Wei Mu wouldn't mind if he was simply admired as a role model, but in an empire that had become completely religious, there was no such thing at all. The consequence of amplifying one's personal charm would inevitably be deification.

He didn't pay much attention to this aspect before, but now he thinks about those Imperial generals who have made great achievements in battle, such as the three most typical Imperial heroes - Dante of the Blood Angels, Logan of the Space Wolves, and the Ultramarines Calga is privately admired by a large number of people in the empire.

They set up immortal tablets for these heroes at home, offered incense and candles every day, and in some places even directly made statues of them, praising them with hymns day and night.

This is obviously not a good thing.

For the people of the Empire, it is indeed very reassuring to have someone to rely on spiritually, and singing praises to the heroes can also express their gratitude.

But from a practical point of view, human beings should rely more on and believe in their own strength, rather than placing their hopes on such a distant and over-beautified image.

Not to mention that faith can distort the target's will to some extent, causing it to lose itself.

The emperor tried to stop him back then, but failed in the end. Today's state religion has grown so strong that no one can step on the brakes for it. Wei Mu doesn't think he has the ability. He can only jump out in time before the car door is welded shut. Protect yourself as much as possible.

Wei Mu originally planned to use the test questions to impress his so-called admirers, but things turned out beyond his expectation.

After the written examination, the administrative department of Blackstone Fortress was immediately surrounded by an indignant crowd.

All the officers and soldiers who had just come out of the examination room gathered here, making noises and shouting, as if they wanted to eat the civil servants alive.

The director of the administrative department was a thin, middle-aged man named Ju Yi. At this time, he and dozens of subordinates were surrounded by thousands of people. He looked calm on his face, but in fact he was panicking inside.

"What are you doing? Do you want to rebel? Violently attacking important institutions of the empire is a serious illegal act. You must think clearly before taking action!" He held a large loudspeaker and shouted to the rioting crowd around him. scolded.

"Are we rebelling? You are the ones who want to rebel. Just open your mouth and slap the blame here. Don't think that using a loudspeaker will make us afraid of you guys!"

Among the crowd, there was a guy with a rough voice who roared angrily. The decibel of his voice was no less than that of the director of the administrative department holding the equipment.

"The Administrative Department was established by Lord Jiedushi himself, and it has not even been in operation for a long time. How can there be any talk of rebellion? Your behavior seriously violates the laws of the empire. If you really encounter any problems, you can report to us through formal channels. Feedback, this kind of large-scale impact is absolutely intolerable to the empire. I advise all soldiers to turn back in time and don't make mistakes." Ju Yi gradually slowed down his tone and began to persuade everyone.

"Stop trying to frighten us with the empire by trying to frighten us with this tiger's skin. What's going on with the test questions you asked? It's the 13th multiple-choice question. It's clear that it's aimed at Lord Jiedushi!" the big man continued to roar. , "It was under his leadership that we achieved the final victory in the battle against the Red Pirates, and once and for all solved the banditry problem in the Maelstrom area for the empire. Such a great achievement, shouldn't it be praised and worshiped, you guys The Administrative Department is so bold that it dares to include private goods in the selection examination and prohibits the publicity of the heroic deeds of the Jiedushi Master. Whose momentum is behind this!"

They didn't choose any of the four options given in the multiple-choice question. Choosing them would be a betrayal of Jiedushi.

And after seeing the multiple-choice question, their emotions were disturbed. Countless terrible thoughts kept swirling in their minds, leaving them with no intention to answer the subsequent questions.

When the riot first broke out, Ju Yi had speculated on the cause. After much deliberation, there was only one question that could make the soldiers furious. Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

It was as if a flood had washed away the Dragon King Temple, and the matter was even more unjust than Dou E's.

"You have misunderstood. That question was specially added by Master Jiedushi. It was entirely due to his own will. There is no problem with the content of the test paper." Ju Yi answered truthfully.

Their administrative department was also very puzzled at the time and couldn't figure out why Wei Mu would do this. The content of the questions was strange, and the answers were all negative. There were four options, ABC and D, and candidates would get points if they chose them.

But they didn't dare not listen to Jiedushi's request.

So they could only ignore the small dissonance and add the ridiculous question to the test paper.

"What the hell, you actually used such a ridiculous reason to deceive us. Master Jiedushi ate too much and you want to deny yourself? Why don't you just say it was the temporary worker's mistake, so that we might still believe it!"

"That's right, you civil servants can do anything to fight for power and gain. Don't treat us like fools!"

However, everyone didn't buy it and continued to cheer.

The behavior of this group of administrative department officials is too arrogant and blatant.

We have just won a great victory and are treating the heroes of the empire like this. If we continue to let it go, what will happen in the future?

"This is true. If you think about it carefully, how many brains do we have, can we joke about this kind of thing?" Ju Yi tried to remind.

If their administrative department really wanted to smuggle in private goods, there are ten thousand hidden ways that no one can catch, how could they make the situation look like this, just like a joke.

As soon as these words came out, the soldiers who were originally filled with resentment gradually fell into silence.

They also began to think about the rationality of the entire incident.

If a person is a gangster to the extreme, he will not look like a gangster, and there might be something fishy about him.

Seeing this, Ju Yi breathed a sigh of relief and thought he had persuaded them: "You should disperse quickly before any bad consequences are caused. Don't continue to make mistakes."

As a result, a roar suddenly appeared, which immediately shattered his mentality.

The soldiers' blind worship of Wei Mu exceeded the imagination of all administrative officials.

"This place must have been corrupted, and the dark gods are weaving a conspiracy in it. You group of heretics and traitors actually dare to unite with evil spirits to murder Zhongliang!"

It's like a word awakening someone from a dream.

As the voice spoke, the soldiers instantly figured out the whole story.

I thought it was just a power struggle, but I didn't expect it to be chaos.

People who are infected by chaotic energy don't have a clear mind, and those powerful destructors are eyeing their Jiedushi Master, so it's not unusual for them to do such outrageous things.

Then everything makes sense.

The emotions of the soldiers became agitated again, even more intense than before.

"No, you and we are officials appointed by him personally. How could we defect to Chaos?" Seeing that things were developing more and more outrageously, the director of the Administration Department was on the verge of tears and hurriedly explained.

But the soldiers didn't believe it.

"Who knows what evil method you used. Maybe the emperor's servant is no longer here, and what we are talking to is just an empty shell occupied by demons."

"We can contact our superiors and they can prove our innocence."

"Are you going to prove your innocence or tip off the information? No need, we will tie you up directly and take you to see Master Jiedushi. We will see how you can make excuses then."

"No, you can't do this. The judge is coming soon, you guys."

Since the riot, officials from the Administration Department have been calling outside for help.

However, the distant water could not save the nearby fire, and the stubborn soldiers would not give them this chance.

"Labour and management are just injured, not disabled yet. If you want to make trouble in front of labor and management, you guys are a little green!"

With that said, the generals rushed into the administrative department aggressively and tied up all the people inside.

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