I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 273 Between Brothers

There is no doubt that the man in front of him is indeed Fulgrim.

That flowing and charming long white hair, that flawless and handsome face, those iconic violet eyes, and the soft smile outlined on his face.

All of these are telling the return of the purple phoenix.

But how is this possible? In the end what happened?

Robert Guilliman could not understand for a moment that anything unimaginable could happen in the galaxy.

Only after there was no one else around, the Lord of the Ultramarines could finally allow himself to release his inner true emotions - things that he, as the last loyal heir, could not easily reveal to others and had to keep hidden.

Previously, Guilliman couldn't relax, couldn't be weak, and couldn't be emotional. No matter how much depression and trouble he had, he could only swallow it down his throat, and no one could listen to him.

As the only loyal Primarch of the Empire, only by performing flawlessly can he better guide those confused people in this dark age.

But now, facing the brother in front of him who could talk to him on an equal footing, Guilliman no longer had to pretend to be the "Son of God". He had enough reasons to vent his long-suppressed emotions to him.

Guilliman strode to Fulgrim, moving as fast as a whistling wind.

Immediately afterwards, he raised the huge and hard commanding hand on his left side and mercilessly smashed it into the opponent's handsome face.

Fulgen, who had known that this would be the case, did not dodge or defend. The cold metal immediately collided with flesh and blood, causing a dull sound.

The powerful impact brought by the Hand of Control made him take a few steps back. Finally, he was not knocked down directly. Fulgrim's power armor buzzed due to the roar of his core.

At the place where the iron fist hit him, Fulgen's face turned red, and his tissues were severely bruised, possibly accompanied by some degree of bone cracking. Fresh blood continued to flow from his nostrils and corners of his mouth.

"It is a pleasure to see you so full of life, my dear Guilliman."

Fulgrim wiped the blood stains with his hands, trying to keep himself looking bright and beautiful.

However, even a perfect person can still look quite embarrassed when attacked.

"Do you remember what you did, bastard!" Guilliman looked coldly at the purple phoenix in front of him and asked sternly.

After carrying the banner of the Empire alone for such a long time, a brother finally returned to Guilliman's side - this was originally something he had dreamed of for many years, but it was a pity that the brother in front of him belonged to the rebellious side.

What does the appearance of the other party mean? Is it a conspiracy or true redemption? How should he view the returning traitor? How should the empire arrange positions for each other?

Countless questions emerged in Guilliman's mind, each of which was crucial but he could not find the exact answer, which made him feel quite irritated.

"Of course, I remember them all." Fulgen nodded slightly.

The original body's super healing ability allowed him to ignore the small injury on his face, but the gap between the two people could not be easily repaired.

"What about this, do you still remember it?" Guilliman pointed to his neck again. There was a ferocious scar there, which caused him to sleep in a stagnant position for ten thousand years. It still makes him feel uncomfortable today. He felt a dull pain.

"Yes, I also remember one thing. You made a major strategic mistake in that confrontation. You shouldn't be so impulsive, brother." Forgan reminded.

"You" After listening to Fulgrim's words, Guilliman felt a surge of blood in his heart, and he almost couldn't help but push the brother in front of him to the ground and give him a slap in the face.

"You still seem very proud of the destruction caused by your betrayal?" Guilliman quipped.

"That was a series of extremely bad and heartbreaking things." Fulgan shook his head, sighed, and then said passionately, "But no matter what, I have returned again, and the empire is now in big trouble. And I can share some of it for you.”

"Return?" Guilliman yelled angrily, "Damn Fulgrim, do you think you just need to switch sides and pretend that nothing happened?"

"Of course I don't think so." Fulgrim waved his hand and confessed to Guilliman, "At least the snake-tailed demon with four arms still exists, and everything that happened to me is not over yet."

After hearing what Fulgrim said, Guilliman was slightly stunned.

After a long while, it turned out that the guy in front of him was actually not complete. The snake spirit that sealed his throat with a sword had not yet been dealt with. Sure enough, things were not that simple.

"This means that the people of the Empire can have the opportunity to experience Fulgrim's rebellion again, which is great." Guilliman gently stroked his eyebrows.

"Or in other words, this means that you may lose me again, dear Guilliman." Fulgrim followed the other person's words, "Although I will never let that happen."

Hearing this, Guilliman suddenly felt a little stinging in his heart.

Purple Phoenix was a tough opponent from start to finish, and the guy always knew how to play up his emotions.

Guilliman sincerely hoped that the Fulgrim in front of him could truly turn around and the two brothers could renew their brotherhood and fight side by side to jointly defend the interests of the entire race.

But will everything go smoothly in that direction?

After experiencing so many changes, the Lord of the Ultramarines has long ceased to be naive.

"Tell me truthfully what's going on with you now." Guilliman's expression was serious.

"The situation is that the devil and I will one day slash at each other, and only one of us will survive." Fulgrim replied easily.

"Then what's your plan for coming all the way to see me?"

"The main thing is to see my poor brother who is surrounded by unlimited work, and to eliminate the long-standing estrangement between him and me."

"Why do you think I've fallen to this point?" Guilliman looked at the other party fiercely.

"Don't be angry, am I here to help you clean up the mess?" Fulgrim picked up Wei Mu's report and presented the part about him in front of Guilliman's eyes. "If you don't believe it, look, I work I actually work very hard.”

Guilliman glanced at the document. The Primarch's extraordinary ability allowed him to quickly read the contents.

Wei Mu didn't hide anything about Fulgrim's actions, from killing his enemies and beheading them, to decisively taking action against the fallen heirs, to fighting the Black-Hearted Huron for three hundred rounds.

Guilliman believed that Vymmu would not cheat in this regard. For now, Fulgrim's existence had a positive effect on the empire.

This is exactly what the empire urgently needs right now.

"Your faithful Fulgrim is always at your disposal," Fulgrim boasted.

If ordinary talents had such performance, he would definitely be promoted without saying a word. Facing the brother who had stabbed the empire and himself, Guilliman felt a little at a loss.

"You go out first, I have to take time to think about it." The Lord of the Ultramarines sighed longly.

How to arrange Fulgrim is a rather tricky thing.

"That's no problem, but I have something to solemnly remind you of."

"What is it?" Guilliman frowned, pretending to listen carefully.

"Compared with your memory, has your hairline moved up, brother?" Fulgan asked.


"There's also a beard. If you don't plan to grow it, it's best to shave it off now. The thick bags under your eyes also need to be taken care of. This will make you look more energetic." Fulgen said matter-of-factly.

"When do you think this is the time when the weight of the entire empire is on me?"

"If you take a little time to clean up your image, the galaxy won't blow up."

"Don't tell me what to do, Fulgrim."

"Perhaps you should get used to the love from your brother again sooner."

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