Judging from the current situation, the result of the meeting with Guilliman was much better than Fulgrim imagined.

Among the remaining loyalists, he is considered the easier one to deal with.

An overly rational way of thinking makes Guilliman make decisions that go against his own heart for the sake of his ideals, just like the great hero in fairy tales who endures everything silently. Although his image is very bright and majestic, he has to endure the consequences. The great pain caused.

Fulgrim felt very sorry for this remaining loyal brother.

Guilliman carried almost the entire human race on his shoulders, and was so busy that he couldn't even spare time to take care of his image.

He really wanted to share some responsibilities with the other party right away. One person working twenty-four hours a day and two people working twelve hours a day were two completely different concepts.

And currently he is the only one in the empire who can do this.

However, given the sensitive nature of Fulgrim's identity, doing so directly will definitely cause a lot of trouble and resistance.

The empire obviously cannot withstand any big changes, and many things still have to be figured out slowly.

Putting on his helmet again, Fulgrim walked out of the temple gate.

The Ultramarines who had just been kicked out of the venue were all blocked there.

They were very nervous about the two meeting alone, fearing that this purple warrior of unknown origin would be harmful to their genetic father.

Fortunately, that didn't happen, and the Ultramarines breathed a long sigh of relief.

Looking at the group of loyal space warriors in front of him, Fulgrim felt a mixture of emotions in his heart.

He had had many similar good children before, and he was confident that those children were better than the ones from the Guilliman family.

It's a pity that the devil failed them in the end.

Countless loyal men were led into the shameful conspiracy and died worthless, while almost all the remaining ones fell into darkness and turned into a group of crazy monsters.

"Go in again, he is waiting for you." Fulgan said to everyone.

The Ultramarines nodded slightly after hearing this.

They didn't pay much attention to the tall warrior in front of them.

If there was a need to know, Guilliman would tell them, and answering the Primarch's call was the first priority at this time.

This is the unqualified trust that the children have in their genetic father, and enforcing Guilliman's will is more important to them than anything else.

So soon the extreme warriors entered the hall again.

Fulgen scanned the crowd waiting outside, but could not find Wei Mu.

It's really hard to find a mortal hiding among a group of large Space Marines.

However, after most of the crowd left, the young man still did not show up, which surprised Fulgen.

"Dear Lord Personal Guard," he asked.

"Look, I, Cato Sicarius, do you have any questions to ask?"

Sicarius kept sizing up the tall purple warrior, and was still calculating the outcome of the battle between himself and the opponent in his mind.

A master's intuition told him that if there was a fight, he would have no chance of winning.

Sicarius trusted his instincts, and that unique sixth sense helped him get through many difficulties.

So he became more and more curious about the other party's true strength.

If it weren't for the escort mission, Sicarius would definitely try to invite the other party to the training ground.

"Yes, Sir Sicarius, do you know where Minister Wei Mu has gone?" Fulgen said politely.

"I, Cato Sicarius, just witnessed him being carried away by the Supreme Marshal Hyperrecht of the Black Templar." The personal guard replied truthfully, "And, I, Cato Sicarius Sicarius, I can responsibly tell you that the young man seemed to have expected such a scene to happen, so he did not show any surprise at the capture of the Supreme Marshal."

"Black Templar, the descendant of Dorne?" Fulgrim was slightly stunned at first, and then seemed to understand something.

Before he could continue asking, Wei Mu appeared at the end of the corridor and came to the door of the palace again.

"What happened?" Fulgen greeted him.

"It's just that the boss of the black orcs took him away." Wei Mu waved his hand.

"Is it because of the Black Sword?"

"That's right." Wei Mu nodded, "Their Marshal Amarych died in the battle with Skarbrand in the Blackstone Fortress during the Terra Expedition. The Black Sword was there. It was broken into countless pieces during the battle, and the expedition team was running for their lives again. There was no way to recover it, so the things were left there. Now that they know that we control the Blackstone Fortress, the other party will naturally come to ask for it."

"So you gave it back to them?" Seeing that the problem was handled so quickly, Fulgen felt that Wei Mu most likely compromised with the other party.

"Not yet." Wei Mu shook his head, "It took me a lot of effort to keep that broken black sword."

Among mortals, the worship of the Emperor as a god has long been the norm, but for the Space Marines, most of them still do not regard the Emperor as a god.

The Black Templars are a very small minority among them. Their belief in the God-Emperor is no less than that of the Battle Sisters, and they are considered the number one sect among the Space Marines.

If you want to get something from their hands, you really need some skills.

Fulgen was a little curious about how Wei Mu did this, but before he could ask, the topic was changed by the other party.

"By the way, how was the conversation between you and the Prince Regent?"

"Successful!" Fulgen gave Wei Mu a thumbs up, "Except for the initial punch, things went very smoothly."

"That punch was struck directly with the hand of control?" Wei Mu thought of the iconic big fist of the Lord of the Ultramarines.

"That's right, I was completely disfigured by him." Fulgen said pretending to be aggrieved.

"I haven't beaten you so hard that you couldn't get out of bed for three months. It's already considered a compassionate heart of the Prince Regent." Wei Mu smiled. This is undoubtedly a good trend in terms of drawing in the relationship between the two brothers, and then turned And asked, "How do you think he will arrange for us."

"Considering the capabilities of our army, if I serve as the commander-in-chief, there is a high probability that troops will be allocated to clear the Nachmund Corridor." Fulgen lowered his head and thought.

Protecting the army's supply lines is always a top priority. If they always rely on forcing themselves across the Great Rift for supplies, no matter how wealthy the Holy Land side is, they will not be able to help being so prodigal.

"Does that mean we're going to fuck Abaddon?"

"At least he must be held back so that he cannot have the energy to do evil. It is only a matter of time before Guilliman eliminates the dark side of the empire." Fulgrim explained.

"Then I guess I have to find a way to gather some troops who can waaagh!!!" Wei Mu said thoughtfully.

Greenskins are extremely resistant to Chaos Corruption, so bringing them to sweep away the Eye of Terror is undoubtedly a very good choice.

While the two were chatting, a commotion suddenly broke out in the palace.

From the report Sicarius received, it seemed that an intruder had appeared in the palace and was speeding towards their direction.

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