I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 226 Counterinsurgency

There is no strong force to dominate, you can be free and do whatever you want. The only rule is that there are no rules.

This kind of subspace is most consistent with the nature of chaos.

Although it is still not a good place, it cannot pose a major threat to the material universe.

Wei Mu drew a big pie for the subspace demons.

This cake looks delicious and can be eaten. I believe many demons will be tempted by it.

But whether you can eat this piece of cake in your mouth will ultimately depend on the truth of the matter with the men of the dark gods.

After all, they will not give up their own interests honestly.

Even if some things have reached the point of becoming a general trend, die-hard conservatives will still choose to fight to the end.

For example, Abraham Lincoln, who promulgated the Emancipation Proclamation, and Martin Luther King, Jr., who delivered the "I Have a Dream" speech a hundred years later, were both assassinated to death under similar circumstances.

What's more, Wei Mu doesn't even have a single horoscope.

Although he thought that he already had enough debts to worry about.

In the highest sky, the demon army gathered more and more, and their numbers covered the sky and the sun, seemingly endless.

Because they had been bitten by Wei Mu before, they had some morale problems, but this did not affect their overwhelming combat effectiveness.

People who are free are more likely to have random thoughts. Once there is something to focus on, their worries will be shelved due to the shift of attention.

What's more, in the face of huge war machines, personal will is so small that it is completely insignificant. Even if they really have any alien intentions, they will be forced to act by the surrounding environment.

After gathering all the troops that could be mobilized nearby, the four-god coalition with the goal of quelling the rebellion finally set off.

They themselves are a terrible storm that sweeps through everything, and their extremely high destructive power is enough to destroy anything that dares to stand in front of them.

The counter-rebellion troops rushed towards the Eye of the Maelstrom like a rushing flood, and collided with the giant magic-forbidden field composed of black stone obelisks.

Many demons were wiped out because they could not withstand the power of this forbidden demon. They could not even see the face of the rebels, but a larger number of demons took the place of the pioneers and continued to follow.

They stepped on the energy flow left behind after the collapse of their comrades in front and kept moving forward, shouting the names of the dark gods, with no fear on their faces, only enthusiasm.

Such a terrifying subspace torrent cannot be completely stopped even by the Necron's Blackstone Forbidden Field.

Most demons still pass through that silent and dark realm, although their power has been weakened to varying degrees.

However, after the demons finally crossed the Forbidden Demon Field, the first thing to greet them was the cyclone torpedo from the Empire.

These gadgets were originally used by Wei Mu to blow up the Red Pirates' hometown, but now that the situation has developed like this, they can only throw them randomly at the subspace energy flow that penetrates from the Forbidden Demon Field.

Anyway, I brought all the belts, it would be a pity not to throw them away.

As for the specific effect, Wei Mu is not sure, but it should have some effect.

In fact, this decision made by Weimu worked extremely well.

The demon crossing the Forbidden Demon Field is like crossing a river. After going through all kinds of hardships, he finally climbed to the shore. Before he had time to prepare, a bunch of giant firecrackers came directly to his face.

Countless demons were blown apart into a pile of free energy, further weakening the counterinsurgency force's front.

"In the name of the dark gods, accept your fate, damn traitor!"

It's just that the demonic troops that have passed through the layers of blocking are still huge.

They were fierce and came straight towards the Chaos Rebels.

After being unilaterally tortured for so long, I can finally vent my anger.

But when the counter-rebellion troops finally arrived on New Badab and began to confront the traitors, they were all stunned one by one.

The eyes that exuded an evil light were as wide as the big lanterns under the eaves, and the look on his face was filled with disbelief.

If Wei Mu was just talking casually before, making them feel a little uncomfortable, then at this moment, everything he said really turned into reality, and it hit the faces of the demons so hard, and the resulting The feeling of shock is beyond description.

Because the counter-rebellion army saw an army that truly belonged to Chaos - the demons of the four factions were mixed together, their positions were chaotic and intertwined, and the energy of the four colors of red, blue, green, and purple was entangled with each other.

Even if the four gods have abandoned the truth of chaos, refused to combine their power with the other three, and monopolized their respective fields, they cannot deny the existence of chaos.

Although the eight-pointed star totem that symbolizes chaos is eight diverging arrows, they all originate from the same point.

Therefore, in addition to choosing one of the four gods as the object of worship, mortal believers can also choose to worship all four of them at the same time.

Or to put it another way, they could worship neither, but Chaos itself.

This is a force that cannot be monopolized by the four gods. It is their root and will now become their biggest enemy.

On the other hand, although the troops sent by the Four Gods to counter the rebellion were large in size and powerful, they all had distinctive colors and distinct distinctions.

Even if they have a common goal and fight together under the orders of the dark gods, the demons of the four factions still stick together and will not mix with other factions.

The two sides just set up their positions on the surface of New Badab. It was very clear who represented chaos and who represented order.

"Haha, you are a pacesetter of order, right? I didn't expect that after not seeing each other for a while, your brother actually got such a position."

After the counter-rebellion troops landed, the Chaos Rebels did not immediately launch an attack. The bloodthirsty demon Riot looked contemptuously at the former colleague who had just shouted to take his life, with ridicule in his tone.

"What? No, labor and management are not some bullshit pacesetters of order. Don't you dare ruin the reputation of labor and management here, you damn traitor!"

The bloodthirsty maniac on the opposite side quickly retorted.

"No?" Riot said, pretending to be surprised, "Look at the army behind you, and then look at the troops behind me. Brother You is simply a model of following the rules and obeying the law. If not a model of order, what is he?"

As a bloodthirsty demon, Riot naturally didn't know so many advanced vocabulary, so the supernatural masters on the side were helping him make suggestions.

After Wei Mu severely damaged the morale of the counter-rebellion troops, the Wan Chang Demon Lord felt that it was necessary to further disintegrate their military morale. They had suffered a lot of sins at the hands of that mortal man, and these former colleagues had to try anything. One taste.

"You fart, labor and capital are just following the blood god's will to attack you, a rebel, so don't give labor and capital to deal with those who have nothing!" The bloodthirsty maniac named Tu Mie shouted in an angry tone.

"In that case, that's good!" Riot said with a smile, "I, Riot, dare to stand here today, in front of the soldiers of the two armies and many compatriots in the Supreme Heaven, and say that everything I do is for my Lord. Do you dare to say that what you do is for Chaos in the same way?"

Before the official launch of the army, Riot and the other three great demons were willing to pay the price of their own souls to persuade the four gods to give up all the demon princes. Of course, they dared to say with confidence that the king was for Khorne.

But if it were the other way round, the bloodthirsty demon Slayer really couldn't say it.

"This, this."

With the soldiers of the two armies showing such postures, if it still insists that it is fighting in the name of Chaos, what is the difference between this and being completely shameless?

"Don't be silent here, Tu Mie, isn't your brother very brave? This is a war cry you have shouted thousands of times, and now I am just asking you to repeat it again in front of everyone. Can't you even answer it?" Riot urged reluctantly.

But Tu Mie still lowered his head, his expression was struggling, and he refused to open his mouth to play.

"Speak, you coward, coward, coward, coward!"

Riot spit and insulted the former colleagues on the opposite side, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

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