"So that's pretty much it."

Half a month after the defeat of the Four Gods' counter-rebellion forces, Wei Mu returned to the forge world of Cologne with the Imperial fleet.

This was the starting point for his expedition to the Maelstrom.

Only about half of the soldiers were lucky enough to follow in triumph, while the other half slept forever in the depths of the maelstrom.

May the light of the Star Torch guide their souls back to the Golden Throne.

But then again, Wei Mu was not sure whether this operation could be regarded as a triumph. After all, he was originally aiming at the strategic goal of closing the maelstrom directly.

Although the Red Pirates are now destroyed, an additional demonic rebel army has occupied the Eye of the Maelstrom. Moreover, this rebel army was established with the support and instigation of Wei Mu. It is unknown whether the original body and the high leader How will the Lord react when he learns this.

It is undoubtedly an extremely difficult task to get the empire, whose ideas are already deeply ingrained, to accept a group of demonic "allies".

Due to the previous sneak attack by the Red Pirates, Cologne suffered a lot of losses, and the repair work of various broken facilities is still in progress. Mechanical priests and workers are busy manipulating various automated creations among the ruins, trying to completely It will take at least another decade to restore their homes.

At this time, Wei Mu was sitting in the center of the conference room, introducing various matters related to this expedition to a large group of judges around him. The top officials of the empire must understand every detail of it in detail.

The soldiers who followed him on the expedition were undergoing investigation while resting.

It was clear that such an investigation would haunt them for quite some time.

Inquisitors must ensure the loyalty of the Imperial soldiers to the Master of Mankind.

After experiencing such a serious encounter with Chaos, no one can guarantee that all these soldiers will be able to resist the temptation of the power of destruction.

After Wei Mu finished describing the general situation, the judges all had twitching faces and distorted expressions.

They had never heard of such an outrageous thing. They once thought that the expeditionary force suffered a huge defeat at the front, and in order to cover up their mistakes, they forcibly faked their achievements.

However, they randomly interrogated many soldiers, conducted various overt and covert interviews, and used black technology to directly read the memories, and the results were all similar.

"In other words, the Chaos sub-god named Maris has become a being similar to Abaddon, and is now leading a group of demons who rebelled against the four gods to prepare for an expedition into subspace?" Judge Quinn frowned, feeling My forehead hurts a little.

"That's right." Wei Mu nodded seriously.

The thing is actually true, which is even more troublesome. If it is false, we can directly cut off a group of people to solve the problem - how can this situation be rectified now?

There is no doubt that colluding with demons is a capital offense, but Wei Mu's goal in colluding with demons was to incite the demons to rebel, and in the end he did it - the principle of homomorphic revenge can be explained anywhere.

Ten thousand years ago, it was Chaos that split the empire and interrupted the advancement of the human race. Now it is natural for the empire to return it, and it can only be regarded as collecting some interest.

But things are certainly not that simple to accept.

"You really have posed a problem for us, Master Jiedushi. Even if you take a step back, it is exactly as you said - the strength of this group of chaos rebels is obviously not strong enough. If the four gods free their hands, then Are we still going to support them to carry out an encirclement and suppression campaign to help them tide over the difficulties? And what if they treacherously choose to target us at a critical moment, or after they become bigger, what will happen then?" Kui Because he expressed his concerns.

This is really taking a step back.

Not to mention the extremists within the empire who believe that colluding with demons is a stain on the emperor and a betrayal of humanity. There are also some people who are worried that Wei Mu has made a bad start and others will follow suit.

Just those few levels of them were very sad.

Even if considered from a purely rational perspective, both the Empire and the Chaos Rebels have common interests, and the Empire's top leaders must also evaluate the risks involved - as Quinn said, fighting a proxy war with barbarians against barbarians is indeed better than the Empire's own The ending will be much more comfortable, but if you raise a white-eyed wolf, then things will be very serious, and no one can bear the responsibility.

After all, demons are never known for keeping their promises.

"You don't have to worry about this." Wei Mu shrugged, "When I wrote the memorandum for them, I made an agreement with them on behalf of the Emperor that the Chaos Rebels would not attack us, and in exchange, humans The sinful souls in them will fall into their hands - those guys don’t deserve to return to the Golden Throne anyway, don’t they?”

Since a proxy war is going to be fought, it must be funded, and the souls of sinners are the military aid provided by Wei Mu to the Chaos Rebels.

This is like the empire holding the main supply of food and grass for the rebels in its hands. Even if the opponent gets bigger in the future, it will be easy to control them.

"Are you kidding me?"

Once such explosive news was released, all the judges present were stunned.

They never expected that Wei Mu could actually pull off such a stunt.

"Of course not." Wei Mu waved his hand and explained, "Actually, you don't have to react too fiercely. In various cultures, it is not common for sinners to go to hell after death. I am just making an official statement for the empire. It’s just hell, and if we let the state religion publicize it afterwards, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Wei Mu's statement was an understatement, but the judges were not able to accept it so easily.

"Even the sinners of our race are not in the hands of those demons. Who are you qualified to make this decision!"

One of the judges couldn't help but lost his temper and slapped the table and yelled loudly.

Such behavior has reached the edge of betraying the interests of the race, and a little carelessness will bring destruction to the entire empire.

"Of course he doesn't have that qualification." Quinn reminded, "There is only one person in the universe who is qualified to make decisions for our entire race, and that is the Emperor."

The implication of Quinn's words can be understood by everyone present - this matter must have been decided by the Lord of Humanity, otherwise Wei Mu's own strength alone, even if he has a deliberate plan, would not be able to implement it.

This meant that the Emperor looked after the young man in front of him.

Of course, the premise is that the authenticity of this matter must be proven first.

Compared with the actual situation of war, the information usually obtained on matters involving subspace, contracts, and gods is vague and ambiguous. It is extremely difficult to confirm it and get it widely recognized. Hard to imagine.

Even if it is the Emperor's saint, Saint Celestine or Saint Leo, many people still suspect that they are some kind of warp demon in disguise.

Although the official hell sounds exaggerated, it actually feels quite far away.

"So that's all that needs to be said. I only have so much flesh on my body. You can do whatever you want with me, but don't do it to those soldiers. They have carried out every order of mine accurately and their loyalty to the empire is unquestionable. , and also made great contributions in the process of destroying the red pirates, but don’t let them feel cold.”

Wei Mu knew that he had to lower his profile at this time.

It is difficult to comment on the merits and demerits of this action. If he were still domineering and arrogant, many people would not be able to sleep at night.

"I'm very sorry, Lord Jiedushi. We are unable to judge your behavior. This matter needs to be reported."

After a period of discussion, Inquisitor Quinn gave the final result.

The matter is too involved, and even if they are thirty or so judges united, they cannot make the decision.

"So now we have to wait for feedback from above?" Wei Mu tried to ask,

"That's right." Quinn nodded.

"Then do I have to be locked up in a small dark room during this period, or can I move around freely?" Wei Mu continued to ask.

Having just experienced a great war, he, the Jiedushi Envoy, had a lot of work to deal with.

"This. You can move around freely in Cologne, but for safety reasons, during this period, we will take over your personal safety."

After another heated discussion, the judges struggled to give an answer.

This arrangement is both surveillance and protection.

The existence of Wei Mu has become a threat in the eyes of certain forces, many of which even come from within the empire.

There will be a lot of dastardly assassinations.

Therefore, before Wei Mu's merits and demerits can be defined, the judges must ensure his safety at all costs.

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