Wei Mu looked left and right, trying to make sure that the clone in front of him was not affected by anything unclean.

That shouldn't be the case, right?

Fulgen ignored Wei Mu's suspicion and said seriously: "Desire is the most primitive driving force of biology. It will prompt you to achieve something, and after success, it will give you positive feedback called happiness, motivating Keep up your efforts. It doesn't look like you can become a saint with six pure roots. Blindly suppressing desires is obviously not a long-term solution, let alone when desires have been aroused by the Lord of Joy."

Although Space Marines have low desires, they are unnatural products after all and cannot be popularized or become rulers.

And for ordinary people with high positions like the Governor of the Planet, it is obviously unrealistic to play the game of "preserving nature's principles and destroying human desires" so that everyone will eventually become a sage who cannot make mistakes.

They need to find a reasonable response.

"That's true." Wei Mu nodded thoughtfully.

“Among the dark gods, Slaanesh is considered to have the greatest potential, enough to even make the other three fearful. It is precisely because the [joy] he represents has the most extensive influence and is also the most difficult to guard against. Although we can't guard against everything, we can draw a safe zone around ourselves - a spiritual safe zone, a place where we can eliminate tension and relax ourselves." Forgan continued.

In a universe full of darkness and strife, having a place where you can let go of all your defenses is like heaven.

If possible, Wei Mu really has some ideas about this.

So he couldn't help but think carefully about the feasibility of this matter.

"The shadow of the Four Gods of Chaos hangs over each of us, but we are not alone in facing them. For example, Saint Les almost fell into the trap of the evil gods back then, and in the end it was his pharmacist Mei Ross devoted his life to protecting him, so I think it is necessary to arrange these two girls by your side."

One set after another, it actually makes sense.

However, Wei Mu still discovered something was wrong: "It is true that Saint Les was saved by his subordinates on a one-for-one basis, but the cause of the matter was that the Archangel wanted to eliminate the genetic defects of the Ninth Legion."

In other words, it was not the Ninth Legion who saved the Archangels from falling, but their problems that almost caused the Archangels to surrender to Chaos.

"If the safe zone is infiltrated, I may be dragged into the water by the people around me," Wei Mu continued.

"I thought you would be more confident in this aspect. After all, the return of Sangliest has brought nobility and glory to the originally crazy and bloodthirsty Ninth Legion. You can also protect the people around you from corruption." Fulgan smiled. He smiled and said, "But if you really have such concerns, I have obtained some special means from the Pied Clowns that can be used to ensure their absolute loyalty to you."

Then, the original clone took out a magic book, which seemed to record some ancient spells.

Using the power of magic to control someone and gain their absolute allegiance doesn't sound like something impossible.

Not only can it be done, but if you think about it carefully, it is completely feasible.

Having a leisurely and comfortable spiritual haven is really fascinating, and it is much more practical than picking up Slaanesh - as long as he chooses to use the book that Fulgrim handed over.

"So." Wei Mu touched his chin, as if he realized something, "Are you actually a change spirit?"

When he pronounced the noun, the other party hesitated.

This momentary flaw was enough for Wei Mu to confirm his guess.

"I just said it feels weird. It's obviously related to Fulgrim in terms of performance, but it doesn't look like the style of the Slaanesh faction, and there are no flaws in his appearance."

He directly used the lamp ring to create several chains, trying to restrain the clone original body in front of him, and the illusory skin of "Fulgrim" was uncovered.

Under the rising blue smoke screen, the silhouette of the original clone quickly distorted and was replaced by a multi-armed subspace creature holding a staff in one hand and wearing a blue cloak.

The surrounding imperial soldiers quickly raised their weapons and entered a state of high alert.

A change spirit, a Tzeentch Horror that can transform into anything except Tzeentch himself, making it impossible for anyone to see through its true face. Its methods are so superb that almost no one can match them.

Its great achievements include: cutting off Slaanesh's hair while he was taking a nap and weaving it into a cloak; closing the door of the Brass Citadel when Khorne was out, so that the blood god who tried to return home could only force the door open and escape. Enter; throw Slaanesh's prized silver apple into the Garden of Nurgle, sparking a battle between the two gods; throw a Nurgling onto the brass throne, waiting for Khorne to sit on it.

It can be said that he has great magical powers and a notorious reputation.

The other three evil gods all wanted to use the most violent means to crush this little bastard to death, and then break his body into countless pieces and throw them into every known corner of the universe. However, the changeling is still alive and kicking, carefree, and living in the world. There are countless mischiefs left behind.

But now he was caught by Wei Mu, at least one of his arms was tightly bound by a green iron chain shaped by spiritual energy.

"We are helping you, the Great Vortex Jiedushi, the Lord of Change appreciates your talent." The change spirit explained while struggling hard.

The surrounding imperial soldiers would not listen to the sophistry of a demon, and directly waited with a round of bolt guns, and the passage of the battleship suddenly became ablaze.

Seeing this, the changeling could only wave his staff and use a magic shield to resist the incoming bolt attack.

"Do you think I will believe this rhetoric? You Tzeentch demons are the most insidious and cunning." Wei Mu was unwavering about this, and even increased the energy output of the ring in his hand.

"It's Fulgrim. The demon primarch wants to curse you. He is trying to cause trouble to make you suspicious of anything close to you, just like he did with Guilliman. We are helping you!"

"If you say so, I have to thank you. You don't think I will really accept this thing you sent me, do you?" Wei Mu pointed to the magic book that fell on the ground.

"That is just pure knowledge. We have not tampered with it. If you don't believe it, you can ask the clowns in clowns to test it." The change spirit said with difficulty.

The hail of bolt bombs from Imperial soldiers had already made it difficult to sustain.

"Don't give me this nonsense. Your boss is famous for cheating his own employees. How can he let me, an outsider, work for nothing?" Wei Mu said disdainfully.

"This. Believe it or not, this is what we do anyway - only the path of ever-changing is the most suitable path for you. Join us and try it, you can become omnipotent." The change spirit roared loudly.

According to its explanation, Tzeentch seemed to have specially prepared some sweet things for Wei Mu.

It's the kind of sweetness that can really be used for free.

But after getting used to the convenience of magic, they will gradually become dependent on magic, thus craving for more, creating opportunities for subsequent corruption.

In other words, this thing is more like the bait used by Tzeentch to make nests when fishing.

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