subspace order, and used the collision of these four orders to continuously create chaos. This is 伱our lives today.”

"Is there any problem with this? They are still the biggest source of chaos, whether it is for the real universe or for subspace." The Ten Thousand Changes Demon Lord questioned.

Even if the method is indeed wrong, as long as the result is good, it is understandable.

The devil felt that he only had to insist on this point, and the other party would definitely be unable to continue to refute.

"For the order that they represent, there is certainly nothing wrong with such behavior, because most of the forces are doing this kind of thing. Compared with the original pure destroyers of order, after experiencing such After the transformation, how can they still be qualified to continue to hold the power of Chaos?" Wei Mu reminded.

"They are gods, don't look at them from your ridiculous mortal perspective!" the All-Changing Demon Lord said again.

"So this is how you demons deceive yourself?" Wei Mu chuckled, "Chaos is a relative concept. In front of the creatures in the material world, what you do is certainly chaotic enough, but if there is a subspace force now, , your lifestyle is like a pacesetter of order compared to them, and they still don’t acknowledge your words, how can you have the nerve to call yourself chaos in front of them?”

This is the same situation as the so-called left and right, conservative and radical, as well as hawks and doves.

People in the left camp are expelling each other from the left on a daily basis because they feel that the other party's attitude is not left enough.

Conservatives often label other people as radical because their ideas are not conservative enough.

Those hawks who hope to use war to promote peace are no different from traitors in the eyes of those hawks who hope for genocide.

Although similar comparisons and accusations may sound ridiculous, it is indeed a common phenomenon, and it feels very chaotic.

"This is all your conspiracy, a kind of boring sophistry, and its purpose is just to divide us." The All-Changing Demon Lord roared with all his strength, "Even if the facts are as you said, it is still an internal problem of our demons, but It’s just the random thoughts of some people who are not very smart because they were deceived, and it has nothing to do with order or chaos!”

If the other party does this, it is actually making trouble unreasonably.

A similar statement is the same as saying that you don't know how to refrigerate, so you are not qualified to evaluate a refrigerator.

"You really don't understand, or you are pretending not to understand - this is a story about a dragon-slaying hero who eventually became a dragon. The Four Gods used the power of chaos to successfully overthrow the Eldar Gods. After gaining power, they did not give the subspace Bringing real chaos, but twisting it into a new order, erecting high barriers, and then constantly fighting each other for the purpose of satisfying selfish desires, thereby creating the illusion that chaos fills the entire subspace.”

Wei Mu sighed helplessly, and then slowly spoke.

"Order has not failed, it has just been converted from one form to another. As for the power that can truly represent chaos, it will eventually find the existing order and completely disrupt it, just like The order once created by the Eldar Gods cannot escape your entanglement - so now do you know why this Chaos Rebel Army exists? Their appearance is not because of my rhetoric, but the distorted power of Chaos is resurrecting the result of."

A long discussion, with noses and eyes, made the subspace demons a little stunned.

According to Wei Mu, unless they directly deny that the other forces do not belong to Chaos, and only their own side is orthodox, they can continue to carry the banner of Chaos. Otherwise, according to the basic concept of Chaos, there should be no existence between the four realms. With such clear barriers, they should be mixed together - since everyone belongs to the chaos camp, are all messengers of disorder, and follow the drive of extreme emotions, where do these high walls that restrict them come from?

Let’s put aside whether the shemales of the Slaanesh family and the fat man of the Nurgle family can create sparks of passion. Why don’t you just refuse to give in, saying that it will violate the laws of heaven?

This sounds a little too disciplined, and there must be some orderly aspect at work.

But do they dare to deny that other forces do not belong to Chaos?

It feels like it's nothing. After all, the four forces usually fight to the death, and their relationship is incompatible. Even if they declare themselves to be Chaos Orthodox, it will not make the relationship between them worse.

However, there is a problem with this approach - it is equivalent to directly denying the existence of Chaos without distinction. First of all, Abaddon has to be kicked down from the position chosen by the four gods.

And more importantly, as long as the demons still believe in the power of chaos, they cannot refute one point - the order established by the four gods in front of them will definitely collapse under the influence of chaos itself. This is the boomerang hitting On his own forehead.

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