I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 275 Emergency

The invaders are coming, and the Honor Guards are arrayed.

As a personal bodyguard, Cato Sicarius unsheathed his sword and stared straight ahead. The champion swordsman of the Ultramarines was ready for a fierce battle with powerful enemies at any time.

Anyone who trespasses here will have to pay a heavy price, and the majesty of their genetic father cannot tolerate the slightest blasphemy.

Wei Mu and Fulgen, who were stranded at the entrance of the palace, were very curious as to who could dare to do such a dangerous thing despite the unprecedented concentration of imperial troops.

Since he was able to successfully get past the guards at the palace gate, it meant that the other party was quite capable.

As the sounds of commotion got closer and closer, the noisy figures of the Ultramarines appeared at the end of the corridor.

They tried their best to stop the intruder. A large group of people chased and intercepted the target from all directions. However, the intruder was agile and kept using tricks, and still kept shortening the distance between him and the palace gate.

Wei Mu squinted his eyes and carefully observed the situation ahead.

Because the scene was too chaotic, as a mortal, he could not effectively capture the intruder. He could only take a rough look at the situation - a slender guy dodged and moved among the group of blue superhumans, accompanied by Pink smoke and ornate streamers serve as cover.

Why does this method feel inexplicably familiar?

Wei Mu was confused.

Unlike Wei Mu, Fulgen next to him could clearly see the situation ahead. The powerful organs at the original body level gave him extraordinary perception capabilities.

After realizing what happened, Fulgan had no time to explain, and immediately strode forward to greet him.

He had to control the situation before the Honor Guard took action, otherwise the situation might become unmanageable.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to do this, even if Fulgen is unarmed at this time.

The purple phoenix rushed into the chaotic crowd, like an adult suddenly appearing among a group of children fighting.

Then, using his unimaginable agility, he directly pinned down the intruder who kept jumping around.

Only then did the Ultramarines have the opportunity to surround the target.

"Let me meet with your regent. I have an emergency to report to him!"

Because he was held down from behind, and the scene was very chaotic, the intruder did not know who had subdued him.

He only knew that for the lives of countless tribesmen, he must bring the news about him to the Primarch of mankind as soon as possible.

"Shut up, alien. Don't think that if the relationship between our two races has eased a little, you can do whatever you want with us!" The Ultramarines shouted loudly.

He couldn't even wait for a briefing. He just forced his way in. This guy was really lawless.

Only then did Wei Mu clearly see the appearance of the intruder.

The person who came was none other than a descendant of the Laughing God Xi Legao, a clown in colorful clothes.

It's just that the clothes and makeup on the other party are very novel, and they obviously come from a troupe that Wei Mu has never seen before.

Even if he doesn't hesitate to break into the palace of the original body, he must report the news immediately. Something terrible must have happened.

Wei Mu quickly leaned over, and an uneasy feeling immediately surged into his heart.

"I actually allowed an intruder to break into this place, and I relied on the strength of outsiders to stop him. I, Cato Sicarius, am deeply ashamed of this. From now on, the amount of training for each of you will have to increase. Double!"

The personal guard officer was greatly disappointed by the performance of his colleagues, and his tone of voice was full of unprecedented severity.

"No, you guys don't understand what happened at all. We don't have time to wait for notifications and go through the procedures. The key battle is starting in the network channel. The coalition forces are in urgent need of reinforcements!" The pied clown who was being held down still shouted loudly.

"Maybe, we will figure it out, but this is not the reason for you to trespass here, you must pay the price for it!" Sicarius first warned the intruder, and then turned to Fu Gen said, "Thank you for your help, brother, just leave the rest to us."

Fulgrim did not do what the other party wanted.

He had dealt with the Pied Clown during the Maelstrom Expedition, and knew that this Aeldari force was particularly well-informed.

Rather than taking action angrily because the majesty of the Gene Father is offended, it would be a wiser choice to first listen to the information brought by the other party.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the clown in clown continued to speak: "The plan to attack the Nurgle realm was successful. Goddess Aisha was brought into the webway, but the enemy is still chasing after her. The soldiers in front must receive support as soon as possible. Otherwise, all our previous efforts will be in vain!”

Originally, he didn't want to make this matter known to everyone, but now it seems that the situation has no choice.

Although the clown didn't speak much, it was like a sudden thunder that shocked everyone around him.

The content of the news he brought was so bizarre, involving gods, the Internet, and even the Chaos Demon Realm, that people did not dare to confirm whether it was true or false for a while.

"He is our prisoner, please hand him over to us." Sicarius did not pay attention to what the other party said, but asked Fulgen again.

When the situation was unclear, he chose to focus on his own duties - if everyone relied on him to have key information to report and rushed to see the original body regardless of anything, then what would happen to him as a personal bodyguard? Are you still working?

"I'm very sorry, Personal Guard. What he said is true. We must take him to meet the original body." Wei Mu said silently from the side.

Previously, because he needed to report to Guilliman, he temporarily blocked the terminal in his hand from contacting the outside world.

You can't have the embarrassing situation of "suddenly getting a phone call from someone" when you're talking to the original body.

Later, he was forced to argue with the Black Templar Grand Marshal about the Black Sword, and Wei Mu didn't bother to take a look at the news.

It was only now that he checked his mobile terminal and found that in less than ten minutes, there were a bunch of missed calls and countless reporting text messages on the terminal.

He scanned it roughly with his eyes and found that all the messages he received were related to this.

Attacking the Garden of Nurgle mobilized the attention of the Dark Gods, forcing them to give up the suppression of the Chaos Rebels.

This is something that Wei Mu and Xilego had planned long ago.

But a mere feint will not be effective, they must spend a lot of money to do so.

What's more, this attack is a good opportunity to rescue the goddess of life.

Therefore, the Eldar side gathered all the troops that could be mobilized, and the humans also sent out the imperial troops led by the Sun Lord and the Admiral of the Forbidden Army. The lineup was huge.

Unexpectedly, they actually achieved some results.

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