I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 224 Not extreme enough

Didn’t you say before that truth is higher than loyalty? Well, you are now the party that violates the truth of chaos, how should you maintain your position?

Wei Mu held the coffee and planned to quietly enjoy the other party's performance.

However, for such a predicament, the All-Changing Demon Lord adopted the simplest, most effective, and most shameless solution.

"Okay, mortal, I made a mistake before. I think it's better to put loyalty before the truth." The demon changed his mind directly, overturning all the previous debates, "So it's right for you to crusade against the Chaos Space Marines. We It is natural to punish these traitors."

In order to protect its position, it decided to sell a wave of teammates first.

After all, the person being sold was a mortal, and the two parties were just talking.

Whether the Four Gods are Chaos enough can be discussed later. No, it doesn't matter even if we never talk about it again. The top priority now is to build momentum for overthrowing the Chaos rebels.

"No, are you guys so shameless? This special position can be overthrown faster than flipping through a book!" Wei Mu was really shocked by this operation.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, we are going out to fight against thieves on behalf of the will of the dark gods, just like you are fighting against the rebels on behalf of the cursed people. This is a perfectly justified move!" The Wanchange Demon Lord said confidently, as if he was mocking Wei Mu. young.

If he is not cunning and shameless, then why should he be considered a devil?

"So if I want to refute you again, I have to prove that what you guys do does not represent the will of the dark gods?" Wei Mu thought for a moment and then said.

"That's right." A burst of triumphant laughter descended from the highest heaven, "And that is impossible. We are gathered here precisely because of their will."

In the subspace, the troops of the Four Gods are gathering more and more.

They are all ready to go, and the attack against the Chaos Rebels may start at any time.

If Wei Mu couldn't completely refute these guys, then all the talk he had spent for a long time was just in vain.

So he sternly scolded: "You guys, how dare you claim that you are following the will of the dark gods?"

"What are you talking about? We can't even represent the dark gods anymore?" The All-Changing Demon King suddenly looked surprised.

It had already experienced Wei Mu's outrageous behavior and recognized its ability to talk, but it never expected that the other party could even say such words in order to gain the advantage of words.

"I would like to see what you can say about this issue!"

Eagerness for quick success and quick gain makes it easier to reveal flaws, and the Changing Demon Lord feels that he has a chance to regain his position.

"If nothing else, just take a look at your family Tzeentch. Even though the secrets of the entire universe are in the Well of Eternity in front of you, he didn't even think about going in to take a look. He just sent a few of his men in to inquire about the situation. , what is this called? This is called asking for no explanation. Which one of you is spreading rumors that the All-Changing Demon Lord is extremely thirsty for knowledge and wisdom? People don’t even have the slightest curiosity, okay?" Wei Mu said slowly. .

"This, no, that's because the Well of Eternity is too dangerous, so our Lord has adopted a relatively safe method to explore it. He is eager for the mysteries within it, and is definitely not asking for a thorough explanation."

The topic that suddenly unfolded made the All-Changing Demon Lord a little overwhelmed. Naturally, it could not admit that its own god was what Wei Mu said, and could only tell the truth.

"So you mean to say that in the face of the temptation of truth, Tzeentch can suppress his curiosity and choose rational exploration methods?" Wei Mu frowned and asked sternly, "But you group of Tzeentch demons Use your curiosity to seduce other intellectuals into the trap every day - you don’t advocate others to learn from your own gods, but you encourage others to go against their own gods. Is this how you Tzeentch demons represent the will of the gods?"

After Wei Mu's words, the demon opposite him was immediately confused.

Their god, the Lord of Change, Tzeentch actually chose safety in the face of seeking change in order to avoid risks.

Because the demons never question the gods, they naturally do not notice the contradictions - mortal believers who go to extremes suffer destruction because of their extreme behaviors, but the gods who represent the extremes choose reason to let them go. Live forever on your own.

People say that what goes up works and what goes down works, but the situation in the subspace is that the gods who represent extremes are even far less extreme than their own believers.

Faith should not conflict, and when it does conflict, it is the moment when faith collapses.

The Demon Lord of All Changes hesitated and replied forcefully: "Well, you, me, we are not going against the Lord of All Changes, we are testing those mortals, we."

"Singing against one's own gods is a test. Can heretical behavior be explained in this way? Can you damn bastard demons give you a little face?" Wei Mu scolded loudly, "Or are you actually Have you been just misinterpreting Tzeentch's meaning in a smart way and causing chaos according to your own preferences?"

The ironclad facts were thrown at him, making it impossible for the demons to refute.

It was only at this moment that the Demon Army of Tzeentch suddenly discovered that they could neither represent the chaos that symbolized their origin, nor the gods who created them.

So what are they doing?

"You, I-ah!"

From the highest heaven, a scream came.

The Wan Chang Demon Lord, who fell into confusion, suddenly vomited three liters of blood, closed his eyes, and passed out on the spot.

The surrounding Tzeentch demons were also in an uproar. Their world view suffered an unprecedented impact, and the knowledge and spells originally loaded in their minds were raging like turbulence.

"Next is Nurgle!" Wei Mu had no intention of ending this topic, and continued to shout to the supreme sky, "As early as the fall of the Eldar, Nurgle saw the opportunity and captured the goddess of life Aisha. In the past, during the Horus Heresy, he took the opportunity to seize an entire Death Guard legion - who on earth is talking nonsense outside, saying that Mr. Nurgle is an ultra-conservative? Why don't you want to change? What a cycle of decay. Every time a new opportunity appears in the Milky Way, doesn't He seize it very well? Isn't it good to be a trend-setter in the era? What's more, He usually likes to cook new medicines, get some new viruses and so on. You guys Are these guys discriminating against him because of his age, thinking that he can't play new things?"

If you don't mention it by name, others will even think that this is something only Tzeentch would do.

But Nurgle did exactly that.

He is not, as the rumors say, staying in place motionless, quietly waiting for all the decaying gods. In that case, He would have destroyed himself long ago.

In order to maintain his own existence, He will also put down extremes and actively pursue new things, although His followers will not.

"Well, we don't have that, we."

The demons of Nurgle fell into panic and could not give any rebuttal.

Some of the Great Unclean Ones even feel the need to ask Nurgle for advice to see if they are really acting on their own and misinterpreting the meaning of the Father. After all, the Father is a tolerant god and will try to tolerate their actions.

If this is indeed the case, if they have been trampling on their loving father's wishes, how terrible would that be?

"Next is the Khorne family. You crazy dogs who bite whoever you see, don't you know what it means [I have been fighting for a lifetime, so I can't enjoy it]? What is the future of fighting? Can you be the best in the universe? ? Even the Blood God himself is not interested in things, but you can compete vigorously - [As long as I don't take the initiative to create opponents, I am invincible]. Don't you even understand this truth? As for brains, bleeding and so on , just chop and chop at will. I'm warning you, the last god who thought he was very good at fighting, so he wanted to make a perfect warrior when he had nothing to do, we have a god of war named Ares here, and he was satisfied with it. Kui Baldy is a super capable fighter, but one of his household registration books was almost completely chopped off by Kui Baldzi. So don’t think about those things that you have and don’t have, learn more from the Blood God, sit high on the brass throne, and immerse yourself in tenderness. In the countryside, with the country in hand and the beauty in my arms, isn't this kind of life delicious?"

As the saying goes, there is no first in writing and no second in martial arts.

If Khorne only desires war as much as his followers, only one of the three others in the Warp can survive.

"No, the Blood God is not who you say. Don't slander my Lord's reputation here!"

Angry roars descended from the highest heaven.

"If I were a god who was extremely thirsty for power, even if I was invincible, I would take the initiative to create an opponent who could defeat me, and proactively seek more severe challenges, instead of being just about the same and sitting in a high position. He didn't even bother to move his buttocks, and he still lingered with the girl, wasn't it?" Wei Mu asked in return.

Such is the current state of Khorne.

Nurgle also knew how to boil some soup and exercise, so Wei Mu had reason to suspect that the Blood God was actually fat under his armor.

"Ah - I'm going to kill that bitch, and none of you can stop me!"

The bloodthirsty maniac fell into madness.

Of course they couldn't blame the Blood God, so they could only blame Valkia for all the problems.

There was chaos in the subspace.

"Lastly, there is Slaanesh. The Lord of Pleasure enjoys relaxation and full enjoyment of life. Who the hell is like you guys who make yourself unable to even get out of bed? Have you ever seen it? When had Slaanesh ever been like this? He was intoxicated by some enchantment drugs, and he could easily handle a little drug. It is said that some perverts even tried to kill themselves, just to experience the pleasure of dying - when could Slaanesh kill himself? Have you lost your mind after playing? The reason why He is so good at playing is because He knows where his own limit is and will never cross it. You guys are just messing around without learning? What is your ability to withstand? No comparison?"

I have already sprayed three companies, so naturally I cannot let go of this last one.

"We are just worshiping Him. Those who play bad tricks on themselves are because they are not strong enough. Yes, unlike those three families, we can represent His will." The secret keeper replied.

"Then if you disintegrate directly, do you want to surpass Him in sensory experience? He has never personally experienced the taste of death." Wei Mu reminded.

"What, no, of course not." The secret keepers quickly denied, their voices full of panic.

Slaanesh is notoriously petty, and if he arouses the jealousy of the Lord of Pleasure, he may not know how to torment them.

"I've long been surprised. Although the Four Gods can't be called kind people, they are still respectable, bright and decent people. Even if they are just following the example, those who have turned to gangsters will not live such a miserable life - is that really the case? It’s you demons who are acting as monsters, and after doing so many bad things, you still have the nerve to say that you represent the Four Gods? Bah!”

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