I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 227 Extreme Chaos

Tu Mie originally came to suppress the rebellion in accordance with his destiny. He was full of murderous intent and momentum along the way. However, he did not expect that when he faced the rebels directly, he would be sprayed by the rebels so much that he could not fight back.

They are indeed firmly bound by the rules set by the dark gods, and they are far less than the word "chaos" compared to the enemies in front of them.

The idea that had already penetrated into the soul was now severely impacted. The bloodthirsty maniac stepped on the ground with his legs, and his huge hooves kicked up a large amount of dust.

"No matter what, it is wrong to disobey the master's will!" it angrily shouted, "Brothers, in the name of the Blood God, kill these traitors!"

Once the war breaks out, you only need to work hard to behead people, and there is no need to think about other things.

So when a large number of troops were still passing through the Forbidden Demon Field and had not yet arrived at the New Badab battlefield, the unbearable Massacre directly commanded the blood army under his command to launch an attack on the enemy. The bloodthirsty maniac himself even charged. In front, leading the way, holding a battle ax and facing the leader of the bandits.

Seeing this, the counter-rebellion troops of other factions around could not just watch the Khorne demonic army being left alone. They could only follow their march closely, and the vast army pressed forward one by one.

"For the sake of Chaos, we fight to the death and eliminate those pacesetters of order!"

The rioters who had gained the upper hand in the scolding in front of the formation became more and more motivated. The Chaos Rebels led the howling and roaring troops and faced them head-on, violently colliding with the invading enemies.

The formation of the rebel army was newly established recently.

In order to demonstrate their "legitimacy", they must present something unique to their fellow warp brethren.

Manpower was drawn from the original four demon legions to form a team of four to fight. The demons of Khorne charged forward, the demons of Nurgle absorbed the damage, the demons of Tzeentch used spells to support remotely from the rear, and the demons of Slaanesh used their physical skills. Disrupt the battlefield.

This configuration not only makes them appear more "chaotic", but with the cooperation of their respective characteristics, the Chaos Rebels can exert a combat effectiveness that far exceeds the previous formation.

On the other hand, although the counter-insurgency forces were numerous and powerful, due to the deep-rooted estrangement between the various factions, they were always on guard against each other and held each other back. There were even many small-scale internal fights during this period.

Under the circumstances, the Chaos Rebels fought more and more bravely.

"Did you see it? Tu Mie, this is the real power of chaos! If the troops we lead are the same size, I can knock out all your Yoneden gang!" Riot said with a brazen laugh.

Such a brilliant performance is the greatest proof of the legitimacy of their uprising.

"It's just a villain's success!" Tu Mie refused to admit this and shouted angrily, "If the strength of labor and management hadn't been weakened when they passed through the forbidden demon field, how could you traitors continue to be rampant?"

The two huge gods and bloodthirsty demons combined their weapons and fought fiercely together. Their movements were so fast that it was dizzying, like a dancing scarlet storm that was constantly raging in the center of the chaotic battlefield.

"But our new army has just changed its organization, and we haven't had time to improve the proficiency of cooperation among our subordinates. You, brother, are also a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time. You should be able to see its potential!" Riot said in a purely military way. Angle reminded.

Regarding this point, Tu Mie was once again said to be irrefutable.

Years of military training tell it that the situation is indeed as stated by the riots. The army that combines the power of all four gods is flexible and fully functional. If it is well drilled, it will naturally be more suitable for complex battlefields.

This is definitely an optimization of combat effectiveness.

Therefore, the massacre can only be carried out from other angles. He refuted: "Shut up, traitor. Relying on the power of other gods is a shameless betrayal of the Blood God. I advise you to find your way back in time and disconnect from the servants of other gods." , maybe the master can be lenient and allow you to die honorably as a Khorne demon."

Tu Mi smashed the battle ax hard at his former comrades. The powerful power contained in it could even split a mountain directly. Even the surrounding air became hot under the rapid swing of its weapon, and the sound it made was like a certain person. Something terrible was screaming and wailing.

"Don't try to persuade me, Tu Mie, I have dedicated everything I have to the greatest cause of subspace - fighting to liberate chaos. You are the one who should wake up in time!"

Riot rushed forward without fear and countered with reciprocal attacks.

Two battle axes filled with blood and steel collided violently, and terrifying flames of destruction burst out from them.

The earth was torn apart, the space was cut, and a huge energy cyclone lingered around the bodies of the two strong men, like a disaster from heaven that had descended on the world.

"You know you can't win this battle, riot, no matter how smart your words are, you can't compete with the great power of the dark gods!" Tu Mie reminded.

More and more counter-rebellion troops passed through the Forbidden Demonic Field. Subspace energy flows of four colors were projected directly from the Supreme Sky, and the troops were continuously replenished.

No matter how good the Chaos Rebels are in fighting, they are still being eaten away bit by bit in the face of nearly infinite enemies, and the resistance forces across the planet are rapidly shrinking.

Originally, the riot could suppress the massacre with force, but after receiving sufficient support, it now faced four bloodthirsty demons.

The weakening of the Forbidden Demon Field could not make up for such a huge power gap. Riot's two fists were unable to defeat the Eight Hands. His wings were broken and his body was covered in wounds. His brass armor was almost scrapped, and the battlefield situation was precarious.

Wei Mu felt helpless about the development of the situation in front of him.

Even if he puts all the imperial troops under his command into it, the effect will be only a drop in the bucket.

He could only stay in space and watch everything happen quietly. At most, he could throw a cyclone torpedo at the end and send the countless demon army back to the subspace to resurrect.

As the war continued, the Chaos Rebels were gradually pushed into a corner. Counter-rebellion forces surrounded them, and their destruction was only a matter of seconds.

In response to this grim reality, the Riot adopted the famous line: "If I cannot free it from your tyranny - then let the warp burn!"

From the moment they decided to revolt, they had already regarded death as returning home. Such a vigorous exit was worthy of their magnificent life.

"Hahaha, well said!"

Just when everything was despairing, an eerie voice suddenly descended on this chaotic battlefield.

Following the appearance of that voice, a dim but swift and powerful force of destruction directly penetrated the supply lines of the Four Gods and headed towards the location of New Badab.

This sudden force was like a meteorite, creating a huge crater on the surface of the planet. As a result, countless demons from the counter-rebellion troops were directly wiped out and turned into broken energy streams.

"What kind of evil spirit dares to stop the four gods from doing their work!" The servants of the dark gods shouted loudly at the existence in the center of the crater.

There is no force in the entire subspace that can challenge them, not even the Cursed Legion of the Damned.

"I have long said that there is a problem with those four guys and called on the vast subspace creatures to overthrow their rule, but you turned a deaf ear to my statement. Now I finally have my brain enlightened, and it is not too late!"

In the swirling smoke and flying dust, a huge figure gradually emerged.

It was a humanoid creature that was even bigger than the Bloodthirsty Demon, but it had the head of a giant dragon.

Its eyes are full of malice, its mouth is full of fangs, and its face is ferocious. The power of destruction runs through its body, and the terrifying coercion it exudes is enough to drive mortals into madness.

In addition, what is even more bizarre is that as a subspace creature, the colors on it and its followers are so dim, looking like old black and white TVs in the early industrial era, and other demons around them. Totally out of place.

Its identity is known to all beings of the Warp, although it is far less famous in the material realm than the Four and the Damned.

That is the Lord of Resentment, the God of Betrayal, the Outcast, the incarnation of extreme chaos and self-destruction - Maris, the Secondary God of Chaos.

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