I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 228 The Lord of Resentment

No one knows what happened between Maris and the Dark Gods.

Perhaps this subspace sub-god was born from the extreme hatred of intelligent creatures towards the destructive power.

Some people also speculate that He is actually the embodiment of the extreme emotions of "misfits" who are discriminated against by the mainstream of society.

But what is known to all is that He was not tolerated by the four gods, was banished by them, and was called a traitor.

That's why Maris is dedicated to bringing destruction to the Destruction Power.

He hates them.

The Lord of Malice and his followers have always had a special desire to attack the servants of other gods.

At this moment, Maris, with his followers who seemed to be pulled out of old black and white photos, attacked the four gods' counterinsurgency forces in an unexpected way.

The Chaos Lesser God walks on the battlefield of New Badab, which is full of blood, corruption, flying magic, and joyful excitement. With an irresistible and powerful posture, he crushes the small servants of his mortal enemies.

He derives strength from their demise.

With just one attack, Maris was able to kill nearly a hundred Khorne Vampires, and the Tzeentch Horror's magic couldn't cause any damage to him.

The whole planet trembled as He strode forward.

It was an existence worthy of being called a god, and its terrifying performance stunned the soldiers of the empire.

Even people who have fought against demons have never seen subspace creatures with such exaggerated strength.

They are not used to one thing yet - when people encounter demons, it is often demons who are causing trouble in the real universe. These subspace creatures are in a state of being suppressed by the rules of the universe, and their power will definitely be greatly affected.

The devil's melee in front of him did not have this limitation, which is why Maris's performance was so amazing.

His appearance greatly eased the decline faced by the Chaos Rebels, and the soldiers' spirits were lifted. They cooperated with the God of Destruction in a more heroic manner and launched a counterattack against the four gods' counterinsurgency army. .

"What happened here has nothing to do with you, Maris. We are just cleaning up the house internally. Don't meddle in your own business here!" Tu Mie raised his battle ax and warned the Lord of Resentment.

It came with a mission, and it had to destroy the Chaos Rebellion before it could go back and report to Khorne.

"Really? If I insist on meddling in this nosy, what can you do to me?" Maris casually grabbed a Khorne vampire next to him, held it in his hand like a toy, and said with a contemptuous smile, " Even your masters have nothing to do with me, how can you lackeys have the courage to point fingers at me and actually dare to threaten me here?"

This is not a good sign.

Because according to his original habits, the Lord of Resentment should attack the servants of the Four Gods indiscriminately, but now the other party has made it clear that he wants to protect the traitors.

"Stupid abandoned person! It's just because of the mutual constraints between the four gods that they left you a small living space. Do you really think you have a chance to compete with their power?" Tu Mie He scolded sternly.

"Compete? No, no, no, you are totally wrong. How can I compete with them?" The Lord of Resentment smiled and increased his strength on his hands, "What I want is the collapse of their order!"

The poor vampire continued to struggle desperately, howling miserably from his mouth.

It was so small that it was unable to resist the powerful force that restrained itself. The blood-red skin gradually began to crack under the squeeze, and more and more cracks began to appear.

Until the final bang, the vampire's entire body exploded and turned into a discrete stream of red energy.

Maris savored the fall of Khorne's servants with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Arrogant!" Tu Mie said angrily, "Since you insist on seeking death, you must pay the price for your wanton behavior today!"

Faced with such a humiliating demonstration, all the bloodthirsty madmen were about to burst with anger.

It was all caused by this group of traitors, and now cats and dogs are jumping out and jumping around in an attempt to challenge the authority of the true God.

Have these guys forgotten the shocking power of the dark gods? Do they really think they have a chance to win?

But it was actually a good thing if this happened. Zheng was worried that he had no chance, so he dealt with it all.

The loyal servants of the Four Gods raised their weapons and pounced on the Chaos Secondary God in front of them like mad dogs.

"You should be the ones who don't understand the situation. Slaves of the false gods. The true power of chaos has been awakened. I will definitely rise here!"

Maris laughed and faced a group of bloodthirsty demons head-on.

The conflict that broke out between them caused the battlefield to become increasingly chaotic, and even the continental plates began to collapse in pieces because they could not withstand such destruction.

God-like powers competed with each other here, and all kinds of horrific methods were used.

The budding sparks released themselves frantically in order to avoid being extinguished early, and the fatal reverberations caused stirred up the entire supreme sky, so that it still has a lingering after hundreds of millions of years.

Such fierce resistance, such difficult constraints.

The counter-rebellion troops actually fought on par with the Chaos Rebels and the Abandoned people on the opposite side. Countless demons were exiled as a result, and the entire battle was extremely tragic.

The situation that should have been overcome directly was actually dragged to a moment where perseverance must be competed.

The servants of the Destruction Power were surprised by the development of the incident, but they still had full confidence. After all, there were four true gods standing behind them, and there was no reason why they would lose - unless the backyard of the four gods suddenly caught fire.

For unknown reasons, the Nurgle family's reinforcements were suddenly cut off, and there were no longer any follow-up troops to cross the Forbidden Demon Field and enter the New Badab battlefield.

Then came the Khorne family. The red energy flow overflowing from the Supreme Sky gradually dissipated, as if something had forcibly diverted the Blood God's attention.

The pressure faced by the Chaos Rebels was suddenly reduced by half.

However, compared with the actual reduction in the number of enemy troops, the morale hit caused by this change was more serious.

Such a change was simply unbelievable to the counterinsurgency troops.

They had never thought that something would go wrong during the counter-rebellion, but they never thought that the impulsive and bellicose Khorne and the honest and honest Nurgle would be the ones to go wrong, and that the two great gods would go into trouble together.

As the saying goes, heaven and earth are all united in time, and there are many forces like Maris who hope to see the four gods suffer misfortune.

When things developed to this point, the four gods' counterinsurgency operations had actually failed.

For the remaining two families, Slaanesh chose to take the first step and give up the action in order not to be plotted by Tzeentch.

After all, he is the weakest among the four gods, so he has to be cautious as he does not have much capital.

Despite the Lord of Change's pleas, let the Prince of Darkness put the greater good first. This is their last chance to extinguish the flames of rebellion.

However, the more this happened, the more Slaanesh felt that there was a pit inside, and he evacuated decisively without looking back.

In the end, Tzeentch's family was left alone and had no choice but to give up the crusade.

The defeated Daemons were unable to cross the Forbidden Fields and escape back to the Warp. They were either destroyed or absorbed by the Chaos Rebellion.

After wiping out the last servant of the four gods on New Badab, Maris's rampant laughter echoed everywhere in the maelstrom, as if the collapse of the power of the dark gods was close at hand.

"Follow me and I will subvert their order. After this, all subspace creatures can do whatever they want without restraint!"

The Lord of Malice held a banner made by Erebus and issued his declaration to the Chaos Rebels.

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