I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 272 Encounter

Guilliman knew the general situation on Wei Mu's side.

After all, the Empire has many means of communication across galaxies.

It's just that the methods of transmitting messages are not very safe, and weird things may happen in the subspace.

Therefore, some confidential information still needs to be reported to the Primarch personally by Vymmu himself.

At this moment, Guilliman was sitting on a high throne, discussing the next march plan of the Indomitus Crusade with the surrounding soldiers.

It is hard to imagine that the fate of all mankind hangs on these hundreds of people.

They are all rare talents in the world, the elite among the elites. They have personally destroyed tens of thousands of enemies of the empire. They are absolutely solid and reliable in terms of ability and will.

It was through their unremitting efforts that more and more territory was recovered, and the morale of the Indomitus Expedition remained high.

Thanks to the company of the Maelstrom defenders, the supplies arrived very timely, and the loss situation was much better than expected.

They can use this to launch more offensives, and some even feel that it is time to seek a decisive battle with the traitor leader.

The soldiers expressed their opinions, and the atmosphere of discussion was quite lively.

As the hall door opened, visitors were allowed to enter and meet the Lord of the Ultramarines. Everyone in the hall immediately stopped talking and focused their attention on Wei Mu and others.

This is not actually a decent interview.

Because according to normal procedures, they should wait for Guilliman to take time out, instead of barging in during the tactical discussion between the original body and the generals.

But since they were able to enter the palace smoothly, they naturally had the permission of the original body - Cato Sicarius, the personal guard outside the door, would not let them do anything against Guilliman's will.

In view of the importance of the incident reported by Vimu and his achievements, Guilliman did not mind putting aside those red tapes for him, and the generals around him must also want to know the details of the Maelstrom.

However, Wei Mu failed to anticipate this. In his opinion, the meeting between Guilliman and Fulgrim should be as private as possible. There were so many people present that he suddenly felt a little nervous.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Wei Mu. I heard about what you did in the Maelstrom. You lived up to my expectations."

The meeting was forcibly interrupted due to the appearance of the visitor. Guilliman greeted Vymmu warmly, with a thick smile on his face.

In non-private situations, Guilliman always displays a cheerful side to boost morale and inspire others.

However, when people who know the situation see such behavior, not only will they not be encouraged by it, but they will feel extremely distressed.

"You are ridiculous, Lord Regent. In fact, I failed to achieve some of my goals, and I also did some things that exceeded my quota."

Wei Mu walked forward cautiously and handed the paper report in his arms to Guilliman, just like a student handing over his homework to the teacher for review and correction.

The way the report explains the content is very colloquial and easy to understand.

Although the director of the administration department repeatedly suggested that Wei Mu use more standardized language to write work reports, he refused.

"No one can make things develop 100% according to their plans. You don't have to be humble in this regard. You and your colleagues have done a good job." Guilliman took the report and said gently. .

The Primarch scanned the visitors with his eyes, the presence of Cawl and Moloch being expected.

The two also expressed their respects to the original body and submitted their work reports.

However, the purple figure that came in at the end was so sudden and surprising that it caught people off guard.

Even Guilliman, who was good at controlling emotions, his expression froze for a moment.

It was impossible for him not to recognize the other person's identity, because no one in the universe could imitate that man's temperament.

But the development of the matter was completely beyond Guilliman's imagination, and he didn't know how to react to it for a while.

The Lord of the Ultramarines just stared at each other silently. After a long time, it seemed calm on the surface. In fact, the emotions aroused burst out in his mind one after another, and the pictures related to it deep in his memory could not be suppressed. As soon as it emerges.

"grown ups?"

The subordinates did not understand what was happening, and some sent concerned greetings to the Primarch.

"I'm fine."

Guilliman just replied softly, his eyes still staring at the figure.

He was wary of possible conspiracies.

First of all, he couldn't feel any corruption in the other party. Such a pure posture was definitely not something that the sinister demon could pretend to be.

Secondly, he had full trust in Wei Mu. The young man was recognized by the emperor and would definitely not plant a dangerous bomb next to him.

The third point is that Efrenie has already vaccinated him in advance, and an unexpected brother will return to him in an unexpected way.

Everything seems to indicate that the other party's appearance is a good thing.

What's more, even if we take a step back, the opponent is now defenseless, but he has the powerful Emperor's Sword. If he really takes action, he is sure of victory.

Guilliman wondered what all this was about.

He really had too many questions that he wanted to ask the other party.

"I think you need some private space." Wei Mu tried to suggest.

It's not okay to stay frozen like this.

According to the current situation, the reporting work will definitely not proceed.

Now that the report has been submitted, Wei Mu decided to sneak away first.

Anyway, he is waiting outside the door. If those two people need anything, they can say hello to him at any time.

"What Mr. Wei Mu said is right, he and I do need some private space." Guilliman said slowly, his voice neither happy nor sad.

Only then did Moloch realize the meaning of what Vymmu had said when he entered - he had brought something to Robert Guilliman that no outsider could interfere with.

The Tauren Chapter Master took the lead in withdrawing after saluting the original body respectfully.

"But my lord."

The Ultramarines were not fools. They all saw that Guilliman's strange behavior came from the tall warrior wearing purple power armor. It was definitely not a good idea to let these two people be alone in a room.

The Primarch was too important to them to risk losing him.

"You have heard what I said!" Guilliman emphasized.

He is a powerful Primarch, a demi-god-like being, not a weakling or a piece of glass that breaks at the touch of a touch.

"Yes, my lord, if that is your request."

Disobeying orders is disloyal. The soldiers had no choice but to obey the words of their genetic father and exited the gorgeous palace one after another.

Finally, after everyone left, only the two of them were left in the hall.

They are equally tall and majestic, and they are in the same room. They can clearly see every detail of each other, but the distance between their hearts is so far, and there are still complicated grievances and conflicts wrapped around them. Rich history.

The original clone slowly took off his helmet, revealing his true face hidden underneath.

"Long time no see, brother."

Fulgan smiled and spoke, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

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