I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 262 A complete defeat

"Stop teasing me here, Maelstrom Jiedushi. Our mission is to safely transport this batch of supplies to the regent. We should try our best to avoid being involved in the conflict - no matter what your next plan is. Whatever it is, you must stop it immediately." Moloch reminded in a low tone.

If Wei Mu's intention was just to kill the group of Chaos traitors on the opposite side, he should have taken action long ago instead of continuing to act here for the opposite side to see. The matter was obviously not over yet.

"The Regent has worked so hard to build the Indomitable Expedition Fleet, isn't it just to deal with these Chaos traitors? Now a great opportunity is in front of us, it just requires a little cooperation from you. What's more, the scope of activities of the Heaven's Punishment War Gang is nearby. Your supply fleet will be discovered by them sooner or later. Even if we don't interfere, we will have to fight by then. It's better to keep the situation under control as we are now." Wei Mu replied with a smile.

Together with the Shark Chapter Master Tiberos Crimson Path, they are known as the Empire's two monster Space Marines. The ancient Terminator power armor is worn on the body, making the Tauren Chapter Master Asterion Moloch's body reach It was an astonishing four meters tall, like a thick city wall, and looked extremely oppressive. The specific manifestation of this was that Wei Mu had to keep his head raised when talking to the other party.

"In this case, you should directly help us and protect the supply fleet. Even if they find out, they don't have the courage to take action, instead of going through all the trouble to come up with these tricks and rudely forcing us to cooperate! Moloch demanded sternly.

Even if the two sides are just acting out, the chapter leader can still feel the powerful combat power of Blackstone Fortress. If the two troops join together, no enemy around will dare to provoke them.

"Or, we can work together and follow the clues to find a large rebel stronghold nearby, and then attack it hard!"

Wei Mu told his side of the plan, ambitious and his eyes shining.

Then he added: "The other plan was discussed by the judges." He tried to divert the hatred on his body.

"You boy!"

Quinn didn't expect Wei Mu to be so cruel, so he glared at him fiercely.

"Under normal circumstances, I would naturally not reject this idea of ​​violently attacking the rebels, but now that I am responsible, taking rash actions may ruin the regent's affairs." Moloch still refused, his voice like a cold machine. .

It was because Guilliman trusted the Tauren that he entrusted them with such an important task. He certainly could not take this risk, let alone let the original body down.

"This is in line with Guilliman's behavior." Fulgrim put on his helmet in advance and interjected, "Aside from a little impulsiveness in personal emotions, he always seeks stability in terms of strategic layout - —Especially his backup plan."

"and who are you?"

The Tauren Chapter Leader looked at the warrior as tall as himself in front of him, his tone full of doubts and vigilance.

The opponent's movements seemed elegant and easy-going, but there was no flaw in it. There was a dangerous and fatal feeling hidden under the gorgeous appearance, just like a sharp blade in a scabbard.

Apart from Guilliman, this was the first time he encountered such a being that "once he takes action, there is no chance of winning." The sixth sense he had honed over many years of life-and-death fighting told him this, even the space death The spiritual overlord Marklan Kutrach never gave him such a strong threat.

"It's just a person whose identity has not yet been defined. Please don't pay attention to it." Fulgan greeted Moloch elegantly.

It seemed that the reason why these guys in front of them were able to be entrusted with important tasks by Guilliman and even defeat the Red Pirates was because they were Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"Don't worry, we won't disrupt your mission, Chapter Commander. A fleet belonging to us will come later. There are a total of eighty-six battleships, all of which are full of personnel and supplies. You can bring them with you when the time comes. As that fleet delivers to the Prince Regent, we will take your force to kick their hometown. Although such a replacement will cause some problems, we will take responsibility for it. The situation is special, and I believe the original body can understand it. "Judge Quinn explained.

In this way, Wei Mu and the others will not only be able to continue the plan, but the responsibilities on the tauren will also be reduced a lot.

Rather than using the situation to force Moloch to cooperate, everyone would rather take a step back. If the opponent gets angry, it is not impossible that the plan will be completely ruined.

After listening to the Inquisitor's explanation, the Chapter Leader lowered his head and pondered.

He would not believe this nonsense of "you lead my soldiers, and I will lead yours."

It's just that Moloch would never have thought that what was originally a good escort job would be inexplicably transformed into this. He, a dignified tauren, might really be forced to leave by the situation.

At this moment, in the space outside Blackstone Fortress, due to the "defeat" of the flagship "Daedalus Holder", the supply fleet was leaderless and fell into a huge "rout" for a while.

Seventy percent of the ships have already fallen under the siege of the red pirates, and the rest are struggling to their death, fighting and retreating, like grasshoppers after autumn, unable to jump around for long.

Yet hope remains, the Emperor's light will not be extinguished.

A large Imperial fleet suddenly jumped out of subspace and joined the battlefield.

Due to time constraints, Wei Mu only had time to replace the more than 40 warships under his command with the red pirate logo. The remaining 80 or so ships were used as "imperial reinforcements", specifically used to inflict punishment on the opposite Heaven's Punishment war gang. pressure.

The Chaos side completely failed to anticipate the emergence of this force.

In their opinion, Guilliman should not be able to contact the supply fleet so quickly.

But no matter what, things have happened, and how to deal with the sudden change in the situation is the top priority right now.

"It's the puppet emperor's reinforcements, Lord Huron, what should we do?"

The voices of the three Tianpu brothers came over, seeking the Red Pirate King's opinion.

"We have achieved enough benefits. The supply fleet of the Indomitable Expedition has suffered heavy losses. It is not worthwhile to continue to fight against them. We have to withdraw. You are familiar with this territory. Please lead the way quickly. It is best to go to an industrial world. This batch of goods we acquired can be repaired, and we can also go there and split the accounts." Black Heart Huron suggested decisively.

The "Red Pirates" gave up their pursuit of the supply fleet and began to retreat quickly to the rear.

"Okay, Lord Huron, please tell us to follow you closely and go this way!"

The three Tianpu brothers had no doubts about such a reasonable proposal.

Their ships immediately opened the Geller position and subspace engines, leading the way for everyone in front.

The "Red Pirates" followed closely behind, with more than 70 ships that were originally part of the supply fleet, like a group of robbers with their pockets full of stolen goods.

Soon, the Chaos ships in the Morov sector were completely evacuated, as if they had never existed at all.

The belated Imperial reinforcements were unable to catch up with the Chaos traitors and could only watch as they fled.

After a complete defeat, they seemed to have no other better choice besides picking up the pieces and making other plans.

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