I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 236 Naughty Child

After such a vicious incident happened, Wei Mu felt it necessary to go over and take a look.

He had put so much effort into setting up the academy not just to let these little guys fight among themselves. If he really wanted to do that, he could just throw them into the arena to play chicken.

Therefore, we need to find out the reasons and prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

On the way to the infirmary, Wei Mu obtained the background information of the two students involved from the staff who reported the news.

He had to know what kind of thorns he was about to face.

At a glance, one of them seems to have a pretty normal life experience.

Badr, male, thirteen years old, level 7 (Jota Ι) psyker.

Born in an ordinary agricultural world, his father is a hunter, his mother is a weaver, and he has a younger brother at home. Although his life is full and hungry, his life is generally stable.

He showed his psychic talent only after a fever. The neighbors who learned the news did not dare to hide it at all and immediately notified the local government.

It is common knowledge that "psychics cannot live an ordinary life". After bidding farewell to his parents with difficulty, he calmly accepted the recruitment of the Psychic Academy.

The other person's life experience is a bit outrageous.

Dirick, male, thirteen years old, level 13 (gamma Γ) psyker, is one of the six people mentioned before.

Born in the lower levels of the hive city, he seems to be a shady person. His parents are unknown and he is alone. There is no record of his early life.

The law enforcement team found him in the hometown of a cultist, and the group of traitors were planning to use him to perform a human sacrifice ceremony.

They destroyed the cultist's den, originally intending to destroy the boy as well. After all, the boy was at high risk of being corrupted, but Ogryn in the team was particularly persistent in wanting to save people. He was so stupid that he couldn't even be persuaded. , so the law enforcement team could only bring the boy back first.

After a series of inspections, it was found that the boy was not contaminated, and the law enforcement team sent him to Blackstone Fortress along with other found young psykers.

When Wei Mu came to the infirmary and saw the two people lying on the bed, he realized how simple the folk customs of the empire's youth were - the heads of the two brats were tightly wrapped with white bandages, and they looked like they were Like mummies, Wei Mu looked back and forth at the information in his hand for a long time before he could figure out who the two of them were.

"So you are Dirick?" Wei Mu first asked the brown-haired boy.

According to the information provided by the staff, this guy was the trigger of the fight.

"Yes, my lord." The boy replied in a deep voice.

It can be clearly heard that Dirick's "Sir" call was very awkward, and he didn't know if it was because he was injured.

Wei Mu didn't care about this, and then asked: "As far as I know, it should be the first time for you two to meet, right? In less than a day, what kind of hatred has broken out that can make you fight each other? , even at the risk of causing such a scene?"

If all the children of the Empire were dealing with such a passionate way, then it is estimated that not many of them would survive to adulthood, and even the infirmary would not be able to save them.

However, what Wei Mu didn't expect was that Dirick's answer was even more outrageous than he imagined.

"Because he refused to obey my authority and tried to challenge me." The boy replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What you mean is that you wanted to be the boss of the dormitory, but he refused, so the two of you started fighting?" Wei Mu asked in surprise.

"That's right." Dick nodded.

Good guy, at such a young age, you know how to use force to establish your status when you first come to a new environment. Are you sure you haven't been corrupted by Khorne?

"Is he telling the truth, Mr. Bader?"

In order to conduct multi-party verification, Wei Mu turned to ask another person involved.

"Indeed, sir." The blond boy lying on the hospital bed next to him nodded.

"But you are not in the same dormitory, so this matter should have nothing to do with you." Wei Mu continued to ask.

"Because I can't stand the way he bullies others." Badr replied.

The conflict that lasted for a long time was not a direct conflict between the two of them, but this guy took the initiative to intervene in their own business.

What kind of drama of oppression and liberation is this?

Is it possible that one of you is destined to be the Eternal Chosen One, and the other is the future Emperor's Champion?

One person was tempted by power, deceived his master, destroyed his ancestors, and massacred all his sect colleagues. Another person suffered a deep hatred and swore an oath to hunt down the murderer to the ends of the earth. The former siblings turned into mortal enemies today, and were forced to engage in a fateful life-or-death showdown.

Wei Mu began to brainstorm on his own.

"Sir, did I do something wrong?" Seeing the inexplicable change in the expression on Wei Mu's face, Bader felt a little nervous.

Only then did the latter come back to his senses and said: "That's not the case - do you two have the idea of ​​changing your names? For example, one is called Sigma and the other is Archaon, or one is called Pang Juan and the other is called Sun Bin, Sasuke and Naruto It can be anything, it will be more ceremonial when you stand against each other."

"Uh, I'm sorry, sir?" Balder obviously couldn't understand the meaning of Wei Mu's words, so he fell into deep confusion.

His name was one of the few things his parents could leave him. If he had to change it forcibly, it would definitely cause serious damage to Badr's emotions.

On the other side, Dirick turned his head away. Although he didn't understand these jokes, he could feel that Wei Mu was joking with them.

"Okay, stop joking and talk about serious business." Wei Mu waved his hand upon seeing this, "First of all, about the punishment for you two. Each of you will copy the "Student Code of Conduct Handbook" ten times. Before you finish copying, you will have to do it every day. Only two meals."

"Huh?" the two boys shouted at the same time.

If there is any way to deal with these naughty kids, food is undoubtedly the simplest and most effective one.

"Ah, what? If everyone fights privately like you, can this academy be opened? Considering your injuries, I am very merciful by exempting you from corporal punishment. If you dare to cause trouble next time, what do you think I will do? Deal with you." Wei Mu glared at the two of them fiercely.

The boys didn't dare to complain anymore and could only pouted and sulked.

"The second thing is about your behavior." Wei Mu stretched out his finger and flicked Dirick's forehead hard, "Which prison did you learn this golden idea from? How could you use force to make others recognize you as your eldest brother when we first met?"

"Isn't this what it should be? The strong dominate the weak." Dirick endured the pain and retorted loudly.

In the world he once lived in, the sin-filled lower level of the hive, power was the law that governed everything.

Dirick had only seen that kind of life, and it was really difficult for him to follow other rules for a while.

"Then now this kid has jumped out." Wei Mu pointed at Badr, "Do you think those around you will succumb to your power, or will they choose to join him and fight against you?"

"This, this." Dirick was speechless.

Because when the two of them used chairs to fight each other and fell to the ground, many people gathered around Badr to express their concern, but there was only a weak-looking little girl beside him to express their condolences.

"Another question, do you think I achieved my current status by relying on my ability to fight?" Wei Mu asked again.

The boy remained silent, because obviously, compared with those emperor's angels, the Jiedushi in front of him was not powerful at all.

"There are many ways to gain dominance. In addition to showing force, young Dick can also use strategies, rely on propaganda, build relationships, negotiate deals, bribe, deceive, and even steal. This kind of thing has happened many times before. It’s still happening now and it will continue to happen in the future.”

"You may not agree with other ways of obtaining power, but you have to understand one thing - in the future of your life, you will encounter many things that you cannot agree with. You cannot just because of your own disagreement, Just deny their objective existence, and since they are objectively existing things, you must pay attention to them, otherwise only failure awaits you.”

Wei Mu said, changing the subject again.

"As for Badr, are you confident that you can help those people get rid of Dick's entanglement? Or is your behavior likely to cause them more trouble? After all, you can't be by their side to protect them anytime and anywhere."

"But I can't just watch the oppression happen. This is wrong, isn't it?" Badr asked doubtfully.

"So do you want to actually solve the problem, or do you just want to satisfy yourself and think that as long as I am doing the right thing?" Wei Mu asked.

"This." The boy hesitated.

"Don't be narrow-minded, young man. It's right to pursue justice and protect the weak. But if justice could only be achieved with passion, there wouldn't be so much suffering in the world."

Wei Mu said.

"In short, you are still too young, and you haven't even reached the time to talk about right and wrong. Learning more and seeing more is what you should do now. This is the meaning of the establishment of the academy."

Wei Mu did not directly deny their behavior. No one likes to be denied, especially children of this age. Instead, he pointed out that there are more improvements in their behavior. As for whether they can listen, that is That's another story.

I have to say that in terms of temperament, these two guys are quite interesting. Maybe one day they can really become a big boss.

But no matter how powerful they become in the future, they still have to accept the punishment and copy the "Student Code of Conduct Manual" in order to have three meals a day.

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