I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 243 Something else

After teaching the troublesome imperial soldiers a lesson, Wei Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

A serious hidden danger was eliminated in time, and there were no setbacks.

Of course, the main reason why the situation is progressing smoothly is because there is a huge target in front of the emperor, which has absorbed most of the empire's beliefs. The people of the empire already have a backbone in their spiritual world, and having another object of worship later is just the icing on the cake. That’s all, one less is insignificant.

The same type of troubles the emperor encountered back then were much more difficult than those faced by Wei Mu.

In addition, there were the officials from the administrative department. They were probably all frightened by the sudden riot.

Fortunately, the actual injuries they suffered were not serious, and they quickly returned to work after simple treatment by doctors.

After just a short pause, the administrative department has already accumulated a lot of work.

In order to appease the many officials in the administrative department, Wei Mu decided to stay with them this afternoon to see what difficulties they had that needed to be solved.

The presence of leaders can inspire the enthusiasm of employees around them.

Although employees may simply be afraid of being criticized by their leaders, they may also want to perform well in front of their leaders.

But no matter what, the effect is indeed very significant.

Civil servants are working hard to deal with the backlog of government affairs, and everyone is very busy.

They seemed a little restrained at first, but when they officially entered the state, they completely forgot about Wei Mu's existence.

Wei Mu didn't pay much attention to this. He sat on the sofa nearby, holding something like a list in his hand, turning it over and over carefully.

Interstellar voyage is not like taking a walk in your own community. Once you go out, you don't know how long it will take to come back, so you must be fully prepared.

Wei Mu specially made a list for this purpose so that nothing would be accidentally missed by him.

The first was the Psychic Academy, a project he had chosen.

Ten thousand students have been arranged long ago, and the teachers responsible for teaching have already started teaching. Even if Blackstone Fortress has to leave the maelstrom and embark on a journey, the college can continue to operate in an orderly manner.

The second is the transformation of Blackstone Fortress.

With the help of Great Sage Caul, Blackstone Fortress already has a complete set of Primaris Space Marine transformation facilities, which are currently only being suppressed by the Inquisitor. Others, such as the installation of weapon systems, are still in full swing. It still takes a lot of time to complete, and the status of the project was marked by him as to be continued.

The third point is the recruitment and selection of garrison troops.

The previous riots started because of this, and the relevant matters have obviously not been reached yet.

The main reason why the progress has been delayed for so long is that the Inquisitor's investigation is too time-consuming.

However, since the relevant work has already begun, it should not take much effort in the follow-up.

The fourth point is the reserve of materials.

The most important weapons and ammunition are piled up in various warehouses, enough to support another expedition. Large vehicles are also in place and ready to go into battle at any time. Food, medicine and other regular daily necessities are still being collected and transported.

The slow progress in this area is mainly due to two reasons. One is that there are many types, the demand is large, and it is difficult to collect. The other is that the standards for the supplies required by the special generals of the Uyghur Mud are customized to the limit allowed by the empire. No matter how high it is, there will be waste. The suspicion of using public funds is just so that they can maintain the best combat effectiveness, so the preparations are naturally a lot of trouble.

After all, these soldiers follow him to fight in all directions, which is equivalent to putting their lives in his hands. If possible, he will try his best to ensure all aspects of the soldiers.

Except for the fifth point, the key information from the outside world has not yet been transmitted, other things are on track in an orderly manner.

"Your Excellency, after review and agreement by all parties, we have listed the list of promotions. Please take a look." At this moment, Ju Yi, who is the director of the Administration Department, handed a document to Wei Mu In front of others, he needs to give instructions.

"The promotion list is about rewards." Wei Mu picked up the list and looked at it roughly.

After a great victory, generous rewards are indispensable. In addition, many people were sacrificed, so many positions were vacated in the army, and the positions of the officers and soldiers had to undergo a major adjustment.

The list was submitted by the generals of each army, and after review by the administrative department, it was finally presented to Wei Mu.

As a leader, Wei Mu could only take care of the affairs of high-level generals. He didn't have the energy to take care of the middle-level and lower-level officers even if he wanted to, so he just conducted random checks on them.

"By the way, didn't these guys participate in the attack on the administrative department this morning? You actually gave them such objective treatment?" Wei Mu paid special attention to this aspect, and soon saw a few familiar names on the list. figure.

If Wei Mu himself encountered this kind of thing, he would most likely give these guys some color, vent his anger on his colleagues, and let them know that the Administration Department is not someone to be trifled with.

"The conflict this morning is one thing, and the military merit they created in the battle is another. Of course, the two cannot be compared. If you want to pursue the conflict this morning, you can set up a project specifically for this." Ju Yi calmly said replied.

In this matter, the officials of the Administration Department took the opportunity to add insult to injury. Although they were really good-natured, they seemed petty and pretentious in saying that they would settle the old feud.

On the contrary, this serious way of handling things made Wei Mu very satisfied: "It's very good that you think so."

"It's just my duty. Sir, you are ridiculous." Ju Yi nodded, and then said, "There is another important matter that requires your instructions."

"Tell me, what is it?"

"About the victory parade." Ju Yi reminded, "After such a glorious victory, it is natural to have a large-scale celebration, which will help boost the morale of the people."

"Ah?" Wei Mu's expression turned ugly, "It should be enough to just let the people have fun with this kind of thing, such as reducing taxes, giving amnesty to the world, etc. Can we not make it too complicated?"

In order to get rid of idol worship, he has been trying to keep a low profile recently, but he didn't expect that there would be such a drama waiting for him later.

"My suggestion is not to, sir, a glorious victory should be accompanied by a grand celebration, otherwise the people may think that our victory is fishy and not conducive to enhancing their confidence." Ju Yi quickly shook his head.

Although politics is sometimes very nonsense, it is indispensable wherever there is society, and you have to abide by the relevant rules of the game.

Is there any reason not to celebrate after a great victory?

What's more, the people of the Empire have been living in various disputes and darkness in the galaxy for a long time. It is quite rare to encounter such a happy event, so it must be done in a big way.

"Uh, okay then." Wei Mu had no choice but to compromise, "What do you guys recommend?"

"Just choose those three worlds where Space Marines are stationed, and hold a large celebration on each of them," Ju Yi replied.

"Three times? Can it be done only once?" Wei Mu asked trying.

He knew nothing about this matter.

"The reason why we chose those three worlds is more for security reasons." Ju Yi explained, "For such a grand celebration, if there are enemies secretly causing trouble, creating chaos, and forcibly turning a happy event into a funeral, then the celebration will be It will no longer be an incentive, but will become a blow.”

In other words, if it weren't for the fact that the security work was so difficult, they would have wished that Wei Mu traveled a few more worlds in order to achieve the best publicity effect.

"As for the time, it should last for ten days at a time. In the corresponding Terra month, the Imperial World of the Maelstrom will have discounts on food and drinks. The reduced portion will be subsidized by the local government and the winning sponsors. "Ju Yi continued to explain.

Of course, the specific ceremony will only be held in the planet capital. If you want all the people of the empire to participate and be happy, you can only give them some small benefits in food and drink and let them have fun on their own.

"You want to attract sponsors?" Wei Mu asked in surprise.

"Yes, sir, there will be many merchants who hope that their brands can be linked to this unprecedented celebration, but this aspect is specifically under the control of the Ministry of Finance." Ju Yi nodded.

"Then I have to ask the law enforcement team to keep a close eye on me, and be sure not to cause any corruption." Wei Mu said seriously, lowering his head.

"In addition, there are also celebration costumes, bands, speeches, time arrangements, scene decorations, parade routes, officials and nobles who need to be received. These all need to be carefully calculated." Ju Yi added.

Just what the director of the administration department said gave Wei Mu a headache.

Victory Parade.

I didn’t expect that fighting too well could lead to trouble.

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