At this moment, because of those two thousand gene seeds, Kirk became the target of public criticism, and everyone wanted to take a bite.

The Lord of the Fierce Sun Star couldn't bear it anymore, and his temper suddenly rose. He directly started the power engine of the battleship and crashed into the lava war gang blocking the door.

"None of you can stand in my way, anyone who blocks will die!" he roared, his tone filled with unimaginable anger.

Compromise is impossible. Once this hole is opened, other forces that do not get a share of the pie will definitely be reluctant to give up. By then, no matter how rich the Sun War Gang is, they will not be able to feed these greedy guys.

The collision of the two behemoths made a thunderous sound, and the interior of the ship was torn into pieces as if a high-intensity earthquake had occurred.

Under the continuous output of the power engine, the Chaos warship blocking the door was forced open.

"No, you can't just run away!"

With such a charming temptation in front of him, Lawrence didn't want to leave empty-handed, especially when the three brothers of the Heaven's Punishment War Gang had already led their team into it.

He quickly ordered the warships to move closely against the opponent, and sent a large number of his own Space Marines to engage in gang-hopping operations against the target, thinking about taking advantage of the chaos to rob as much as possible.

The same goes for the Wailing Warband next to them. Their warships completely ignored the safe distance and traveled with the two, because there were more small warbands coming, trying to get a share of the pie, and Belluno could not make room for them.

In this way, the three battleships were tightly entangled together, like children playing together.

This strange scene immediately attracted the attention of many people.

In terms of finding opportunities, Chaos' sense of smell is definitely much more sensitive than that of vultures.

By the time they left the atmosphere and rushed into space, the group had assembled more than thirty warships, and the number was still growing.

They attacked each other and joined each other's gangs, as fiercely as if they were dealing with the enemy who killed their father - they stared blankly at the Imperial side next to them.

"So they started fighting like this, ignoring us, the formidable enemy in front of us?" The unimaginable development made Judge Quinn feel a little raw in his head.

"What is this? I heard that within the Eye of Terror, Chaos Space Marines would stab each other just because of a glass of pure water." Wei Mu waved his hand, "In addition, in terms of deceiving their own people, what some imperial forces have done It’s not much better than them.”

"That's what you dare to say." Quinn curled his lips first and then said, "After all, their numbers are there. If they force a breakout, we won't be able to stop them."

Although Blackstone Fortress has strong firepower and is good at defending targets or attacking strongholds, its movement speed is a flaw and it is not good at chasing enemies.

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult to catch them all in one go, but the tauren have already rushed over. Let's see how much they can capture." Wei Mu shrugged.

The empire adjusted its formation and deployed more than sixty warships to block their escape direction.

The leading ship is the "Daedalus Bearer", the flagship of the Tauren Chapter.

Moloch, who had suppressed his anger, rushed towards the core of the enemy with murderous intent.

Loyalist artillery bombarded the Chaos ships, and the Traitors were sent to Hell in droves in the Emperor's wrath.

When the chapter leader led his team to jump inside the battered battleship, the traitors inside had already lost countless lives in the internal fighting.

The corpses of Chaos Space Marines could be seen lying on both sides of the passage, and the strong smell of blood filled the surroundings.

The fierce sound of fighting in the distance indicated that the conflict was still continuing, and Moloch killed them with a spear.

By the time he led the team to the ship's gene seed vault, the Chaos Space Marines' chicken-eating war had already come to an end.

It was actually the three Tianpu brothers who stood at the end.

The heads of Kirk, Lawrence and Belluno have been chopped off. It is not known who chopped off whom, and who is behind them.

In short, the command of the entire battleship now belongs to the three brothers.

The goods are indeed in the gene seed bank, because the dispute just now has been reduced by about 20%, and the quantity is still very considerable.

As long as they can break out of this space battlefield, they will soon be able to make a comeback.

However, the appearance of the tauren completely killed their hope of escaping.

"This, how is this possible?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the Chapter Leader, the three scarred brothers were stunned for a moment.

Not only did he not expect this scene to happen, but he was also deeply shocked by the oppression emanating from the other party.

Wearing an ancient Terminator armor comparable to a sacred object, he has a burly body of over four meters.

The battle-hardened warriors were crushed to death as easily as chickens. The high lord's personal thugs were by no means in vain.

"Were you the ones who said before that you would bring destruction to the tauren?"

Moloch glanced at the people in the passage and saw only a group of defeated soldiers who had no armrest for him.

"You are just taking advantage of others' danger, Tauren. If we are in good condition, you may not be able to defeat us." Ankarak said angrily.

But they are a tauren warband.

When teammates are fighting with the enemy, they can secretly watch the battle from the side. It is not until their teammates weaken the enemy's strength to an appropriate level, or the enemy reveals an unfavorable flaw, that they rush out to attack them, and ultimately gain both fame and fortune.

Do you treat your own people like this, let alone your enemies?

To them, taking advantage of others' danger is as simple as drinking water and eating.

"Ask your enemies to fight you fairly in the next life, you stupid traitor."

Moloch picked up his spear and rushed towards the leader of the Heavenly Punishment warband with lightning speed.

Ankarak quickly raised his sword and tried to resist, but his body, overwhelmed by fatigue and pain, was unable to act according to his orders.

The spear tip cut through the air, bursting out with a deadly cold light.

The twisted and corrupt power armor of the Chaos Lord was easily penetrated, and a heart was directly exploded, and blood full of fishy smell spurted out from it.


The confrontation happened so fast that the people around him didn't even have time to support him.

Yoris rushed forward dragging his seriously injured body, desperately trying to save his brother.

Moloch raised his shield to block it easily, and then bounced it away.

The two sides are not at the same level in terms of strength.

"Go to hell, Minotaur!"

The second boss picked up the power hammer and hit Moloch hard.

Space Marines have two hearts and three lungs. Although losing one heart will be severely damaged, they will not die.

If they want to save their eldest brother, the second master must stand in front of Ankarak and continuously attack the enemy, without giving Moloch a chance to make a last hit.

"It's just a dying struggle."

The Chapter Leader dodged sideways and avoided the attack of the Second Master. Although his body was so huge, he possessed unimaginable flexibility.

Then, he quickly moved forward, using his body as a weapon, and crashed directly into the enemy in front of him.

The powerful impact made the second head of the house take a step back, his whole body was numb, as if he was falling apart.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Moloch swung his spear again.

This time, he not only pierced the enemy in front of him, but also completed the finishing blow to the Chaos Lord behind him - the number one and two figures of the Heaven's Punishment War Gang were connected together by the same spear.

"Big brother and second brother!"

A shrill wail came from the mouth of the third child. The deaths of the two brothers dealt a huge blow to Yoris.

But Moloch didn't care about that. He pushed the two Chaos Lords, like locomotives, and rushed towards Yoris. The latter was unable to avoid it because he was seriously injured.

As for launching a counterattack, Yoris and Moloch were separated by his two brothers. If he wanted to attack the Chapter Leader, he had to tear this barrier apart.

He was unwilling to do this, and he was unwilling to desecrate this precious brotherhood.

And even if he makes up his mind to do this, there is a high probability that he will not be able to hurt the other party.

Facing a master, a moment's hesitation is death.

The past scenes of the three brothers appeared before our eyes like a revolving lantern.

From never knowing each other, to becoming sworn friends, from playing the Brass Arena together, to visiting the Palace of Joy together.

Those days were so beautiful. The three brothers were full of passion and scolded Fang Qiu.

It's a pity that success or failure will turn around in vain.

Until the end, the black spear in Moloch's hand was like a skewer on a skewer, pinning the bodies of the three brothers to the wall. Blood full of filth flowed down, dyeing the deck scarlet red.

"It's so boring."

Moloch stared at the three dead brothers as if he were looking at a herd of animals - this is the image in his eyes of all those who surrendered to Chaos.

He didn't believe that there could be any friendship between these monsters. It was actually his bad taste to force the third brother to attack the brothers, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't even have the heart to resist, and finally chose a cowardly death.

"Sir, the surrounding enemies have been eliminated."

The adjutant came to Moloch's side and reminded him respectfully.

"Very good, let's leave some brothers to search here. There are still many traitors outside waiting for us to punish them."

Astrion Moloch shook the bodies of the three brothers away from the Black Spear like they were rubbish, and then used the teleportation beacon to leave the Chaos ship.

The Chapter Master is ready for his next gang-hopping, and will not rest until every Chaos traitor in the area has been slain.

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