The great Codex Astartes stipulates that Space Marines can only have a maximum number of thousands.

This was the restriction Guilliman imposed on the scale of Space Marine operations after the Horus Heresy was put down, in order to prevent a similar situation from happening again.

For the situation at that time, the restrictions in the Holy Code were definitely tailored.

The previously launched Great Crusade wiped out most threats in the galaxy, and the rebels, who were a serious concern, were beaten to pieces.

With no major war ahead, the Space Marines desperately need to eliminate the fear that mortals have of them.

The promotion of holy scriptures is imperative.

However, even Guilliman, who is known for his rationality, cannot predict everything, let alone the changes in the pattern of the galaxy in the next few thousand years.

For example, the Necrons began to gradually "recover", such as the Tyranids from extragalactic galaxies, and the inexplicable rise of the Tau Empire.

And the most critical thing - the blindness and ignorance that humans have fallen into.

After the primarchs disappeared from the empire, the "Code of Astartes" became "the immutable law of the ancestors". Even a thousand-man battle group was far from being able to satisfy the increasingly fierce conflicts in the galaxy. There is still no one who can stand up and carry out drastic reforms - even Guilliman, who has recovered, has no good way to use his own work, because the implications are too wide.

Changes in the rules of the game will inevitably cause some people to benefit, and will also naturally cause some vested interests to suffer losses.

Conservatives will worry that the reappearance of the Legion is that Guilliman, the only original body, is paving the way for him to completely control the empire. They are afraid that the Ultramarines will dominate the family and marginalize other bloodline Space Marines. They will also doubt that he has replaced his father. The terrible ambition to become the Emperor of the Empire.

It's great to have a father, but you bully us who don't have a father.

Of course, not all war groups follow the restrictions of the Holy Code honestly, and there are still ways to circumvent them.

For example, the famous Black Templar Chapter has no idea how many superborns it actually has. However, their war group is scattered throughout the galaxy, with no more than a thousand people dispatched at a time. You can check it out at the Inquisition, as long as you like.

This kind of cross-galaxy investigation is completely impossible for the Empire, so the Black Orcs have never been caught by the Inquisition, although the latter can more or less guess their situation.

Although the Black Templar's methods are effective, they are not formal and can only be done secretly in private. Only Caul's method can be considered an open and aboveboard method to exploit loopholes in the Holy Code.

Although each war group cannot distribute more than a thousand cans, but my family owns a cannery, so it is reasonable to carry a large number of cans with me, right?

These cans are not mine, but I intend to give them away. Look carefully, they don't even have paint on them, they are definitely original goods.

Yes, Wei Mu is also going to open a cannery.

The huge scale of Blackstone Fortress has absolutely sufficient space, and the resource output of the Maelstrom area can also support it.

Although it is necessary to distribute some cans to the surrounding battle groups from time to time, it is still very good to have three or five regiments of troops around all year round.

"Are you serious?"

After learning that Archmagos Caul was moving the Primaris Space Marine production line to Blackstone Fortress, the Inquisitors suddenly couldn't sit still.

"One more place that can produce cans, no, it's a place that produces space warriors. It should be a good thing. Now that the dark side of the empire is fighting in a dark way, it's a time when it lacks combat effectiveness. Why are you guys all showing off? With that crestfallen face, is there something wrong?"

Although Wei Mu knew the concerns of the judges, he still had to say what he needed to say in the scene. Maybe he could get through it?

"It is certainly a good thing to be able to enhance the empire's military power, but the crux of the problem is not here." Inquisitor Quinn stroked his increasingly sore forehead and asked, "Where do you plan to obtain the gene seeds to create space warriors? "

"Of course this is what we can collect," Wei Mu was about to explain.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Quinn didn't intend to listen to his nonsense at all, and interrupted directly: "You want to mass-produce the offspring of that cloned original body, because this is the fastest way to produce Space Marines, isn't it?"

The judge's judgment was correct, but Wei Mu could not admit it.

"I haven't had time to do anything yet." Wei Mu waved his hand and reminded, "You should at least set up a fishing law enforcement or something. Let me take the bait. You can use your imagination to accuse people. The method is really outrageous.”

"This is already a lice on a bald man's head - it's obvious." Quinn said, "I don't doubt your loyalty, Jiedushi. The rapid production of large numbers of Space Marines will indeed help to defeat the enemy and save many empires. The lives and property of citizens, but many things cannot be solved with just a heart of loyalty. As far as the current situation is concerned, the clone's own existence is illegal, and you actually want to expand his power. "

"It's not his power, but the empire's power." Wei Mu corrected, "And regardless of his presence or not, I have plans to set up a Space Marine production line."

"It's because of his presence that this is an issue right now," Quinn said.

"Then until Fulgen's identity is legal, I can only use conventional gene seeds, okay?" Wei Mu tried to say.

"Are you sure you will be so honest?"

"If you don't believe it, you can send someone to keep an eye on it 24 hours a day."

"We don't have that kind of time. Don't think we are idle, okay? Moreover, if you secretly mix in a few traitor legion's gene seeds during the transformation of new recruits, we won't be able to carry out effective monitoring - if it weren't for his identity Before it's legal, why don't you start the production line?" Quinn tried to say.

"That would be too troublesome. How many cans will be saved because of this?" Wei Mu said reluctantly, "He is one of ours, we have to help him defeat the demonic original body!"

It is difficult for Wei Mu to accept this situation of forced slowdown due to unnecessary political factors.

"No, there's no telling whether he counts as one of ours." After a brief discussion, the judges directly issued a ruling, "If this production line is started before the regent's consent is obtained, the relevant responsibilities will Everyone needs to be arrested.”

For Wei Mu, they only have limited power and cannot impose punishment, but it is different for others.

With such a merciful decision, even the judges themselves felt that their tempers had improved a lot.

If Guilliman had not carried out a wave of purges and replacements of high lords when he obtained the position of regent, this boy would have been killed eight hundred times no matter how great his contribution was.

"You, you guys."

Wei Mu has someone protecting him, so he can be used as meat on the hob, but others can't.

At this point, he was severely manipulated by the judges.

If you don't accept the manipulation, you will be labeled as a rebellious person and accused of creating a bad atmosphere.

It was indeed necessary to meet Guilliman. Wei Mu knew that he couldn't force it, so he let out a long sigh. He didn't know what would happen after the two brothers met.

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