I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 267 Everything is in chaos

Just as the Imperial Army was launching a massive attack on Sun Star, two Chaos warbands were fighting at the port.

When Yoris was snatching the battleship, he discovered the gene seeds being transferred, as well as a large number of Sun Star elites waiting here, ready to evacuate at any time.

Kirk's intention to escape secretly was foiled on the spot.

This is a major mistake made by the Sun War Gang. They don't have much time to waste, and the puppet emperor's lackeys are gradually taking control of the situation.

Not to mention that once the news leaks out, the morale and front of the Chaos side will immediately collapse.

However, their relationship with the Heaven's Punishment War Gang has become dire, and the only way to escape is now.

The renegade Space Marines could only point their guns at each other, spitting out merciless bolts of fire.

"Look around you, you shameless villain. It is the good deeds you have done that have turned the once good Lieyang Star into what it is now. Don't you still think it's not hard enough for me? Give it to me quickly. Get out of the way!" Kirk waved the battle ax in his hand and slashed hard at Yoris in front of him.

The servo motor on the power ax buzzed, and the saw teeth on it kept biting the enemy's weapon.

Their numbers were large and they had the upper hand in the battle, but the opponent's resistance was very stubborn.

"What a fart! You were obviously the one who wanted to escape with your things treacherously, but you wanted us to take the blame. Now that we have caught you, you are still here to beat him up!" Yoris resisted Kirk's offensive. , scolded loudly.

Originally, the three Tianpu brothers were still confused about the whole incident, but they did not expect to stumble upon such a "shattering conspiracy."

Kirk probably did some unseen things behind his back, which led to the poor management of Sun Star and was unable to report to the war commander, so he did this to destroy the accounts. While getting rid of the punishment, he You can also loot the remaining wealth.

What a terrible scheming and vicious calculation.

"You, a rip-off guy, deserved to die and died without mercy. What qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson here?"

Kirk swung the power ax again and struck Joris in the waist with a horizontal slash.

"Since you are so upright, do you dare to tell others what is going on here?"

Yoris was calm and calm, quickly took a few steps back, and dodged one after another.

He had to wait until reinforcements from the eldest brother and the second brother arrived. When the three brothers worked together, little Kirk was no match for them.

When the time comes, by escaping this warship full of gene seeds, and then returning to their own territory to blast a wave of soldiers, they will be able to make up for the previous losses, and even go one step further.

"Last warning, stay away from things that don't belong to you!"

Kirk began to get a little anxious, and his offensive became more and more reckless. The speed of swinging the power ax in his hand was dizzying, and only a few afterimages could be vaguely seen.

"Don't even think about it!"

The Yoris in front of him was like an invincible strongman, able to withstand the constant pursuit.

No, something will happen if we continue like this. We can no longer be greedy for the remaining things. We must cut it off as soon as possible.

So Kirk took heart, swung the power ax fiercely to force Yoris in front of him back, and then took the opportunity to activate the teleportation beacon on his body.

A burst of blue light immediately emerged, wrapping Kirk's body.

Upon seeing this, Yoris felt that something was wrong and rushed forward to try to stop him, but in vain.

The next moment, Kirk was teleported inside the battleship.

Kirk was not the only one to leave the battlefield. The other Space Marines of the Sun Warband were evacuating in the same way, apparently intending to abandon the remaining supplies and personnel and run away directly.

The mortal cultists were still kept in the dark and were still blocking the Heavenly Punishment war gang. Yoris could only ignore these threats and led his brothers to kill the ship desperately.

Kirk naturally did not want these uninvited guests to force their way onto his ship.

After the brothers had all retreated, he quickly issued an order to activate the ship's weapons system and launch an attack on the port itself.

This way of resolving trouble can be much quicker than starting the engine and leaving port.

As a result, the torpedoes and lasers of the Chaos warships immediately hit the port unloading area, shrouding the mortal cultists and space warriors of the Heaven's Punishment Warband in a flame.

"It's nothing!"

Looking at the large explosion below, Kirk spat on the ground with disdain.

These guys from the Heavenly Punishment War Gang seemed to have a destiny conflict with him.

Fortunately, this stumbling block has finally been overcome.

What they have to do next is to cooperate with other ships to fight their way out of the blockade blocked by the puppet emperor's lackeys.

However, just as they started the engine and planned to leave the burning port, a Chaos main battleship suddenly rushed in front of them and forced them to block the port with its more than ten kilometers long body.

It was the flagship of the Molten Warband. Its lord was named Lawrence, and he had two hundred Chaos Space Marines under his command.

"Lawrence, what are you doing! Do you want to start a war with me?"

Kirk immediately contacted the owner of the battleship and cursed loudly.

"Kirk, you are so unkind. You actually dare to plot against us and sneak away on your own!" Lawrence retorted sharply without showing any weakness. "We are all smart people. I won't say much else. This batch of gene seeds is going to Give me half."

The news eventually leaked out, and Kirk looked extremely ugly.

"I want a thousand gene seeds with my mouth. I'm afraid you are thinking of eating shit!"

"So what, anyway, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Whoever suffers greater losses should be more anxious." Lawrence said with a smile on his face.

"My men can also mobilize more than forty main battleships, and I can destroy you in an instant. Don't stay here and do whatever you want!" Kirk threatened sternly.

"But this is the only one that contains the gene seeds, isn't it?" Lawrence said calmly, "And if you have the ability, you will ignore the attacks of the puppet emperor's lackeys and directly transfer those warships to attack me. Treat me as a Are you scared?"

Lawrence was determined that he couldn't afford to waste time, so he dared to take advantage of the situation like this.

Especially when he thought about how these guys had nodded and bowed to him in the past, and now they dared to be so disrespectful, Kirk felt particularly angry in his heart.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't find any effective solution, and was made numb by the other party's blackmail.

There is no doubt that Lawrence has a good idea, and he grasps the environment and timing very accurately, but the problem is that they are not the only ones with this idea, the Lava Gang.

Before both sides could say a few words, several more Chaos warships appeared nearby, tightly blocking the periphery of the port.

"Lord Kirk, we are here to help you!"

The voice of Belluno, the Chaos Lord of the Screaming Warband, followed, as if he was a loyal minister who came to rescue him.

"If you really come to help, join me in killing the Lava War Gang!" Kirk responded without changing his expression.

He would not just trust the other party. The appearance of the Screaming Warband was most likely bad news.

"Don't worry, with our thousands of years of friendship, we can't watch you being tricked!" Belluno said with a smile.

The two sides moved in tandem, forming a pincer attack on the Lava War Gang.

"Shameless people, you just want to take my place, but you actually speak so high-sounding!" Lawrence yelled at the other party.

"Don't compare us with treacherous villains like you. We saved the Sun Warband from the fire at the critical moment. I believe that Lord Kirk will not hesitate to repay us." Belluno's voice was righteous.

To put it bluntly, they were actually planning on those genetic seeds.

The various Chaos factions are mostly just plastic bromances that cannot stand any weighty test.

"Stop it, Belluno, if you dare to block my way of making money, even if you try to let Kirk go, I won't let you succeed. Gods of darkness are above me. I can definitely do this kind of thing."

Lawrence knew that he had to be ruthless at this time, otherwise as an early bird, he would be united by all parties and squeezed out in advance.

Everyone wishes there was one less person to share the cake.

"If you are like this, then please ask Lord Kirk to donate generously and give us five hundred gene seeds to the Screaming Warband. As soon as we get something, we will turn around and leave immediately."

Thinking that Lawrence, who was driven into panic, would most likely do this, Belluno had no choice but to continue acting and could only reveal his true intention.

"Obviously they are all blackmailers. If we had joined forces to blackmail him earlier, nothing would have happened. If you have to engage in this delusion to monopolize what you have, do you have the strength? What a waste of time." Lawrence spat disdainfully.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's serious business to get the things quickly!" Belluno, who knew he was in the wrong, didn't pay attention to the other party's rudeness, and turned to remind him.

Now the blackmailers are united in an attempt to make Kirk bleed.

And during this delay, reinforcements from the Heavenly Punishment War Gang had arrived.

Ankarak and others got an airship from nowhere and wanted to forcefully jump to join Kirk's battleship.

Yoris, who was supposed to be killed in the gunfire, and a few brothers rushed to the outer shell of the ship at the last moment, and are now trying every means to invade the interior.

These three brothers are simply haunting, and the situation is becoming increasingly chaotic because of this.

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