I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 271 Convergence

A few weeks passed in the blink of an eye, and Vimu and others finally caught up with Guilliman's Indomitus Expedition fleet.

After a long battle, the expedition fleet was still in good condition and still retained a considerable degree of sharpness.

This is because Guilliman always leaves considerable leeway in his plans to ensure that errors in a certain link will not affect his overall strategic layout.

This batch of supplies delivered on time will allow the fleet's vigorous offensive to continue, and the enemies of the empire will not get any chance to breathe.

The merger of the two imperial forces made all the consuls very busy. They needed to deal with various formalities and handover matters. There were too many processes to go through.

Wei Mu and his party sent a landing application to the Macragge's Glory because they wanted to meet the Primarch.

His request was responded to almost immediately. It was obvious that Guilliman had given the green light beforehand, and the triumphant army was always welcomed with open arms.

This time there are four people who want to meet the Lord of the Ultramarines.

Vymud had to report to Guilliman about the Maelstrom Expedition, and the Great Sage Caul reported on the research tasks assigned by the original body.

Moloch, the leader of the Tauren Chapter, as the food transport officer this time, naturally had to show up and talk about the twists and turns that happened along the way.

As for the last one, it is Fulgrim who is a clone.

He followed the team at the back, wearing a set of purple power armor with gorgeous golden patterns on it. His handsome face was hidden by the helmet, making it impossible to see his expression.

Wei Mu felt a little worried about the upcoming meeting.

There is no need to expect extravagant things like brotherly friends and respectful family reunions.

Considering Guilliman's idealistic character, a fight between the two should not happen.

Wei Mu only hoped that the two of them could use the extraordinary wisdom of the original body to properly solve the problem. However, the result of this meeting was likely to be that both parties tortured and hurt each other, and the expressions on their faces were distorted into masks of pain.

This was not something he could get involved in, so Wei Mu let out a long sigh.

When the Thunderhawk gunship landed in the hangar of the Macragge's Glory, the internal affairs officer and attendants responsible for the reception were already waiting there.

The appearance of everyone on the "Macragge's Glory" caused quite a commotion.

The herald of Ultramar walked at the front of the team, announcing the arrival of the Great Vortex Jiedushi to others with a loud voice.

Pedestrians in the corridor moved out of the way one after another, discussing in low voices the identity of the visitor, giving people a sense of familiarity as if high-ranking officials were traveling in ancient times and passers-by avoided them, so their commute went very smoothly.

Under the guidance of the internal affairs officer, the group took the elevator to the upper deck, and the magnificent palace of the Ultramarines immediately stood before everyone's eyes.

"I wish you all the best, my lord."

The house officers and attendants bowed respectfully to everyone - only the original body's personal guards and invited personnel were allowed to enter the road behind, and his company had to end here.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Wei Mu nodded slightly, and then, surrounded by many extreme warriors, he and everyone continued to walk towards the interior of the palace.

Arriving at the entrance of the palace, Wei Mu met the Honor Guard again.

This group of Guilliman's personal bodyguards were like dramatic actors, suddenly flashing out from the left and right sides, turning into a blue ceramic steel city wall, blocking the front of the marching team, led by Cato Sicarius , the captain of the second company of the Ultramarines stood in the center of this unit, with the expression on his face still high-spirited.

"Long time no see, Personal Guard." Wei Mu waved his hand and greeted him.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, young man." Sicarius returned the greeting with appropriate etiquette.

As the top swordsman of the Ultramarines and the most trusted heir of the original body, Cato Sicarius has an arrogant temperament, which can even be said to be a bit frivolous.

Very few people get his approval.

However, with the news of the victory of the Maelstrom Expedition, even he couldn't help but think highly of the mortals in front of him.

Although this kid still doesn't look like he's doing anything right.

"I noticed that there seemed to be a lot fewer guests on the ship. Did something happen?" After a brief greeting, Wei Mu asked about his doubts.

"If you are referring to the group of [pointed-eared guests], most of them said goodbye to Macragge's Glory a few months ago. The behavior of the Eldar is always mysterious and confusing. It's unpredictable. Maybe the Primarch knows what happened, and you can ask him directly later." Sicarius replied.

"I see." Wei Mu had planned to talk to Link, but now it seemed that he could only give up temporarily, so he turned to ask, "How is the situation of the original body?"

"The enthusiasm for the cause of fighting the enemies of the Empire is still high, and the situation could not be better." Sicarius said, with infinite respect in his tone.

There was nothing wrong with this kind of inquiry, but it made Wei Mu feel like he was in an ancient palace.

The emperor would summon his ministers to discuss matters, and the eunuchs would be responsible for guiding the ministers and making announcements. The ministers would use bribes to ask the personal eunuchs about the emperor's situation, so that they could better respond when they have an audience.

If Guilliman was the emperor and he was the summoned minister, then Sicarius could only reluctantly play the role of eunuch.

When he thought of this, Wei Mu almost couldn't help laughing.

If there was such a thing as a merit book, he would probably have had a large amount of merit deducted for this.

"It seems that you are in a good mood every time you see me?" Sicarius looked at Wei Mu carefully, his eyes seemed to be flashing with sharp daggers.

Of course he could tell which ones were genuinely happy and which ones were malicious smirks.

It's just that the personal security officer couldn't figure out what this kid was thinking about and why he always liked to target him.

Sicarius was good at dealing with other Space Marine brothers. An honorable duel could solve almost any problem between them, but a similar method did not work for the Vishnu, which made him feel a little frustrated.

"No, it's nothing. Let's go see the original body quickly." Wei Mu waved his hand guiltily and quickly tried to fool him.

Although Sicarius didn't like the other party's behavior, the victory brought by the Uyghurs made Guilliman feel a lot happier. Such good news was rare for the Empire.

It is his first duty to put his Primarch first in all matters.

"I'm glad you didn't disappoint him." Sicarius nodded, and then ordered his subordinates to make way.

"I hope so." Wei Mu was a little unsure. The moment the door was pushed open, he reminded the left and right again, "If the situation goes wrong later, we will withdraw first and give them some space. Understand. ?"

Great Sage Kaul knew what he meant and nodded slightly.

Since he had simulated it with Degenerate Guilliman beforehand, he probably knew how violent the reaction of the Ultramarines would be after learning about the existence of clone Fulgrim.

Moloch was puzzled by this.

The Tauren Chapter Leader glanced warily at Fulgen, who was wearing purple armor, and could guess that the situation probably happened to this person.

Fulcan himself was silent. He had been acting like this since he boarded the "Glory of Macragge".

In this way, the group of people slowly walked into the hall with the reports they needed to submit.

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