I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 261 The Powerful Red Pirate

According to the information provided by Wei Mu, the Heavenly Punishment War Gang successfully discovered the supply fleet near the Morov Sector.

The puppet emperor's lackeys forced their way across the great rift. The hundred or so battleships looked exhausted. The flagship headed by them was the "Daedalus Bearer" belonging to the Tauren Chapter.

So far, all the signs observed by the Heavenly Punishment War Gang indicate that the "Red Pirates" did not deceive them, and this cooperation was carried out with full sincerity.

Surrounded by the military sand table, the three Tianpu brothers were overjoyed after receiving the news, as if victory was already within reach.

"What did I say before? If you follow the Huron lords, you can be rich and prosperous. If the territory of the Maelstrom had not been robbed, my third brother and I would not have gone outside to seek development." Yoris was extremely proud. He spoke.

"The King of the Red Pirates is indeed righteous. I didn't expect you, third brother, to have such channels. It seems that our Heaven's Punishment War Gang is destined to rise in this troubled world!"

Chaos Lord Ankarak was in a good mood, with a smile on his face like a spring breeze, and he felt as if his three brothers were the chosen ones.

"The top priority now is to get things done, but we must not let this batch of goods escape." The second master reminded him in a timely manner with a calm mind.

"That's right. Let's set a trap on the way forward, and then cooperate with the Huron Lord's red pirates to attack their back path. This way, we will attack from the front and back, and these false emperor's lackeys will be unable to escape!"

Ankarak slapped his big hand heavily on the military sand table in front of him, seeming to directly sentence the target to death.

No Space Marine is a tactical fool, and those who can become Chaos Lords are even more powerful in battles.

After making strategic plans, the Heavenly Punishment War Gang spent all their wealth to launch a blocking operation against the Indomitable Expedition supply fleet.

At this moment, a large-scale space battle is fiercely going on in the Morov sector.

The ships of the loyalists and traitors continued to pour fire on each other, and the flames of torpedoes and lasers streaked across like raindrops, igniting the originally dark and deep space.

Since they have subconsciously regarded these imperial ships as their own assets, and in order to prevent themselves from suffering excessive losses, the members of the Heavenly Punishment War Gang did not dare to attack too harshly, but adopted the strategy of delaying the entanglement, waiting for the red pirates to come over. The overwhelming fighting power ended.

In addition, they continued to send messages on the public channel, trying to create an atmosphere of embarrassment on all sides and trying to damage the morale of the supply fleet.

"You have no chance, Tauren, why don't you quickly get rid of the false emperors and serve the true gods. Their gifts are enough to turn you into true bull-headed men!"

However, the supply fleet had sufficient supplies and full of hatred. As if it was free of charge, the cannonballs were thrown at the Chaos army in front of them like crazy, which made the Heavenly Punishment war gang a little overwhelmed for a while.

"Don't waste your breath here, Chaos traitor. We Tauren are a group of monsters, but we are monsters belonging to the Emperor. Nothing can stop us from fulfilling our duties! If you dare to do this, you must be prepared to be crushed to death. Prepare!"

Moloch didn't know what the so-called "red pirate reinforcements" in the opponent's mouth were, but he had no more experience in how to deal with the enemies blocking the road in front of him - just deal with them and be done.

Brave Niu Niu, not afraid of difficulties.

The chapter leader commanded the "Daedalus Bearer" to charge forward, like a mad beast, rampaging through the enemy formation, unstoppable.

What a powerful battleship that was.

Its superior combat performance not only made the scalps of the Heavenly Punishment Battle Gang go numb, but also made them drool at the sight of it.

It can only be said that these tauren are indeed the personal thugs of the high lord, and the equipment on their hands is indeed luxurious.

If possible, Ankarak really wants to win over the "Daedalus Holder", but he doesn't know if the Red Pirate King will agree.

Your stuff is nice, but it's mine right away.

When he thought of this, the smile on the Chaos Lord's face became thicker.

The subsequent development of the situation also strengthened his confidence.

Just when the fierce battle between the two sides was in full swing, dozens of subspace cracks were suddenly opened.

Blackstone Fortress crossed the curtain between reality and illusion and descended into this chaotic space battlefield.

It appeared on the side of the supply fleet, and was accompanied by about fifty "Red Pirate" warships. Once it launched an attack, it would be a devastating disaster for the empire.

"Lord Huron!"

The appearance of the Blackstone Fortress boosted the spirits of the three brothers.

"Thank you for your hard work. Just leave the rest to us."

The image of Black Heart Huron appeared in front of them. The Red Pirate King was calm and domineering. Several Chaos Demons were serving tea and water beside him. They were as humble as minions, which further demonstrated his authority. .

He is worthy of being a man who has the opportunity to compete with the Warmaster, as a man should be.

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

The task he was responsible for has been completed. The Chaos Lord knowingly ordered all his ships to break away from the battle and stay behind to rest. By the way, he could also watch the performance of the "Red Pirate" boss.

The strength of the "Red Pirates" is overwhelming, there is no doubt about it.

Especially the black stone fortress, wandering in the vast universe, like a suspended continent.

The three Tianpu brothers witnessed the fortress' attack on the supply fleet with their own eyes. With just one round of shooting, they easily broke through the void shields of four ships. The powerful firepower was simply breathtaking.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of soldiers jumped towards the target warship and began to seize the command of the warship. The whole process was not sloppy at all.

Such a heroic and swift fighting method can only be accomplished by those Chaos Lords with big families and great businesses.

They also saw that the Tauren had a premonition that something was going to happen, and quickly controlled their flagship "Daedalus Holder" to helplessly launch a desperate attack on the Blackstone Fortress.

This is probably the only opportunity that the puppet emperor's lackeys can think of to break the situation. His behavior is like a trapped beast fighting, which makes people feel both sad and ridiculous.

Facing the overwhelming combat power of Blackstone Fortress, the Tauren's move was like a moth flying into the flame.

At the moment when it was about to collide, the "Daedalus Holder" suffered another round of attacks from the Blackstone Fortress, and the ship's power system was paralyzed, just like a warrior who was knocked unconscious by a stone on the way to charge - it Destined to be driven by the power of destruction.

Because the fatal blow was forcibly interrupted, the tauren had lost their threat.

What awaits the puppet emperor's lackeys next is ruthless massacre from the red pirates.

The plan succeeded. It was only a matter of time before the supply fleet was destroyed, and the Primarch's Indomitus Crusade would be greatly affected.

As the initiator of everything, their Heavenly Punishment war gang's strength and reputation will at least be improved by this victory.

There is simply nothing better than this, and the ambitions of the three brothers are extremely expanding because of this.

On the other side, under the guidance of the Astra Militarum officers, Astruon Moloch and his personal guards arrived deep in the Blackstone Fortress.

Along the way, they saw no traces of corruption, nor did they feel any hostility or threat. Only loyal soldiers actively prepared for war in the name of the Emperor.

In advance, Wei Mu asked the clown to sneak into the Tauren flagship with the Emperor's Pen, and forcibly gained the other party's trust. The artillery attacks, gang wars, and red pirate icons outside were all just for show. That’s all.

"So what's going on?"

When he arrived at Wei Mu's office and stared at the group of colleagues in front of him who didn't know what they were up to, the expression on Moloch's face was particularly gloomy.

This feeling of being clearly arranged by your teammates is by no means wonderful.

"Actually, nothing happened. I just learned that you encountered a little Chaos trouble, so I came here to help. We are all doing things for the emperor. Chapter Master, you don't need to thank me too much for this."

Wei Mu said with a smile, as if the other party owed him a huge favor.

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