I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 237 The great sage needs to cover up

The fight between two naughty kids was just a minor incident, and most of the students were still very honest.

After dealing with the affairs of Badr and Dirick, there were no more troubles among the children, and the college's work was still on track.

"Your handling is impressive, sir." Melita said from the side after leaving the infirmary.

Leaders must focus on the overall situation and rarely care about subtle things. When things happen in front of them, they will often deal with them in the simplest way.

This kind of behavior is indeed not a big problem when used in other areas, but it is very likely to be counterproductive when used in education.

Wei Mu handled this matter personally, which actually expressed his attitude to the employees. He hoped that these students could be well taken care of physically and mentally, instead of just cultivating a qualified tool man.

"That's embarrassing, ma'am, you are the expert in this field." Wei Mu waved his hand, "Children with distinctive personalities are very easy to deal with because they can easily find targeted strategies. What they fear most is the silence. A boring gourd who keeps everything in his heart."

He just happened to catch these two naughty kids making trouble, so he took the opportunity to show off. Wei Mu was very self-aware.

"Education is a very complicated matter, because human nature itself is elusive. Being able to teach students in accordance with their aptitude is quite valuable. You don't have to be too modest in this regard." Melita praised her heartily.

"Even so." Wei Mu smiled, and then sighed, "It's just a pity."

"What's a pity?" Melita asked curiously.

It was a pity that the family was clearly in need of education the most, but because of the separation of the young Primarchs, the Emperor did not even have a chance to educate his children. When the Lord of Mankind found all the Primarchs one by one, they Both his personality and worldview have been finalized for a long time, and he has reached the stage where he can no longer control his father.

Of course, Wei Mu couldn't really say such things, mainly because he was afraid of causing trouble to the people around him.

He just shrugged and changed the subject: "Nothing, I just thought of something - how long will it take for the remaining students to be divided?"

Melita did not continue to ask further, but answered directly: "The progress is more than half completed, and the rest will take another day."

"The efficiency is not bad." Wei Mu nodded, "Then let them get more familiar with the environment. The formal teaching will start the day after tomorrow. You have worked hard on the related things, so go down and do your work first."

"As you command, my lord."

After receiving the order, Melita bowed solemnly to Wei Mu, then turned and left.

The reason why Wei Mu established the Psychic Academy was not only to explore the direction for human advancement, but also to compete with the Four Gods.

So naturally, the academy was divided into four parts: War, Mystery, Life, and Spirit.

The empire needs generals who charge into battle and commanders who sit on one side, far-sighted politicians and wise men who strategize, bioengineers who modify the environment and doctors who save lives and heal the wounded, as well as law enforcers who restrain officials and role models who inspire the people.

As for the specific personnel allocation issue, Wei Mu decided to follow the tradition of wizards.

"I can provide a more efficient solution to complete this matter." When Wei Mu approached Andre to discuss this matter, General Casting took the initiative.

"No, I want a hat." Wei Mu quickly shook his head, "How about it, can you make it?"

"A set of personality and thinking detection equipment, coupled with corresponding classification programs and intelligent voice systems - it is indeed not difficult to implement technically, but why a hat?" Andre wondered, thinking there was some deep meaning in it.

"Wearing a talking hat and facing your heart directly, you can decide what kind of people you will grow up with in the future. Don't you think this experience is cool?" Wei Mu said enthusiastically.

"Well, maybe. Although it is not in line with the precision and efficiency advocated by the Mechanicus, I will let people complete this matter according to your requirements." Andre nodded.

The founding general obviously couldn't understand the fun, and didn't understand why Wei Mu would enjoy it.

Anyway, not long after that conversation, the academy got a cyber intelligent wizard hat.

Since the empire explicitly prohibits artificial intelligence, the consciousness on the hat seems to have come from the degraded system of Great Sage Caul. He is a talkative guy who doesn't quite keep his mouth quiet. It's unclear whose template he is using.

Speaking of Belisarius Caul, after the Maelstrom Expedition, the great sage also temporarily stayed on Cologne, and I don’t know what he was busy with.

And what surprised Wei Mu was that during the transformation process of Blackstone Fortress, Caul actually took the initiative to provide help and played a great role in it. He even transplanted a Primaris Space Marine production line from the Ark Mechanicum.

This greatly increases the speed of the fortress' transformation.

When Wei Mu asked Caul the reason, the other party replied directly and righteously: "They are all loyal to the emperor, this little thing is nothing."

"Oh." Wei Mu nodded in confusion.

I didn't expect that the great sage turned out to be such a loyal and patriotic person who understood the general situation - then what a ghost.

There is nothing wrong with saying that Caul is loyal and patriotic, but if you want to say that he has a general understanding, even if you look through the entire Mechanicus Order, you will not be able to find such a person with two hands.

Almost all the oil guys have their own little plans, and there must be something fishy behind the great sage's courtesy. It was probably just because the guards of the Tribunal were always following Wei Mu, and there were some things that Kaul couldn't say directly.

In addition to Caul, Fulgrim was also quite active during this time.

The clone Primarch led the four hundred Primaris Space Marine recruits, and after busying themselves in the Blackstone Fortress, they put on a posture of "This is our hometown, and it has been decorated with great care."

Seeing this scene, Wei Mu seemed to understand what kind of courtesy Kaul was showing.

Guilliman had repeatedly banned the Archmagos from using the gene seeds of the Traitor Legions. Forcing them to do so would cause immeasurable political disaster.

But Caul obviously did not listen. He always firmly believed that the Emperor had a reason for creating twenty legions in the first place. Only by gathering them all can the maximum combat effectiveness of the Space Marines be exerted.

It would have been difficult to reveal what the Great Sage was secretly doing.

After all, when the Inquisition examines the gene seeds of each Chapter, it can only check the degree of mutation, but cannot figure out the specific ingredients. There are many Chapters who do not even know who their genetic father is.

For example, this was the case with the Star Claw back then. Luft Huron only speculated that the gene seeds in his body originated from the Ultramarines, and there was no definite evidence.

But Caul never expected that a clone of the Traitor Primarch would pop out of the sewers, and that it would be so perfect that it would genetically resonate with its offspring, the four hundred Primaris Space Marines who were originally intended to bear the name of Dorne. Seeing that Fulgrim couldn't help but want to recognize his father, it was almost impossible to hide the matter.

By simulating the scene with the corrupted Guilliman in the chamber, a replica of Guilliman's consciousness, Caul could know how furious the real primarch would be when he learned of this incident. , so he must hide it for the sake of his many unfinished business.

"Put it all on me." Fulgrim said, "Even I have returned to the Empire. It is not a problem logically to get four hundred Sons of the Emperor, but you have to figure out the details yourself. Guilliman is A pretty shrewd guy.”

The person involved was willing to cover up for him, which made the great sage relieved.

But Kaul also knew that the other party's help was not free.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to conduct a physical examination on the cloned original body, the Great Sage secretly reached an agreement with Fulgrim under the eyes of the Inquisitor, which later gave him strong support for the transformation of Blackstone Fortress.

Anyway, Wei Mu was going to meet with Guilliman recently. Caul thought that he might as well stay and wait for them, and then go together. Maybe the regent would be attracted by the Chaos Rebels and the Cloning Primarch. , thereby reducing attention to him.

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