I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 269 Gene Seed

Under the continuous attacks from the imperial army, the war on the Sun Star gradually came to an end.

This is actually a good place. Not only is it a hidden location, but it is also surrounded by rich minerals. It just takes some time to clear away the corruption.

However, with the empire's ability to control the dark side, after the army leaves, there is a high probability that the place will be captured by the Chaos side again and become a bandit den again.

They did not have the time or energy to play back-and-forth with the rebels in a place like this, so after some discussions with everyone, Wei Mu finally executed the extermination order on Lieyang Star.

A cyclone torpedo hit the planet hard, and the world-destroying fire emitted by the violent explosion swept across the entire surface like an overwhelming sea, dyeing it a high-energy crimson red.

The evil foundries, the filthy corruption of Chaos, and the deformed and twisted beings were all burned to the ground in flames.

"Purify this and offer it to the Emperor!"

For loyalist soldiers, watching destruction befall traitors is definitely a rare treat.

They sang hymns, their mouths were full of praises, and their joy was beyond words.

After all non-friendly units scanned by the auspicious omen were wiped out, the Imperial army activated the subspace engine and Geller's stance, left the Sun Star in a mighty manner, and continued their journey to find the Indomitable Expedition Fleet.

In addition to annihilating many traitors in this battle, the 1,800 gene seeds captured were undoubtedly the greatest result.

Since it was something stolen from the Chaos traitors, it was risky, so the tauren did not dare to take it over. Otherwise, Wei Mu would have to fight with them if he wanted to take it.

The Gene Seed Vault of Blackstone Fortress was requested by the Vance Priest to be set up next to the church of the Sisters of Battle. This group of bomb chicks who are fanatical about the Emperor's faith can not only provide it with strong protection, but also chant the prayers and holy scriptures every day. Song can also give gene seeds a Loyalty BUFF.

Wei Mu felt that this kind of subtle influence should have some effect. After all, the Warhammer universe has a very strong metaphysical component.

Of course, he can't play all metaphysics.

Wei Mu also invited professionals to identify this batch of genetic seeds, and those with problems must be eliminated.

"This batch of gene seeds has not been contaminated, and the degree of mutation is within the controllable range, but I am not sure that the inquisitor will allow you to use them." After some inspection, the great sage Belisarius Cau Er gave his own conclusion.

"Even so, they still have high value." Wei Mu picked up one of the jars and carefully looked at the biological tissue inside.

I remember that Perturabo, the Primarch of the Iron Warriors, relied on sacrificing hundreds of gene seeds to be promoted to the Demon Prince of Infinite Chaos. Even for many beings in the subspace, these are excellent things.

"The empire never lacks valuable items, but the current human will cannot control them, so it has to restrict and block them." Speaking of this, Belisarius Caul let out a long sigh.

Although he is a veritable genius who can rationally use powerful and dangerous forces, it is a pity that most of his compatriots lack sufficient wisdom. The consequences of wantonly promoting forbidden technologies are tantamount to putting the nuclear bomb button in the hands of a group of children. Not only does it fail to enhance the national power of the empire, but it is more likely to breed ambition and fanaticism, just like the technological geeks in the Dark Ages, which ultimately leads to chaos in the galaxy. .

"But we can eliminate hidden dangers and hand over the good things to others for use." Wei Mu replied while carefully feeling the gene seeds in his hands.

There is no doubt that this gene seed was taken from the body of a loyal warrior, and it contained that warrior's lifelong combat experience.

Wei Mu closed his eyes, and through his special connection with the subspace, the battle scenes that the warriors had participated in gradually emerged in his mind.

From carrying out recruit missions, to fighting against aliens again and again, to being unfortunately killed in battle against traitors, and finally returning to the Golden Throne, he has devoted himself to his duties during his nearly three hundred years of service and is fully worthy of his responsibilities and responsibilities.

No amount of praise for such a noble person can be exaggerated.

This wish should be preserved, and one day it will become a beacon that guides successors in the dark night.

Wei Mu tried to use his ability to bless the gene seed. As the green light ring on his hand emitted bursts of light, a weak energy was injected into the gene seed.

"what have you done?"

Kaul's eyes widened curiously, and he continued to use various devices on his body to scan the targets in the container, trying to analyze the changes. However, the final result was that the genetic information recorded in the gene seeds had not been affected in any way. It's like nothing happened.

"It's a [Thinking Entity], do you remember? The emotional residue left by intelligent creatures in the subspace - thinking that the gene seed itself has the ability to record information, so I tried it to see if I could use it to carry this kind of Things, now it seems, the effect seems to be pretty good.”

Things related to subspace are usually difficult to explain scientifically, and Wei Mu can only give a rough answer.

"In other words, you used your special ability to inject part of the original host's consciousness into this gene seed?" Kaul quickly reacted.

"That's right." Wei Mu nodded, "In this way, when this gene seed is injected into the body of the new host, the consciousness of the previous host will be activated. He will become a good teacher for the new person, guiding the new person to quickly Become a qualified space warrior. Of course, due to the limited energy injected, this kind of companionship cannot be maintained forever. I only hope that the two of them can get along happily by then."

Although the gene seed itself will carry various combat skills, the promotion effect is definitely not as good as having an old senior who can force Lai Lai and talk directly to the new recruits.

Moreover, when the new recruits are shaken due to the corruption of Chaos, the seniors can suddenly appear and then forcefully persuade them.

It feels pretty good.

"If all gene seeds could be like this, the growth rate of Space Marine recruits would be much faster."

Kaul continued to study the blessed gene-seed and evaluate the entire plan.

"It's just that even if I don't do anything every day, it will take me several years to get all this batch of gene seeds."

Wei Mu shrugged helplessly.

Mass production is probably out of the question, but slowly gathering a group of elites is not a problem.

"The special connection between you and the subspace cannot be replicated, and the specific effect of this has yet to be verified." Kaul said thoughtfully, "Please also give this gene seed to me, Jiedushi, I will Go back and study it carefully. Of course, I won’t take it from you in vain, I will exchange it with you for 400 other seeds.”

"You are too foreign, great sage, all work for the emperor, nothing can be exchanged for anything." Wei Mu first smiled slightly, and then said to the person next to him, "Quick, that one over there Someone, bring the paper and pen and let the great sage write the approval note, and go directly to pick it up later, but don’t cause trouble to others."

That shameless energy made the great sage's mouth twitch.

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