"Even the gods have their own limits: mortal iron cannot harm them, there is no doubt about this - however, pride, complacency, and the need to respond to the requests of believers, all of these will make the most sacred existence Fall into the mortal world.”

These words came from the mouth of Lorgar Aurelion, the Primarch of the Word Bearers of the Seventeenth Legion.

It has to be said that as the founder of the Imperial Church and the author of the Book of Divinations, Lorgar's theological skills were indeed very impressive.

He even directly pointed out the direction on how to pull the power of destruction off the altar, that is, let its followers exert influence on the gods in turn.

Perhaps once upon a time, the Dark Gods were indeed pure.

However, with so many believers and such huge beliefs, they will inevitably be infected and gradually deviate from their own nature. Just like water and food are necessities for people's survival, but mobile phones and the Internet deeply affect people's behavior, and it is difficult to It’s like giving up from life.

Will the Four Gods eventually fall to earth because of this?

Wei Mu doesn't know.

Even if this possibility really exists, it will only happen after a long time. After all, they have been operating the subspace for so many years, and they can just rest on their laurels for a long time.

However, after being sprayed violently by Wei Mu, the voice of the Supreme Heaven suddenly stopped a lot.

The fact that it was contrary to the creed was in front of them, and it was a commandment that was violated by their own gods. As a result, the demons had a huge cognitive crisis, and they all fell into serious self-doubt.

They are not like green skins, whose weird brain circuits can recognize two contradictory facts at the same time.

Of course, regarding the issues exposed by Wei Mu, the demons still would not feel that it was the fault of their own gods.

Who can easily admit that mistakes happened to them when they have someone to blame them for?

Therefore, they began to seriously think about the impact of intelligent creatures on the subspace, and what role those mortals who surrendered to Chaos played in it.

In the past, when facing the material universe, demons thought that they were in a superior position and felt that they were in absolute dominance during the interaction between the two.

On the surface, this is indeed the case.

They pollute all things in the world, play with the fate of mortals, harvest souls, and enjoy killing.

That's their happy playground.

However, there is often a thin line between people playing games and playing games. Because they love it so much, they care too much. If they care too much, they will be affected by it, until they are manipulated in turn.

Unexpectedly, the feedback from the material universe would subtly distort their gods into this shape. The Chaos Rebels' worries were not groundless.

This kind of cognitive crisis does not need to affect every demon, even if it only affects 10% or 20%, it is enough to cause a lot of trouble in the current subspace.

And probability is a very magical thing.

As long as the base of the group is large enough, even if it is a routine like "I, Qin Shihuang, make money", some people will choose to believe it.

What's more, Wei Mu only put the facts in front of them and did not mix lies into it, so more demons chose to believe it.

But at this moment, a voice came from the supreme sky again.

"Perhaps there are indeed some problems within our Chaos side, but what does this have to do with you, despicable human beings? You are just taking advantage of the conflict between us to gain benefits for your own power. What qualifications do you have? Are you accusing us here?”

There are still demons who feel unconvinced.

A mere human being actually teaches them what chaos is and how to be a demon in front of the entire Supreme Heaven in public - it is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.

No matter how bad their subspace is, they must rot in their own pot instead of being destroyed by the provocation of outsiders.

The other demons also thought it made sense, and started to cheer.

The suppressed emotions that had been sprayed before suddenly surged toward the Astropaths like a flood that broke through a dam.

This group of guys were confident when they instigated traitors to deal with the empire, but now that the boomerang has hit them on the head, they don't blush or breathe when they backhandedly accuse them, and their moral bottom line is too flexible.

"Are you questioning why I am doing this?" In response to the sudden change in the situation, Wei Mu lowered his head, making it difficult to see the expression on his face. "You think I am preventing Chaos from interfering with the real universe. To fight against the Four Gods in order to protect the empire, or even attempt to enslave you directly and turn the entire subspace into a plaything?"

"Can you still have good intentions? Do you think we will believe it?" the other party asked with a sneer.

As much as the Imperium hates Chaos, if humans gain the upper hand in this incident, life will certainly not be easy for the warp creatures.

In the face of immediate interests, no matter what your beliefs, you have to stand back.

This alone is enough for them to unite and jointly fight against the Chaos Rebels.

However, Wei Mu knows very well that if you want to lead people to accomplish something, you can't just mention their current urgent difficulties that need to be changed, but you must also paint a beautiful picture for them after the thing is accomplished. Only in this way can they stimulate their motivation and attract more people. Many like-minded forces joined in.

This kind of behavior is commonly known as painting a pie.

The Chaos Rebels must not only break the injustice of the present, but also embrace the beauty of the future.

"No, of course not!" Wei Mu suddenly raised his head, his hot eyes stared directly at the supreme sky above, Qi Yu said solemnly, "The reason why I lead all of this to happen is because I have a dream! "

His loud voice was transmitted into the subspace by the Astropaths, and everyone watching the battlefield could hear it clearly.

"I have a dream that one day Chaos will stand up and truly live out the true meaning of its creed - we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all beings of the Warp should be free to do as they please."

"I dream that one day, on the red hillside outside the Brass Fortress, the Keeper of Secrets and the Great Unclean One can sleep together and talk about their brotherhood."

"I dream that one day, even the Crystal Maze, a place where deceit and deceit is common, will have a place for duels and fights between bloodthirsty demons."

“I have a dream that one day the Plague Garden will be a place where we can have wild parties without gardeners accusing us of stepping on flowers.

"I dream that one day, the Palace of Joy will entertain every visitor with the fullest enthusiasm, and free prostitution will never be a problem."

"I have a dream today."

"I have a dream that one day my four men will live in a place where they will be governed not by a creed imposed by their creator, but by their own will."

"I have a dream today."

"I dream that one day, the barriers will collapse, the four colors will blend, the unreasonable restraints will no longer exist, and the spiritual energy will rise, illuminating the entire subspace!"

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