The best part about playing strategy games is being able to arrange everything just right.

For example, as soon as technology research is completed, the new units unlocked can be put into production immediately, instead of having technology but no facilities; having facilities, but no resources; having resources, but no population. The rhythm is stuck from beginning to end, and the rush can make people vomit blood. Three liters.

Wei Mu's cannery was blocked by the Inquisitor.

Moreover, when all conditions were sufficient, he was forcibly stuck due to political issues.

If time is not delayed, the production line that is started can produce at least two hundred cans.

If these two hundred cans were placed outside, at least a dozen planets could be liberated.

That means tens of billions of lives and countless empire properties.

Wei Mu knew that Fulgrim was someone he could trust, and if he didn't act, the empire would suffer in vain.

But the Inquisitors don't think so. They believe in safety first and would rather the clone original body never existed.

But Wei Mu hasn't been able to defeat them yet.

So the majestic Maelstrom Jiedushi could only express his dissatisfaction by putting on a Mortarion-style stinking face in front of all the judges.

"Don't look at us like that, there's no way we can agree to this." Quinn waved his hand and ignored Wei Mu's malicious intent, "Besides, there is another important thing we I must remind you.”

The judges are sorting out the information obtained from interrogating mortals during this period, which may come in handy later.

"It doesn't sound like a good thing from your tone."

Wei Mu held his chin with his hand, indifferent to the judges' remarks.

You have already planned to torment me like this. No matter what we talk about next, don't think that I will cooperate honestly.

Wei Mu decided to fight against them, not believing that he would be taken advantage of every time.

"It's about the title." Quinn said seriously, "Your current title is highly suspected of arrogance."

An extreme turn of 180 degrees suddenly appeared, and the topic was suddenly pulled thousands of miles away.

"What did you say? My title?" Wei Mu couldn't react for a while.

He quickly went through his various names in his mind, from Green Seer to Smart Boy, to the now well-known Maelstrom Jiedushi - he has been using them for so long, so there should be no problem.

And even if you say that a title like Green Seer, which is related to aliens, has some heretical elements, it still makes a little bit of sense, but what kind of transgression is mentioned here? Who is the party that was inexplicably overtaken?

"You may not know it yet, but it has been spread among the soldiers privately." Quinn took a deep breath, and then slowly explained, "The name they call you now is [Saint Victor]."

The words came out of his mouth like a bolt from the blue.

Wei Mu was suddenly thundered to the point of being burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Wang Defa?"

He even suspected that there was something wrong with his hearing, and the expression on his face was as stiff as if he were petrified.

[Saint] is a special noun prefix that only saints who have been canonized and certified by the Empire's state religion are qualified to use.

People with this affix often have outstanding achievements, pious beliefs, are surrounded by the power of various miracles, and their personal resumes are highly religious.

Whenever these people with sacred titles are mentioned, a majestic image radiating pure light will automatically appear in the minds of the citizens of the empire.

They are considered to be the representatives of the Emperor's will, protected and blessed by his supreme power. They are symbols of all the good qualities of mankind and can sweep away any despair and darkness.

"The soldiers seem to think that you already have the qualifications to become a saint." Quinn reminded, "But you should also know that if you want to be canonized as a saint, you must have an election meeting composed of the Inquisition and the State Church to confirm the candidate. The qualifications and purity of the candidate must be confirmed and the declaration is valid. Otherwise, no matter how meritorious the candidate is, he cannot be given this name. After all, it is related to the reputation of the state religion and the authority of the emperor."

There are grassroots saints who have risen among the people, and there are also saints chosen by the state religion, but no matter which one they are, they must be canonized by the empire to be considered official.

The saying that the end of the universe is programmed is not just talk.

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?" Wei Mu stroked his eyebrows, feeling a little numb.

After experiencing so many things, he had even forgotten that the empire was a feudal and superstitious theocratic country.

Whether it is showing too much strength or achieving too many achievements, the person involved can easily be deified by the people.

"We are the judges of the empire, and we never make fun of serious matters." Quinn replied seriously, "But please don't worry, after sufficient investigation and evidence collection, we have found out that this matter was not driven by you, but by The soldiers’ spontaneous actions—it was what you did during the Maelstrom Expedition that deeply shocked them.”

The judges rarely took the initiative to show caring and fairness.

"This is not the key to the problem at all, okay." Wei Mu failed to appreciate the concern, but said excitedly, "Although I have outstanding achievements, but if you look at me carefully, what are the characteristics of my body? Like that kind of saint of the national religion who is gentle, courteous and thrifty, excellent in character and learning, and whose eyes can exude pure light? I don't even have wings behind me."

"In their eyes, your image is indeed like this. Isn't that what faith is all about?" Quinn said, "And the war apostle Saint Mathieu who assisted the Prince Regent in winning the plague war did not have wings behind him. His canonization relied on It’s about service to the Empire and devotion to the Emperor.”

The judge did not feel that the soldiers had done anything wrong. It was normal to sing praises after victory, but the scale must be grasped well.

"Stop being such a fool, labeling people saints without knowing anything about them. What kind of faith is this?" Wei Mu shouted loudly, "These guys are heretics and rebels. You What the Tribunal has to do now is to arrest them and put them all in cells to work on sewing machines. They must curb the spread of this unhealthy trend as soon as possible."

Everyone in the Hammer knows that although faith seems to be a lofty thing in the Warhammer universe, it is actually a sinkhole.

Wei Mu doesn't want to be transformed by the blessings of hundreds of millions of faiths one day, making him unable to maintain his self-awareness.

Seeing Wei Mu acting so excited, the judges thought he was avoiding suspicion and said very sincerely: "We are not against your canonization. On the contrary, in such a critical moment, it is a good thing for the empire to have new saints. It’s just that you have to follow the formal process. As for whether you have really met the conditions for canonization, we will work with the church to conduct a good study on this aspect. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time. Please be patient and wait for the results. Before that, we can Don’t think of yourself as a saint, we have already warned those people below.”

"Wait, what's going on?" Wei Mu quickly stopped, "It seems that I, the client, haven't said that I want to apply for this thing. How come you made arrangements?"

However, the emperor did not want to be worshiped as a god. Religion was basically driven by collective will.

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