I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 253 Changing Spirit

"Come on, Demon Tzeentch, what else makes me omnipotent?" Wei Mu said with a smile, "I even pulled your big demon to rebel against him. As for the Lord of Changes, What good does it do to make me omnipotent?”

"I have said before, my lord appreciates your talent, especially the blow you caused to Nurgle Garden this time. The dark gods are never stingy in blessings for their favorite objects," the change spirit said.

"Nurgle Garden?" Wei Mu was stunned.

By attacking the Plague God, the entire subspace will be affected, giving the Chaos Rebels a chance to gain a foothold - although he has given relevant guidance before, he has no idea what the specific situation is there.

"You don't know yet, but the war is going on there. The Eldar, the Legion of the Damned, my colleagues and the demon army of the Prince of Darkness are all fighting fiercely there. Regardless of the level of the war, Whatever the final result is, the God of Plague will be in great misfortune - this is exactly what our Lord wants to see." The change spirit explained.

The situation is similar to what Wei Mu expected, except that there is one missing Khorne family. I wonder what the Blood God has been busy with recently.

Moreover, what surprised Wei Mu was that the five forces had been fighting from the end of the Maelstrom Expedition until now, but they had not yet come to a conclusion.

It's no wonder, after all, time in subspace is chaotic and cannot be measured by common sense. I just don't know how long this war will last.

No, how could I easily believe the information provided by the other party?

The other party is a demon of Tzeentch, who is famous for deceiving people.

Wei Mu suddenly reacted and scolded sternly: "Shut up, you bastard, you are just doing what I want and trying to paralyze me. I will not believe a word you say. Soldiers, increase your firepower and fire I'll kill it!"

Encouraged by him, the Imperial soldiers' offensive became even more ferocious.

"No, what I said is true, I" the changeling tried to defend himself.

However, under the fierce firepower of the bolter, the Tzeentch Daemon finally could not hold on, and its body shattered into balls of blue flames, and was banished back to the warp.

Where it disappeared, only countless bullets and a magic book filled with mysterious spells were left.

Wei Mu walked over and picked up the thing. He didn't know what to do with it for a while.

According to what is known, as long as he does not actively ask for power from Chaos, the evil gods will have no way to corrupt him.

Unfortunately, those guys are now adopting the strategy of feeding him food in turns.

Wei Mu had no problem eating the food, and he could also use it to strengthen the empire.

I was afraid that when I suddenly turned around while eating, I would find that I could no longer leave the other party's feeding.

Or, he himself can digest it safely, but the people around him cannot, so the people around him are secretly corrupted by Chaos.

Regardless of the above situation, it is not what Wei Mu wants to see.

Free things are the most expensive.

Even if you have put something into your mouth, you still need courage and wisdom to eat it.

Just when Wei Mu was worried about this, Fulgen's voice suddenly appeared in everyone's ears again.

The original clone walked toward everyone with long strides, and the expression on his face was high-spirited: "I have defeated the demon's clone, and he is still delusional."

As a result, before he finished speaking, the surrounding soldiers raised their guns and pointed them at him, assuming a posture as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

After all, a Fulgen had just turned into a demon in front of everyone, so they couldn't help but stay vigilant.

"Calm down, he is our Fulgen."

Wei Mu waved his hand, signaling everyone to put down their weapons.

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

Fulgan glanced around and asked in a low voice: "What happened?"

He noticed a large number of bullet casings rolling down on the floor, some of which were still emitting white smoke. It was obvious that there had been a battle here not long ago.

Wei Mu did not answer the other party directly, but pointed at the twin girls who had been controlled: "Did you get those two girls?"

"Yes, the family behind them is a well-known trader in the empire, and the license they hold even comes from the emperor himself. It is of great benefit to us to be friends with them. As for their loyalty, you can rest assured , we have checked it repeatedly, and there is absolutely no problem. The devil wanted to do something in this regard, but I just repelled it." Fulgan explained.

In fact, the basic theory of what the change spirit mentioned before is correct. The cloning master really wants to take the opportunity to establish a mental safe zone for Wei Mu, but some people don't want this to happen.

Just like when Fulgrim cursed Guilliman.

The Daemon Primarch once had someone secretly stuff Guilliman with a Crown of Vanity - an evil object that could amplify the wearer's inner arrogance and arrogance and become deeply addicted to it, trying to corrupt the Lord of the Ultramarines.

Although Guilliman reacted in time and tore the thing into pieces, his mentality had been confused by Fulgrim - because the demon primarch later threatened that Guilliman would never be able to taste any victory from now on. To achieve contentment, one must always be vigilant in this regard.

This is not a curse in the conventional sense, where some unreasonable and terrifying force imposes mandatory restrictions, such as not being able to live long enough or not being able to do anything.

This is a simple mentality that has been manipulated and seeds of doubt planted in the heart, which is equivalent to "once bitten by a snake, you will always be afraid of well ropes."

Fulgrim also wanted to do this to Wei Mu.

If it can be directly corrupted, that would be the best.

Even if it cannot be corrupted, the spiritual safe zone is such a good thing, but do you dare to experience it, do you dare to own it?

You don't dare, because I may manipulate it at any time. You know this very well, so this kind of good thing will always be insulated from you.

This is almost the case.

"That's it." Wei Mu nodded.

Due to their similar memories and personalities, the clones are able to predict the behavior of the original.

In turn, the ontology can naturally predict the behavior of clones.

So in the battle of wits and courage between the two of them, it seems that the clone won the original one by one point.

It's just that the one point won was due to off-field factors.

"You haven't answered me yet, what's going on here?" Fulgan asked again.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be that the demon primarch had a little tamper with your arrangement, and then there was a Tzeentch demon called a changeling that tampered a little with his plan, so the situation became It looks like this now." Wei Mu shrugged helplessly.

Tzeentch's favorite thing to do is to make other people's plans go wrong, and the changeling's sudden disruption caught everyone by surprise.

And Wei Mu always felt that that guy was actually improvising, and he probably wasn't capable of playing matryoshka dolls on the two Fulgens' plans.

The more often you plan something like a matryoshka doll, the easier it is to make mistakes.

Anyway, if you mess up Fulgrim's plan, you already have a guarantee. After that, you can make a nest at will. Whether you can catch fish depends on fate.

Wei Mu is obviously not an easy fish to take the bait.

He didn't even believe the information about the "Garden of Nurgle" mentioned by the other party.

If it really comes to the point where he needs to take action, the Emperor and Silegao should find a way to notify him.

Now Wei Mu only needs to focus on the matter at hand.

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