I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 242 Reality and Impression

There are three inevitable physiological problems that people have, so Wei Mu temporarily lost contact with the outside world.

The disconnection time was not long, only ten minutes. If you don't believe it, without him in these ten minutes, the galaxy would explode.

When he returned to the office from the toilet, the soldiers had already tied up a group of administrative department officials and escorted them over.

Because everything developed so quickly, Wei Mu didn't even have the slightest warning, so his first reaction when he saw this scene was that the world line had jumped, and he had mistakenly entered a parallel universe.

"What's going on? Didn't you say before that their resumes were fine?" After taking a few seconds to calm down, Wei Mu asked the judge on the side.

Probably these officials were caught in some unforgivable shocking scandal, so they were specially sent to him for punishment.

"It's all caused by your test question, and the soldiers who escorted them here have nothing to do with us." Quinn shrugged.

"About the exam questions?" Wei Mu frowned after hearing this.

He knew that the other person was referring to the multiple-choice question he had specially set up. How could this still cause trouble?

"So this is what you are doing?" Wei Mu turned to look at the soldiers in the room. They seemed to be eager to say something.

"These administrative department officials have failed to live up to your expectations. They blatantly included content in the test paper that is not conducive to you. This is the evidence!" An officer handed over the test paper from the previous examination with a righteous expression on his face.

Wei Mu had personally reviewed the test paper for selecting Blackstone Fortress garrison before. He took the so-called "evidence" and scanned it roughly with his eyes. The content inside was almost the same as the version he checked at that time.

In this case, it was obvious at first glance that it was a misunderstanding.

The poor administrative department officials were tied up like rice dumplings one by one, the ropes were almost cut into their flesh, and their mouths were sealed with tape. They couldn't even yell a few words to defend themselves.

"Quickly, untie them."

He quickly waved to the person next to him.

The guards who received the order stepped forward and used deft techniques to lift the restrictions imposed on the officials.

"I'm sorry, sir, we..."

As soon as he tore off the tape on his mouth, Ju Yi cried out in grievance.

As the director of the administrative department, he was about to die of shame because of this. A grown man looked pitiful and looked like he was about to cry.

"It's okay. Let's take everyone to the infirmary first. I'll take care of the rest."

Wei Mu walked forward and patted the other person's shoulder comfortingly.

He himself has to bear the main responsibility for how things turned out, and the officials of the administrative department only suffered unreasonable disasters.

Fortunately, the conflict that broke out at that time was not violent, otherwise these civil servants would have been beaten beyond recognition.

"Yes, sir."

Ju Yi solemnly saluted Wei Mu, and then led his colleagues out of the room - this scene confused the soldiers nearby.

Seeing that the culprit was about to leave without any problem, they stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, sir, they..."

"They are following my order to go to the medical room to check their injuries. Is there any problem with this?" Wei Mu interrupted directly.

"Of course there is no problem with this, sir, but what they did is your sacred authority."

"I do have authority, but I am not sacred." Wei Mu looked at the officer who just handed him the "evidence" and asked, "Astra Militarum, which unit do you belong to?"

"Commander of the 74th Infantry Regiment of the Maelstrom, Garth Rollins, with the rank of colonel, salutes you, my lord."

The officer still tensed his body, just as he had been doing before, and solemnly gave Wei Mu a military salute.

"Very well, Colonel Gass, I saw your vigilance and determination. For my honor, you and your colleagues launched an attack on the Administration Department and directly arrested those officials - even without any legal authorization. , even if they are executing my will." Wei Mu said calmly, his tone calm.

"What, sir, this, how is this possible?" Gaston suddenly panicked.

Because defending the reputation of Wei Mu is the only legitimate source of their actions, and now this has been directly denied by Wei Mu himself.

This means that they are the ones causing trouble, and their original sincerity is now covered with guilt.

"You seem to be surprised, why do I have to go against myself?" Wei Mu carefully observed the leader of the Astral Legion in front of him and many of his colleagues around him.

They were confused and hurt.

"Yes, sir." Garth nodded.

"The trouble you have caused and your current situation are exactly why I did this." Wei Mu explained.

"Excuse my ignorance, sir, I don't understand what you mean - are you saying that you deliberately created this misunderstanding?" Gass asked doubtfully.

"No, of course not." Wei Mu shook his head, "I don't want to deliberately create misunderstandings, but I am checking for loopholes. What you have done proves that the loopholes do exist."

This is a lie.

Wei Mu is just taking advantage of the mistakes they made.

"So we let you down?" Garth asked again.

"No." Wei Mu shook his head again, "It's like asking 10,000 people to write a phone number, but someone will always write it wrong. It's a bit similar to a certain natural law, through a small Experiment, you made me realize it. Speaking of it, you should still have merit, but since you hurt the compatriots in the administrative department, this time the merits and demerits are directly offset."

"But, sir, I still don't understand. Can you explain in more detail what all this is about?" Gass scratched his head anxiously, and the unknown truth made him feel itchy in his heart.

In response to this, Wei Mu took a deep breath first, and then said slowly: "I heard the rumor circulating among the soldiers, Colonel Gass, because of the great success of this expedition, they have me in their hearts. Lift it very high.”

"You are totally worthy of this, my lord, there are very few people in the empire who can achieve the same feats as you!" mentioning this, Gass said excitedly.

"Maybe, but this is also the first time that I have been so admired by everyone. Everyone has a first time, right?" Wei Mu said with a wry smile, "And when facing a field that I have never set foot in, holding the The best strategy is to have a beginner’s mentality and be cautious and step by step.”

"Regarding this question, sir, didn't you gain such a status because you are good enough? This should be completely different from those beginners who climb up step by step." Gass wondered,

"I just accomplished a great cause, Colonel Gass. I haven't learned how to be a great person yet." Wei Mu reminded.

"Is there any difference between the two? People who can achieve great things are naturally qualified to become great people. All you need to do is serve the empire as always. There will be more glory waiting for us ahead." Gass continued.

"But here's the problem, Colonel Gass, something has changed, and I can't continue as usual - after my status was raised too high, I seem to have had some negative effects on you."

"No, no, everyone respects you very much. We are willing to do anything for you, we..." Gass said excitedly, but suddenly he seemed to have thought of something, and his words suddenly stopped.

What he was thinking of was the incident just now. They thought they were protecting Wei Mu, but in fact they were disobeying Wei Mu himself. All stemmed from their worship of Wei Mu - they would not stand for someone else. Ordinary leaders do this kind of thing.

"Why did you do this? If you hadn't been against yourself, we would never have made such a mistake."

"Because I want to confirm one thing - are you loyal to me or to who you think you are [me]? Now it seems that the situation should be the latter." Wei Mu explained with a smile.

"But, but how can you separate yourself?" Gass tried to defend.

"It's not me who separates myself, but you who separate me. My status is limited, but human imagination is infinite. When you inadvertently place too many expectations on me, the reality will be different from the impression. If we are separated and will become farther and farther apart, all kinds of problems will arise - such as the trouble you caused today."

Hearing Wei Mu's words, all the soldiers present lowered their heads in shame. After all, they had really made trouble here.

"So to sum up, don't continue the rumors about me, and don't praise me too highly - your attitude towards me just needs to remain the same as it was at the beginning of the Maelstrom Expedition. That's where we started. When he started to achieve great victory step by step, there was no fanatical worship at that time. As for the further advancement of the title, or even direct canonization, neither I nor you are ready yet, so don’t touch it, lest it will I lost control, do you understand?" Wei Mu asked solemnly.

His demands were neither excessive nor harsh.

"Yes, sir." The soldiers who knew they were in the wrong said quickly.

Wei Mu felt that it was enough to tell them not to do this through a small mistake.

And he felt that this matter needed to be publicized as a typical case. Maybe the empire would take a more cautious attitude towards personality worship in the future.

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