After some discussions with the people around him, Wei Mu still did not dare to use the magic book left behind by the change spirit.

The Lord of Changes can even spend thousands of years weaving a conspiracy, but he has no way to deal with it. By then, he may not even know where his ashes have drifted.

At worst, I could exchange this thing with Trazin for something else, since the Necrons are not afraid of Chaos anyway.

As for the problem of the two little girls, despite some minor setbacks, Fugen still took the opportunity to teach Wei Mu a lesson called "Politics".

There was no doubt that Wei Mu hated that thing.

Even at those banquets where celebrities gathered, he could barely get acquainted with the local gangsters, and his attitude was extremely perfunctory.

There are various threats in the galaxy to deal with, many affairs to manage on the territory, battles of wits and courage with the dark gods, friendships with the nobles, and time to be lazy and relax.

In terms of the choice of the above matters, Wei Mu would rather give up "making good friends with the nobles" and replenish his excess energy on "being lazy and relaxing".

Everyone is working for the emperor, so just stick to their respective duties and don't mess around with things.

However, the charm of political games is that they are directly linked to power, so people who are eager for power will flock to the game.

This is no better than leading troops to fight.

Even an airborne commander can mobilize thousands of troops with a tiger talisman.

When fighting, it is more about achieving strategic goals. Just focus on fighting on the front line and ignore the logistics.

In terms of managing the territory, there are more things involved and more energy needs to be invested.

In order to deal with this, according to Fulgen's suggestion, Wei Mu needs to form a personal team, one that is absolutely trustworthy and reliable, like an extension of his will, to help him deal with various affairs, not just to keep things safe. own functions.

In Wei Mu's deep-rooted concept, isn't this thing just about forming his own "party members"?

Party followers were not a good word in his mind.

It means forming cliques, it means opposing for the sake of opposition, and it also means that you will be feared by those in power.

However, according to the current bulk situation of the empire, it is not unusual to have a private team for oneself, and there is no legal prohibition.

Every time the Imperial Army launches a large-scale expedition and assembles troops from various worlds, it is actually equivalent to a big noble calling a group of small nobles to fight.

If you don't do this and want to keep the site in order, the manager may not be able to do it even if he is exhausted.

"Aren't I doing pretty well now?" Wei Mu tried to say.

"Your current situation is that you have won a big victory. The red pirates are gone, the Maelstrom Channel has become safe, and the resources inside can be claimed at will. Everyone is busy dividing the cake, so many problems have been covered. Waiting for this wave After the benefits are over, it's time to test your abilities - shouldn't you make plans early?" Fulgen waved his hand and explained.

"Then what if I do too well and the high lords have objections?" Wei Mu asked again, frowning.

"Are you afraid that all the birds will be hidden in the bow, and the rabbit will die and the dog will be cooked?" Fulgan said with a smile, "The current situation in the empire is that even if the bow is broken, the birds will not be able to shoot, and the dog's legs will be lame, and the rabbits will not be caught. After all, and based on my understanding of Guilliman, he is not that kind of narrow-minded person, let alone the Emperor. Horus's accusations against the Emperor for purging the Thunder Warriors are just words taken out of context by the dark gods. It’s just the result.”

At the time of the Great Heresy, many people did join the ranks of the rebels because they believed the Warmaster's accusations and had traces of the Emperor's actions.

But now 10,000 years have passed since the Great Rebellion. From the perspective of hindsight, Horus's accusations are all false.

Neither the Lord of Mankind nor the Imperial Regent is an incompetent ruler.

"Even though that's what I said," Wei Mu still hesitated.

"Perhaps you should get used to the feeling of being served by someone as soon as possible." Fulgen noticed his concerns and reminded him directly.

Being a boss and being a master are two completely different things. The former only leads within the scope of one's functions, while the latter involves complete control over the destiny of others.

That is something that has been abandoned by history long ago. No one should be regarded as the master among human beings.

However, the long night of the Dark Ages set human history in reverse.

When the Emperor came from behind the scenes to the stage and became the Lord of Mankind to lead the Empire, he probably also thought that one day he could retire from the Golden Throne, lay down the burden on his shoulders, and become a pure scholar who explores the truth.

I just didn't expect that the situation would turn into what it is now.

"Maybe." Wei Mu let out a long sigh.

After careful consideration, he decided to keep the two sisters.

Two sisters who were trained for the purpose of "serving an important person", Mo Shi and Mo Wang are not only beautiful and good at taking care of daily life, but also take into account various functions such as combat and anti-assassination. For the emperor His loyalty is also true.

The aristocratic force represented behind it, the Rogue Traders, is known as "the last enterprising spirit of mankind."

These guys are not just legal privateers. They have extremely high autonomy, and their rank is equal to that of Space Marine Chapter Masters and Inquisitors.

In addition to surrendering to the enemy and rebelling, they can do almost anything, including but not limited to: using and reselling forbidden technology, recruiting and arming private guards, developing their own colonies, and even certifying legal aliens in the empire.

And the reason why they can act so recklessly is because every Rogue Trader family has the endorsement from the highest level of Terra.

The decree with the official seal was laid out in the most conspicuous place on the ship like wallpaper, and every character in it demonstrated the status and power of the Rogue Trader.

Some ancient Rogue Trader families have official seals on their decrees that even come from the Primarch or even the Emperor himself. Their heritage is simply unimaginable.

In other words, these guys are equivalent to the iron hat kings of the empire, and it is definitely helpful to make friends with them.

Political deals come with a price tag.

After taking in the sisters, Wei Mu quickly received help from the Mo family.

A large amount of materials and personnel were sent to Cologne by the Rogue Traders to help Jiedushi further consolidate his cause.

By the time Wei Mu returned from completing his parade mission, the renovation work of Blackstone Fortress was nearing completion.

Looking at the frequent merchant ships in the port of Cologne, Wei Mu had to lament the influence of the Iron Hat King.

Or is the other party actually borrowing and using his influence?

After all, no matter how famous Wei Mu was, there was no way he could be split into two people.

As for whether the other party might use his name to cause trouble, it is different from the local snakes in the Maelstrom. Those are the responsibility of the Wei Mu, while the Rogue Trader is directly responsible to the High Lord of Terra. Even if something goes wrong, It's not even on his head.

The personnel have been rested and supplies are sufficient.

A total of fourteen companies from the seven Space Marine Chapters of the Maelstrom were summoned, as well as more than fifty main battleships and hundreds of frigates.

Everything is preparation for delving into the dark side of the empire.

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